Why are appliances getting worse?
Why are appliances getting worse?
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our relation ship with china, piss them up they start fucking your shit up, blame the 1970s and 80s that was when we started letting china do the worlds work.
Simple as that.
Can't continue to make money if you sell a product that functions without fail for a decade straight.
If people have to buy a new washer and dryer every year, that's more profits for you. And since the product is also made shittier and with worse components and materials, you also save money on production, which is more profit for you.
It's called planned obsolescence and is one of the reasons why we're basically strip mining the planet at the rate we are.
Plastic everything, planned obsolescence, china build quality, unnecessarily complicated everything which means more things to break, overbuilt like mercedes and everything needs a display and computer.
Low power, electronic based GREEN CRAP.
because they keep adding dumb 'features' to dry and differentiate themselves and also thinking its a reason people will get new appliances.
It's working as long as traditional machines keep disappearing.
internet of cucks
terrible people being terrible
you know, just hel- i mean earthly things.
This looks like a fucking printer
I repair appliaces for a living, and let me tell you that's it's a fucking disaster for the costumer. It's a bliss for me tho
The problems are the same as old appliances, and people who didn't study to learn about new ones have stayed behind with the tech.
>Can't continue to make money if you sell a product that functions without fail for a decade straight.
Ultimately this
I've seen old appliaces that have been working for +15 years and they just happened to need some easy repair.
Also, for example in refrigerators, they have added an internal line that breaks in 3-5 years and let the gas escape, and sell more to the goys
Tell me guy, it is worth it to fork out for expensive German appliances as opposed to cheap Korean ones? I'm talking about Miele, Grundig, Bosch, Liebherr etc.
glass is deprecated tech
smartphones and compootars and writing killed mans memory so now the most basic of tasks need to have reminders
No, just dont buy shit
Depends where you are from, I guess. I would say to just go with any one you like, and if you have the money, buy it. BUT don't expect it to have a durability of 5+ years. How else would they make money if you don't renew every certain years ?
If you're a poorfag, buy any Korean brand, they're about the same. If you choose old styles ones, I think they're better in durability but they're getting harder to find. You can even get cheap ones around $150 with a +5 years lifetime, knowing it's been already used for at least 10 years. Also, don't get semi-digital, they suck. Go full caveman or digital
>parents have washer/dryer that are as old as I am
>still work just fine
god bless old maytag
>tfw commercial grade things are better because they don't want to pay for useless flashy shit
They are also designed for heavy use and thus have really beefy parts, and are generally simple as shit to repair
>pay for better energy eficiency
>but also pay to be scammed
What do?
everytime with cheaper/exensive
(in electronics mostly one chink made them...)
Buy just one you like, not cheapest one of course but not most expensive too
I was observing things for years, and in that moment there is tendency for home appliances, even expensive to break near end of producer warranty period.
Also this
I got a washer & dryer that are plastic outsides aluminium insides like 10 years ago both work fine still
>speed queen
That shit was made by godly hands
Commercial makes sense if you want to make money with it. For a house, I think it's not adequate, unless you have the money to buy one.
Commercial is much more expensive to repair, and money people who used them will just get a new one. They're sometimes a pain because if the control but basically same concept as old ones.
I think this is pretty cool. The old glass window always gets dirty.
10 years ago....
buy new one now and it would last 2 to 4 years max
> Go full caveman or digital
What for is this dichotomy?
It's also hard to see through them because of the dithering they apply, and I imagine the glass itself makes the thing less efficient.
But they really don't need to throw a fullscreen LCD on there and shit.
My parents have a 40 year old National brand microwave that still works fine, and an even older fridge but it uses a lot of electricity.
I've had good luck with Miele, ASKO and Panasonic stuff so far
Just don't buy semi digital.
Could you elaborate?
I, for example, never saw caveman microwaves.
Also, I meant to say that you'd like to choose an old stylish appliance, or a modern one. Digital or analog.
I only buy industrial ones so it'd probably last long time too
Will it just get worse?
>boss, how are we going to keep the insulating flap out of the way when the door's open?
>just take a paperclip and stick it a little bit of plastic that breaks after a couple years lmao