Why do iPhones always explode after the warranty runs out?
Why do iPhones always explode after the warranty runs out?
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iToddlers BTFO
The iphone is so advanced that can mimic the refugee behavior
Wowie, Switzerland's first taste of combat in 170 years and it's lithium-ion flavored.
Thats bullshit. lion is scary, but its not pipe bomb scary.
The biggest fear is lithium gas. That shit will cause cancer, and as we already know, apple doesnt mind carcinogenic fumes.
What do you expect when you have literal 10 year olds making the phones
>The staff responded well and correctly. It sprinkled quartz sand over the overheated battery so that the smoke could be contained and sucked out after switching on the ventilation.
At least they didn't pour water on it.
>applel stores literally have quartz sand stored in the back room because of how often itrash explodes
Chinks need to make better batteries and stop fucking around.
>lithium gas. That shit will cause cancer, and as we already know, apple doesnt mind carcinogenic fumes.
birds of a feather...
Switzerland's population is something like 20% refugees from Albania and Yugoslavia.
Chinese plan for world domination:
Blow everyone up without them knowing it
ISIS plan for world domination:
Blow everyone up with them knowing it
Wait hang on. Does this mean apple stores are equip with quartz sand.
How often does this happen?
Nope, but lots of people travel there for work
It's not called the rape capital of the world for nothing.
Yeah travel and then forget to leave. Just look at the names of their national football team players
>football players now represent the average population
Umm yeah they do. The only exception is Arab countries who pay Brazilians to come over and play in their NT
Literally. :^)
Not an argument.
Because i won't argue with such retardation.
>injuring seven
You mean it mildly irritated the eyes of one and six others want a settlement? They deserve nothing because they used Applel trash. Serves them right.
almost all European countries pay Brazilians to play in their regional teams, it's not strange that some get naturalized since they have a steady job in the country.
There are 500k Albanians and 370k Yugos in Switzerland, for a population of 8 million
You're a moron
What? Name some Brazilians playing for European national teams. I can think of that one guy in Croatia (prolly retired by now) one guy in Bulgaria, and there's probably a few in Ukraine just because Shakhtar is a Brazilian enclave by now
iToddlers will defend this.
Not often. Apple wants to come out as correct as possible over the media, so they equip their stores with this. It's a prevention for what could possibly happen, not a reaction to things that happened.
>Zurich police said the incident occurred as the repair worker was removing the battery, which overheated and burned his hand slightly. apple has not given any explanation for the incident.
Phone didn't blow up out of nowhere. Some repair guy probably did a stupid thing to make the battery explode.
iToddlers have defended this.
>you're repairing it wrong!
Apple stores literally filled with smoke and "piss balls"
its very easy to accidentally bend it or something. modern batteries arent like those that were in phones that had removable batteries.. they are soft now but you arent supposed to bend them.
Log in Ahmed.
Li-ion is god damn scary, especially in pockets,
literally fake news, some muslim blew u
himself up in the apple store and now we get damage control about how an iphone battery exploded.
pro-tip: there is not enough energy in a battery to injure 7 people, its bullshit
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Why they didn't made phone fatter and battery cheaper? WHY?
Lmao Note 7 fiasco apple version?
Puncturing the outer bag that holds the battery exposes the lithium inside to moisture and air.
This causes them to react violently (see: sodium in water)
Apple iED
iToddlers will defeat it
>muslim damage control
i wonder how much they paid apple to keep quiet about it...
I thought the magical pull tabs were there for this very reason.
>apple employee had to do the pry of shame
>the state of itoddler damage control
An iToddler has damage controlled this.
fucking kek
Like you fucking know anything
Apple and intel should join forces to make hardware. It'll be an overpriced grenade that can barely play candy crush and gets hacked constantly.
once again, its not pipe bomb scary.
It combusts, not explodes. It should have only damaged one person. A little bit of cinders falling on someone isnt "BREAKING NEWS: 7 PEOPLE INJURED" worthy.
Why the fuck were they doing in there that would have that many people in that close of proximity for this to have caused harm to that many people?
>Why the fuck were they doing in there that would have that many people in that close of proximity for this to have caused harm to that many people?
Taking a selfie with the """"""genius"""""""" obviously.
>cause cancer
what, from a single inhalation?
>cherry picking from the article.
kek, if apple actually used lipo batteries, that wouldn't happen.
This is your company on coffee-sipping numales once the true visionary died and all the decent engineers left.
Apple copying Samsung again eh?
>decent engineers
Watch how iNiggers will literally defend this.
Watch how stallmen tell you to 3D print your own battery.
>It combusts, not explodes
Depends on how they fail. Thermal runaway due to overheating results in combustion and venting. Catastrophic failures due to hard shorts can indeed make them go boom. See all the idiots carrying around lion vape batteries in their pockets with their keys.
Big news page for Apple products just shut up.
>the absolute state
finally something exciting happens in Switzerland
>tfw all of the apple shills are just quietly cowering in fear right now
Apple must be bleeding billions in bribes to giant news outlets right now
Poke a hole in it, find out what happens.
That's what you get if you don't use an official Apple charger
They were probably using a chinese knockoff they bought on eBay
Look, I'm sure it was just some Swedish meatball
trying to film a bend test in the store
Those people are too poor to even buy one
for their damn youtube attention whoring
Sup Forums's daily struggle
>iPhone battery is weak, runs out in 3 hrs
>iPhone battery exploded, destroys city block
>t. iToddler
oh well, its not like this ever commonly happened to android phones or anything right guys?
Why doesn't Apple just make iPhones that don't explode?
>Some Swiss gets fucking hit by an exploding phone and fucking dies
How will iToddlers ever recover?
Sweden is not Switzerland you shitsniffing retard
apple bring jihad and cultural enrichment
There won't egregious amounts of news coverage and apple fuckboys are probably already blaming something else.
Of course. Actually reading how the battery could have been provoked to explode is cherrypicking. No, we must assume and thus take as a fact that some random iPhone exploded in the store because Apple's batteries are shit and known to explode.
Apple is a religion of peace.
exploding batteries are fake news