So what if I torrent on my PC, through hotspot via my phone?
How would the coppas find me then? Huh?!
So what if I torrent on my PC, through hotspot via my phone?
Mac address.
GSM tracking.
Hmm yea okay true.
But isnt it a bit different with a phone. Its much harder to locate because its such a mobile device?
Read up on how cellphones work to realize just how easy it is to track you with it.
But its still a phone. It isnt bound to my address. It could be anyone in my area.
>But its still a phone. It isnt bound to my address. It could be anyone in my area.
I don't know my location isn't accurate, and shows up as somewhere else, so maybe you found a loophole user.
Your SIM provider can fetch your exact device and personal information, including approximate location, all unique device identification, installed software, and can remotely install software onto your device and easily turn on your camera and send pictures of you to the government, or turn on your GPS to fetch your exact location. As long as you have a SIM in your phone your device can be controlled by a third party and you lose all your privacy.
Any device carrying SIM cards is by default backdoored. Unless you literally remove all hardware that could reveal information about you, and restrict your phone's usage to ONLY piracy and nothing that could identify you further.
He didn't find a loophole. Service providers can, at the request of the government, take any and all personal data from your device. If they know your name they already know your location.
Yes. It sound like too much trouble for the police to bother. Unless you torrent ALOT ofcourse.
I dont know. Its just a thought.
On another note:
There are alot of new movies i would like to watch. But they arent mainstream enough. So i have no way of seeing them in my country unless i do it illegally.
If i dont torrent them, would you think its safe to use thouse HD movie sites like "solarmovies" etc.?
Do you even know how phones work? There's a reason why they're called "cell"phones. There are antennas out there serving GSM signals that designed to cover a certain area. These are called "cells". However, there will be a significant amount of overlap in order to avoid "holes" where there is no signal coverage. Your provider, in addition to having records of your internet traffic, can triangulate your position using these cells. Not to mention the bullshit that google shoves into your phone so that they could track you without even having your GPS on.
You got a point there. Although this sounds like an American law. Maybe they can also do this in Denmark. Dont know.
But where i live is not where my registered address is.
I fucking hate google. Lately my phone has started asking me to update my phonenumber and address through google. I still just decline but...
>Me no likey
>He didn't find a loophole. Service providers can, at the request of the government, take any and all personal data from your device. If they know your name they already know your location.
How about this as a thought experiment.
non purchases a sim card from someone else who purchases that sim card from an online bulk retailer. The individual that uses the sim card lives in an apartment, and places the device nearest to the corner of of 8 apartments (floor of the corner for upstairs/roof of the corner for downstairs). Would this be a loophole?
>using your own, personal device registered to your name to perform illegal activities instead of your home connection where you could at least blame anyone else living with you.
Are you braindead?
Coppas BTFO how does the legal system ever recover.
Bait : The thread
can't you just use a vpn?
I could. I dont fully trust them though.
And this thread is just me being curious.
Could someone tell me if its more safe to use those streaming sites like solarmovies or whatever?
now what?
lol danskar
Thats me!
>American law
EU, actually. Simens and a few other companies develop backdoors for carriers.
>not where my registered address is
Again, doesn't matter. Your identity can be read automatically by your carrier even if the SIM isn't connected to you. They can access your unique device ID and emails/accounts on the device.
>the device
Do you use it for calls, SMS, instant messengers, etc? Does it log into your google, Facebook or any other account? Did you put a sticker on the cameras or remove them completely? Did you remove the GPS, Bluetooth and WiFi hardware? You have to think about all these as well since all of this can be exploited by your carrier.
>safe to use streaming sites
Just torrent your shit. Afaik Germany is the only country which bans piracy.
The Mac address isn't visible beyond the local network, netlet.
I see. Thanks for casting some light on my question user.
>Just torrent.
I already do. And i dont think anything is going to happen. I just feel alittle worried torrenting new movies. Eventhough they arent Hollywood blockbusters.
I know people who have gotten warnings in their mail. But that was also only for BIG new movies. And they were also just warnings.
So youre probably right.