VLC alternative

What media player is as good as or better than VLC?

I'm really disliking VLC lately because I can't click the screen to pause or no button to forward next video or can't have webm thumbnails.

Not MPV though. It feels like a half-baked player. I don't want to have to edit text files just to get the video to repeat.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm really disliking VLC lately because I can't click the screen to pause or no button to forward next video or can't have webm thumbnails.
You again. Write your own plugin and kindly fuck off to youtube and porn tubes.

SMPlayer (with mpv backend) for video
Audacious (gtk) or Qmmp (qt) for audio

Vlc 3.0 when?

Is that the one with libplacebo?

you sound cringey


just use cccp and stfu
>but muh no updates since ages ago
dont fix what aint broke

I've been using VLC for years until I got stuck with windows 10 and the Fall CE fucked it. Shit is laggy as hell with a ryzen system. WMP works better than it.

What the OS, actually?
if you use windows, GOM Player, KMPlayer

I'm on Win10

mpv you brainlet. What's the practical difference between editing a text file and toggling a switch in a gooey?

He has to press more buttons

GOM Player is good for you. They also have a theme to fit your need, I'll assure you, you will never come back. Not affiliate with GOM, just an experience user who use GOM

Mpc-hc or be

>has to edit text files for button functionality that has been there since windows 98


A config file generally allows for more options, and is more easily editable than a GUI config if you customized it a lot. It is also easily portable. There is nothing halfbaked about the player itself, in fact it is superior to basically every player across operating systems and you are refusing to use it only because you are too much of a brainlet to RTFM.

>making the user edit notepad files for hours to use their software is okay

not all of us are autismos bud

>not MPV
It's the best video player.
>to have video repeat
A way to do it without a config file exists. Press "L", go to the end of the video and press "L" again.

What "functionality" do you lack? I literally never edited it's config file. It's the best player out of the box and the fact that it's easily configurable makes it even better.

Anyway, if you're too retarded to use a proper player then use Bomi or MPCQt. It's MPV with more gui options.


>no button to forward next video

>flips the fuck out when trying to play missing file
I can't be the only one having this problem with VLC.

Yeah, my VLC also doesn't play files I don't have, but I think that's a good thing

Took me five minutes the first time I did it, including the time used for looking around for options in the manual.

>queue up media file
>move or delete media file
>try playing media file again
>crashing plane, no survivors


why is this player so shilled when it's so unexceptional

What's "unexceptional" about it?
Inb4 muh gui.

try putting you're computer on the same desk you got fucked on and threw away last week

There's no gui.

You're trying way too hard sweetie. But it's kinda cute in it's own way too. Keep it up user!

>What media player is as good as or better than VLC?

>Not MPV though.

>I don't want to have to edit text files just to get the video to repeat.
Then use one of the front ends.

VLC may be the most perfect software out there.

>either of those
potplayer is the preferred korean botnet
this should solve your problems

Figure this thread is better than the mpv one to ask.

I have the latest version of MPC-BE and downloaded the latest assfiltermod which is supposed to work, but how? I plopped the dll into mpc-be's root folder, there are no instructions anywhere just people saying that it works fine or that it doesn't work for them.

I can click to pause. Just google it for fuck's sake.


>For windows I downloaded his .zip file under the install instructions
>the .zip file only contains 1 file (libpause_click_plugin.dll)
>after extracting the .zip folder I placed the .dll file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\plugins\video_filter\" folder per his instructions
>I activated and configured it inside the vlc program. I will copy his instructions here

>1. Restart VLC to load the newly added plugin
>2. Go into advanced preferences: Tools -> Preferences -> Show settings -> All
>3. Enable/Disable the plugin with a checkbox: (in advanced preferences) Video -> Filters -> Pause/Play video on mouse click
>4. Enable/Disable the plugin with a checkbox: (in advanced preferences) Interface -> Control Interfaces -> Pause/Play video on mouse click
>5. Change mouse button to the one you want: (in advanced preferences) Video -> Filters -> Pause click -> Mouse Button
>6. Restart VLC for settings to take place
>7. Play a video
>8. Click on video picture to pause/play the video