
How does one defend AMD and laugh at Intel when this company is still back in 2011 to intel performance in some situations
>Inb4 vidya gaaay
Still a valid test a numbers don’t lie

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Oh boy here we go again. You can expect AMD to be within 5% in April and shitting all over Intel next year with 5.6 ghz Zen because they're using a process made for highest performance IBM mainframe chips

TL;DR just wait the AMD motto

>cherry-picked screenshot
Ironic retardation is still retardation.

Sandy Bridge will be my last Intel processor.


no one cares about AVX performance shlomo

here is the video it is n shit

copy link for sure

but why they compare Ryzen 5 1600 but not Ryzen 5 1600x? 1600x price almost same as i5 8400.... .

Videogames are developed by shitters too inept for real a real jobs like CAD software, OSs, embedded, etc

Sergey get!


Ivy Bridge will be my last Intel processor


>oogaboogacry primal
This game was always poorly optimized garbage. Fuck off and kill yourself back to Sup Forums with your cherrypicking you pile of raw human dogshit.


8400 still based. Best budget gaming cpu. Who else /8400/ here?


Game devs dont care about ryzen.



On paper the Ryzen has better hardware specs. Devs just code and optimize their game with Intel cpus in mind because that's currently where most of the market share is. They're not taking full advantage of Ryzen.

I won't defend anything.
Because I don't play video games.

Haha just wait bro! The amd moto!


I bought Ryzen and am very happy with it. Does this make you mad? :)

>single thread gaymes

Wait for what? AMD to start making all the games from now on? They can't fix this if the issue is inside the game. The game developers have to do it or it won't be done. Not him btw.


Just memes amd will never be good at games

Like motorcycles will never be as fast as bicycles because people don't put fuel in them

Just wait

>tfw no gopnitsa gf

Wait for what?

>GTX 1080 Ti
>1080p medium settings
Why do Intel shills never use real world scenarios?

>is still back in 2011 to intel performance in some situations
so is intel

Ryzen has a lot of problems, for sure, when it comes to gaming specifically. It is painfully obvious, I think, that it requires a lot of things done right, to get it working at a level that it is competitive with Intel in that front. VRMs on motherboards, high speed, very low latency ram, chips that can overclock better etc, but these are doable right now. Not to mention that AMD has addressed these problems with Zen+. The low clocks on the Zen were a problem of the chosen 14nm LP process, which the 12nm isn't, they have addressed the memory latency problems and the first X470 board offers some beefy VRMs. All to address the lower gaming performance compared to Intel's CPUs. In pretty much every other application, Zens took their perspective Intel adversaries down with little to no effort.

It is quite interesting to see how Zen+ will perform, with 10-15% improvements announced just by the new 12nm process. A 15% performance boost on that 1600, would make the 2600 score about 100 frames. What other performance gains we could get from other improvements like memory latency and CCX latency? Not to mention the price point.

Computer is for work, games are for kids



Pros play on low settings with high endspec. As real world as you can get. High fps and 144hz is the standard for conpetstive shooters.

I know the meme, it was just incorrectly used. There's nothing to wait from AMD. There might be nothing to wait from others either, depending on what they decide to do. So what are you waiting for?

>"""""pro""""" gayming is the real world

>Pros play on low settings with high endspec. As real world as you can get.

>these benchmarks dont count!!!!!!!!
Um, no sweety, they do


>Intel shills on damage control after Meltdown
"But mah processor haz dah frames!"
And the biggest hardware vulnerability in years.

stay mad, Brian, my next upgrade is a Ryzen 2400G (or 2600G if they can pull 6c/12t+gpu on AM4)

OK granted, if you are in the 0.001% of the desktop CPU market then Intel would be worth considering.

>u have to be a pro to use the best settings
>only pros can see 120 - 144hz

This post is aids.

just like clockwork
a month before the new ryzen the shill force is out in force shitting on every thread and forum around

Yes as I said if you are in a very niche part of the gayming market, it would be worth considering Intel.

all will do 60hz, none will do 120hz
more of the same and a trbl mess of a game
got amd on this one, need an intel 6 core to do a solid 144. I doubt the minimus are stable on kaby. Looks like 120hz is prob doable on all ryzen 6 core< though

wow I can have blur free 144fps trickshots with my overclocked intel 8700k*

*delid sold seperately

Based 8400 requires no deliding

>being this salty over frames in games

>144hz gaming is niche in 2018
No it isnt and only a brainlet would buy a new gaming pc and get bottlenecked by fheir monitor

1440p 144 Hz IPS monitors are still fucking expensive. 1440p IPS > 144 Hz. Only a brainlet still buys 1080p TN shit.

Only brainlets buy the meme monitor you describe, rog and predator have terrible QC and no one buys them for that reason. Hate to break it to you but pros use 1080p tn panels. 1440p fps hit isnt worth it

you're moving the goalposts. You said 144hz gaming is niche, which it isn't.

>pros use 1080p tn panels.
I don't doubt that, and I'm saying that pro gayming is a niche market

I looked at some numbers and apparently 144 Hz monitors doubled in shipment numbers from 2015 to 2016, up to 1.2 million units. I stand corrected: I thought it was a smaller market.

I still hold, however, that 1440p is a bigger priority over 144 Hz (the latter of which are very often TN)

>tfw 1440p 144hz IPS monitor

Feels good man

ryzen 5 + mobo is cheaper and upgrade-able, unlike the i5 where you will be stuck with a shit mobo and an ancient cpu in a couple of years. it is true intel is best at games, but AMD caters to people on budget mostly.

>twf when 4k IPS 60hz g-sync
Im sorry you fell for a meme


Ryzen, so good you buy it annually

When 4k 144hz monitors come out, and along come GPUs that can run games at that resolution and framerate then I will jump to 4k. until then it's a waste.

And I say this as someone who works with 5k screens at work every day.

>muh gaymen
>muh 144hz
Fuck off

Salty amdrone

Yeah because we have time to target a cpu and gpu. That shit only happens when they sponsor a AAA developer. Gpu is a matter of dx vs opengl vs Vulkan

Posting from up high on my new coffee lake, got a sweet new 1151 mobo too because the cpu wouldn't work on my existing 1151 board.

amdrones amirite


wheres the minimum fps? i heard that took a great hit on intel after patch


Watch While they don't show minimum FPS, you can see that frametiming took a huge hit as well.

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