In the image to the left is embedded a private key to a wallet containing 1.337 ETH (worth about $1,600 right now). It's not encrypted, but it is well hidden with a nice scheme.
It's all yours if you can crack the image.
Don't know where to get started? Learn Python and PIL.
rubiks cubes are so boring and eth is so worthless
like why
Jason Kelly
At least I know how to use toothpaste.
Wyatt Taylor
Oh and when you do solve it, you can lemme know by posting a MD5 hash of the entire encoded message (DON'T just post a hash of the private key). I'll know when you have.
Jonathan Rivera
Why would we let you know? All I care about is the ETH.
Cameron Young
its probably the fucking marine copypasta or some shit
Isaiah Brooks
for fun; you don't have to let me know if you don't want
once you solve it, move the ETH to a different address; and then I'll post the solution
Evan Gonzalez
bump for visibility (and competition lol)
Kevin Carter
Interested but not willing to participate
Nicholas Russell
any reason its 900x900 if every 50 lines are the same
Justin Robinson
Inb4 there exist no unique solution. And how the fuck do you even know if you find it if it's a bunch of random bytes?
Colton Moore
they are arrays of values you have to arbitrarily solve for, integrate, and then compute the eigenvalues for against size-of(eth_key)
the colors are the only thing that matters
Logan Scott
it's not just the ETH key; that'd make impossible to solve because any sequence of random bytes is a valid private
there's a hidden English message there. In one of the sentences is the private key (in plaintext).
>implying OP isn't just an attention whoring nigger >wasting your time trying to solve this only to find bbc cuck porn
Jackson Taylor
Clearly it's hidden in that light green square.
Eli Reed
seems legit
Jaxson Edwards
Uh-huh. So I linearize the data in a bunch of ways and apply frequency analysis, after which it becomes trivial to map characters to bytes. I win, but all I find is that **you lost the game**.
Christopher Price
Meant to spoiler that but you get the idea. You're not fooling anyone, there is no prize.
Sebastian Powell
ok you can stop playimg
to others: that isn't the message (the message is over 250 chars long)
Liam Morgan
how is this a programming challenge? learning PIL gets you nowhere closer to the actual solution and you could easily use any tool to extract data from this image.
all i can see is each pixel is either r, g, or b (which isnt even 2 bits of information) and then you have 8 bits from the respective colour itself. obviously if you specified PIL you probably just jacked some hipster code from github and decided it was a good idea to post here
Isaiah Martin
All I see is grey and black
Nolan Phillips
Just by the fact of boasting crypto I know you're not rich, so you wouldn't waste $1600 on something that's crackable on modern hardware and half decent cryptography knowledge within minutes, it's either a joke or literately impossible by design. Either way it's obviously bait that exists solely to stroke your ego, don't expect anyone to get busy on it. You may have better luck on plebbit though.
Jacob Adams
Trying to get us to stop solving this problem so you can do it with out any competition. I THINK NOT WE WON'T BUY IN TO YOUR LIES
Kevin Thompson
Am I on good track here op?
i x p x r n y o r x e i d h p v u l e k a r l a u f a r a p k p x e g e l r c i p k x u y e y k l r i v e t g o i m j h y t y s j c j h n f l c c j v a g b a x n h x d s x u y r x t t t u n v j q j o i p l n n u n t m q l p n s h s l o k r l u l w m s g y t b q m q e s e l s j m n r p x o a s a a u b j f g n t a l a k e t x w x s m d v b h j u r r t t n i q v q w q f l f o g u m w c t w m g m ` o m a u s t u v v p ` g a l d j p m g ` t r s l s n d t c v c d x d u a r b e i k q p v p q q w w j s w q q o p p i b v p q u o l b a m s y t h t y c w x r a m t n e y h d j q q a g c x r x m u o f d f b q ` k r x c i v j d j s w j g m l t d r ` o p
Luis Miller
Yes keep going
Jacob Hill
Ayden Flores
Every colors appears either 1, 2, 3 or 4 times
Dominic Long
This is what I found so far: > 18 x 18 = 324 squares > 212 different colors >each color appears 1-4 times >each color has only one color component (R/G/B) the others two are always 0
In the image to the left is embedded a private key to a wallet containing 1.488.666 ETH (worth about $11,295,1245.4441123 right now). It's not encrypted, but it is well hidden with a nice scheme.
It's all yours if you can crack the image.
David Richardson
Thank you I found the private key Now I can finally rule the entire world and kill chinks while doing it
Gabriel Myers
Throw us a bone OP
James Cook
Post the wallet address and a signed message of proof