Spend all day programming

>spend all day programming
>look in mirror
>don't look like programmer

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You will never look like a programmer until you get a boss that crunch you to hell.

>look in mirror
>look like a complete nerd

Ya gonna need some programming socks for the right look.

>tfw i'm a 10/10 chad
>qts trip over always just so they can land on my dick
>any job i want, 600k starting
>tfw i don't look like a programmer
when will this suffering end?

look like what?

>catch a surprise glimpse of myself in the mirror
>i look like a complete retard
That actually explains a lot of things.
And people were actually right when they called me a retard.



Connor is that you?

Come with me if you want to live.

>look at mirror
>look rather attractive
>look at pic taken of me
>look like an ugly asymmetrical nightmare

This is because the photos aren't mirrored images so your brain knows something is wrong. Kind of like uncanny valley.

What does a programmer look like?

This is because when you're looking at a mirror there's no one around so it's easier to pretend you aren't hideous.

Like a handsome 5 foot 4 inch chess club member.

photos steal your soul, your body knows it

Do you mean like Terry?



during a video chat i could see my face both mirrored and normal at the same time, sometimes one looked better, sometimes the other.

also my gf automatically curls her upper lip in a very particular way whenever she looks at the mirror but cannot do it voluntarily. i think most people have a particular expression they make while looking at themselves, which explains why you look different / less attractive in a photo.

me pic related