Worth it :^)
Worth it :^)
It isn't and you are a fag
Thanks for the blog! Where can I subscribe?
Jelly fags consistently faggin. Congrats OP. Welcome to the master race.
Enjoy your deprecated GPU/CPU/Display
At least the keyboard is good, right?
I have an x200, x220t, x220, t410, and t520 I give no fucks
>says you give no fucks
>responds anyway
this is numale behavior?
> $1800
> didn't get pic related
lenovo when
>half the cores
You missed out big time m8
fuck off with that plastic gaymen dinosaur
would one of these be worth it simply as an investment? i have a feeling it would appreciate 10+ years from now given it's an special anniversary thing
I really like it that they made the interior components retro-on-release as well. The GPU is 4 years old, it still has a dual core. The screen is shit tier, low res + pwm + semi-glossy and has touch for some god awful reason etc.
one based on the modern T480/T480s would be great though
what is this
>considers investing in hardware that is already half a decade old
> dual core (((i7)))
in a year or two it will be basically a i3
im investing in the meme, not the hardware
OP is a faggot.
the meme is a product of some laptop resellers shilling their inventory
while they are quality products, their value will not raise to the point of being a worthwhile investment
buy silver or crypto
ok, i'm new to this board.
what is the appealing to a fucking ching chong pc labelled as thinkpad?
it's an x62, can't you see?
too big