Sup Forums was dead a long ago and i want to find a better interesting board
>inb4 all the meme
In all seriousness
Where can i find a Sup Forums imageboard but without the cancer?
Other urls found in this thread:
By killing yourself
You are a find example of what Sup Forums is
I asked for an imageboard not a greater cancer
There are alternatives that have better technical discussion and higher quality threads, and these sites are like this because 99% of the users discovered them by using very basic internet indexing services that allow you to search what they've indexed. Examples of these services are DuckDuckGo and StartPage. Members of these forums also don't make useless threads like this one to clog the catalog and further drive the user experience into the ground.
Fucking Google it and lurk more, brainlet.
>he came to Sup Forums for serious discussion
Maybe i did and all i found were copycats of Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Its worse and desolate
When you're neet and your shit is bad it comes to this situation , I'm desperate
Sup Forums-x is going to add alternative imageboard suggestions when captcha v1 dies and Hiro refuses to replace the steaming pile of shit that is captcha v2.
That might inject some life into desolate imageboards. I think most Sup Forums-x users aren't retarded shitposters.
thats some nu male shit there bruh
>where can i find an echochamber safespace with no funposting
actually you are the cancer. this is such a reddit attitude
>dead nonce sites
>and desolate
>I must have non-stop stimulation to satiate my addiction to instant gratification
Slow image boards are slow, retard. Get over it.
Now tell me, how many programming/computer engineering/math threads are there? 4, 5? Thats not enough
You have 15 Sup Forums + Sup Forums threads, this isn't Sup Forums
Desolate as in no good threads and discussions dumbfuck
>Desolate as in no good threads and discussions dumbfuck
In all seriousness, I think it's time to move on
Been on Sup Forums on and off since 2007, it's a different world today especially with all the normies funposting using their phones and tablets (seriously, who posts on Sup Forums from their mobile devices?)
You have to be honest with yourself, given the limited time you have, and the time you've spent on Sup Forums, what has Sup Forums given you in return? If you can honestly answer this question and find alternative sources that will give you the same amount of information with a lot less time and struggle, then perhaps that will be for the better
nahh i dont think i would post this thread if finding a good one for a neet like me was easy
1 hour was enough to find nothing its either normie forums or plebbit, how about that ?
Ahh ok
>what has Sup Forums given you in return
A place for anonymous discussion of current events in tech.
Some exist, but for obvious reason you will hopefully understand, I refuse to post links to them here.
Good luck user - If you're truly worthy you will find them.
Well at least there are some
So Sup Forums is a place where you can vent, so you need to ask yourself, are you optimizing the time you spend on Sup Forums?
>are you optimizing the time you spend on Sup Forums
As much as possible. I sort the catalog by thread creation time and pick out two or three threads that are interesting.
The turnout is actually really good when you think about it. Even on HN I'll rarely find more than a single interesting link on the front page.
Imagine how good Sup Forums would be if shit like was deleted on sight.
I hope some good new jannies applied for Sup Forums this time.
You could use
I ask this not as a critique to you per se, but more of myself, I almost never come to Sup Forums to learn about tech or talk about tech, it's really all about funposting and the funny reaction images you gather from here
Honestly, Sup Forums out of all the boards is the one I can align myself with the most, I don't really come here for technolo/g/y per se but for the community if that makes sense
This is everything wrong with this board, the internet, and the world in general right now.
Please remove yourself.
>for obvious reason you will hopefully understand, I refuse to post links to them here.
>If you're truly worthy you will find them.
>muh sekret klub
faggots cockteasing us
Gee lets just stay here i don't like people leaving :(
>I almost never come to Sup Forums to learn about tech
Neither do I but I often get caught up in retarded arguments and I end up learning a bunch of new things while scrambling for arguments against whatever the other retard is arguing for.
>it's really all about funposting
Funposting is not the same as shitposting. There's a lot of shitposting.
What A F A G G O T
Mook is messing up Sup Forums, just today I start seeing all these strange stuff pop up in my uMatrix and Sup Forums has become unusable as a result. For some reason on my other machine Sup Forums works fine for the time being but I'm afraid Sup Forums will no longer be as it once was and we will move on. With v1 being deprecated in two months, I literally will not be able to post on Sup Forums anymore
It's for the better really
>get caught up in retarded arguments and I end up learning a bunch of new things while scrambling for arguments against whatever the other retard is arguing for.
best way to learn imho
especially when it comes to cultist dogma such as "rust best language ever"
memes aside, i would never share such things. the cancer has been reasonably contained here
use Russian 2ch Sup Forumsg equivalent with the help of google translate. I'm not even joking... I read it with botnet translate and write in English. sometimes ruskis get pissed off, but that's fine. there's much less gaymers and talking about useless gaming benchmarks.
So there's no hope eh?
There are other alternative chans out there which some claim are so precious they won't share it, but I've seen them all and it's really more of the same
At the very least when Sup Forums capsizes, there are backups available and there is IRC but it won't be the same as the heyday of Sup Forums in the mid 2000s. You need to realize that most of us that grew up with Sup Forums when it really was Sup Forums, we are now in our 30s. A new generation is already growing up (those born 2005 and after) and they will be entering high school as freshmen the Fall of next year. The torch has already been passed and time goes on. We must go on as well
>but it won't be the same as the heyday of Sup Forums in the mid 2000s
>You need to realize that most of us that grew up with Sup Forums when it really was Sup Forums, we are now in our 30s
>The torch has already been passed and time goes on.
>We must go on as well
All good things must come to an end
>so precious they won't share it
>i share it
>two months later board is filled with:
>Which is better, iOS or Android?
>The new Macbook is objectively the best laptop ever made. Prove me wrong
>New Nvidia 9001x released, Ayyemdee absolutely finished and BTFO
>Why do I keep seeing ads in Windoze 10?
>Who's getting the new BotNet Pixiedust 19 smartphone with 99gigabit camera for selfies? xD
not precious, just well moderated and cancer free
You know as a 32 year old neet , that shit is heavy
And if you say so, i think I'll start doing something and leaving Sup Forums once and for all
10 years were enough i guess I'll use my math degree for good use then
It was a fun ride
And so does life we presume? You could in some way delay this, yes?
>, yes?
Which language does this shit come from?
that's perfectly valid english you fagmonger
>And so does life
not for all
yes for humans right now
we may be able to do something in the future, potentially
but if I were a betting man, a safe bet would be us doing the usual aging, life becomes constant pain, death
already on step 1.5 there, and there's so many more things that can worsen your QoL
good night everyone
It's valid but it's very uncommon.
It's much more likely that it's a literal translation from another language.
Brit, even though I'm Canadian
>tfw graduated high school in 2006
Jesus Christ what the fuck have I been doing with my life
That's common English burger
delet this
It anything, it's common Spanish.
no seriously look at this faggot