Ublock Origin pop-ups

How do you add a website that keeps passing by Ublock's addblocker like I can do with Adblock Plus?

>Have both ABP and uBO
>Ads still get through
I think it goes deeper than just the browser my man

You might have some adware installed

Stop using ABP when uBlock is installed you eternal faggot. They conflict with each other.

pay debts cabron

I already did that. I still had the pop-up before I installed adblock plus. I had Ublock only.

But, can I add that page to a black list in Ublock?

I have no debt, u asshole.

Stop allowing scripts by default

You have a virus.

You have a virus.

ABP has no problems blocking it though

Dude you have a legit virus my man. Ublock is preventative shit if it's already in there you need to see more serious affairs.

If you want uBO to block more you'll have to configure it. Search the wiki and read about medium and hard mode. There's vids on jewtube. The user above me has an even stricter mode than me as I only have 3rd party, 3rd party scripts and 3rd party frames blocked globally.

You from Naranjito, PAY DEBTS

no, shut up.

I don't have any debt, you dumb piece of garbage.

Idiot spic

Eat shit, racist fuck.

You probably have 1st party scripts enabled. In uMatrix rules I have (for example):

* 1st-party script block

IMO you should always block 1st party scripts and only allow them if you trust the site you are on.

>has a virus
>disgusting greasy skin and hair
>brain too tiny to understand multiple experts kindly explaining that he has a virus
yep he's a spic alright

How do you do this?

I already told you to read the goddamn wiki and to search it on youtube you debt evader islander. Also you may have a virus you stupid aborigen

What do you mean? Do you not go through the options and mess around with software when you first get it?

The small buttom with two pages.

Eat shit, you fucking cunt.

sister fucking trailer fuck

the pop-up doesn't scan my computer you fucking dumbshit.

How would I mess around if I don't know what it is?

dude u ok there?