What is a good non-botnet coffee maker

What is a good non-botnet coffee maker

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A paper filter is the only right answer.

lasts for 50 years
works on campfire

Stop drinking Starbucks soy latte.

why the hell would a coffee maker be botnet ffs

Needs an accompanying stove. Aren’t most stoves botnets?


I live in a city.

It is important for the coding auteurs to have personalized profiles for just right soy milk and coffee content.

>I live in a city.
I'm so sorry.

The old drip pot your mom "gifted" you when you moved out
Mine has a clock and auto timed shutoff, I don't need anything else.

Reminder to build your own hot plates so you can make sure theres no NSA wiretap in them.

Well some of us here are non retarded so making a hot plate is a weekend project if anything.

That does not make espresso.

that largly depends on your budget. At under 1k i would look at the gaggia classic and Rancilio silva

>That does not make espresso.
OP asked for a "coffee maker".

Ninja Coffee Bar. Unless you like espresso... But then you would have stated that.

Pic is V2. V1 is cheaper.

And posted an epsresso machine. the entire world besides america and japan call espresso coffee. Furthermore that mocha pot hunk of shit is really only reasonable for camping as the sludge that comes out of it is not really coffee as such.

holy shit he should have at least gone on ck you are all fucking terminally retarded

Your first question should be 'What is a good coffee grinder?'.

Assuming you do have a good grinder (or you're looking for a bean-to-cup solution) go google it and read up on coffee forums.

As the first reply states, V60 is hard to beat in many ways. If you want an espresso machine, well, entry level is an older Gaggia classic (when they had the three way solenoid valves), or better.

If you can't be bothered to do your own drip coffee you can look into a technivorm, or a behmor brazen.

These combi bean-to-cup machines are generally a bit shit, not least as you still have to tamp yourself in most cases. That said, the Breville/Sage one isn't too bad. But I wouldn't take it over a used Mazzer super jolly + a gaggia classic.

french press
and get a steel one

>not make espresso
kys starbucks fag

>holy shit he should have at least gone on ck you are all fucking terminally retarded
The occasional coffee/espresso maker isn't exactly frowned upon on on Sup Forums. Maybe everyone on Sup Forums drinks a lot of coffee, and the frequency of threads haven't been obnoxious.
Me I drink a lot of coffee, so I tolarate the threads, and even have a genuine interest when I see one.

Noooooo. Coffee is coffee unless stated.
Just like americano sucks. I don't want diluted espresso. I want a cup of water drained through coffee powder.

French press is pleb tier. If you want french press style coffee at the very least use an aeropress so you can better control extraction, and such that you can emulsify the coffee oils into the liquid extraction as you press down.

>I don't want diluted espresso. I want a cup of water drained through coffee powder.
Seems like a "redeye" would be up your ally.



>What is a good non-botnet coffee maker
>current year
>this is not an unreasonable question
internet of shit was a mistake

>non-botnet coffee maker
why you need one op, got something to hide
next you'll be wanting tvs that cant spy on you
some really suspicious stuff going on here, it'd probably be best for your friends and family if somebody looked into this

> (You)
>>I don't want diluted espresso. I want a cup of water drained through coffee powder.
>Seems like a "redeye" would be up your ally.

Mah Hartrate...

Espresso by definition requires pressure to be made.

Espresso (/ɛˈsprɛsoʊ/, Italian: [esˈprɛsso], lit. "expressed" from esprimere, "to express" or "to force out") is coffee brewed by expressing or forcing out a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans.

moka pot produces no pressure and thus does not make espresso you brainlet fuck

Just drink tea OP, it's the superior drink.

>go to local thrift store
>buy 35 year old coffee make for like $2
>will pay for itself after the first pot you brew with it
>no proprietary filters/cups/software or DRM built in
>will last for decades to come
Problem solved.

>b-b-but it doesn't make muh fancy hipster soy drink!
Learn to like your coffee strong and black like your wife's boyfriend, you fucking numale. Grow a pair.

IoT meme garbage. Not everything needs to be connected to the internet. Security is already a mess with a few basic devices like routers, laptops, phones, etc. Now imagine you triple the amount of internet connected devices in your home. For those that actually care about their security, this is a fucking nightmare. But normies don't care. They'll never fucking learn.


>>go to local thrift store
>>buy 35 year old coffee make for like $2
what if the previous owner came in it, you just make a cum latte?


>living in a botnet

Why yes, I do enjoy my hormone-like plastics

>Drinking the liquid Jew
Just buy Coca-Cola.

these VS Filtered coffee, what do you prefer?

Uhh wtf is a coffee maker? I don't drink coffee, but isn't it a hipster thing? Everyone I know simply boils the water and then puts the coffee in it without using some huge appliance.

>For those that actually care about their security, this is a fucking nightmare. But normies don't care. They'll never fucking learn.

>Look everyone, my siri turns my air conditioner on!

your friends drink dehydrated coffee which is easy but doesn't taste as good.
gourmet coffee is big with hipsters but regular coffee is popular almost everywhere

>ugh wtf is a pot? I don't cook, but isn't it a hipster thing? everyone I know simply heats the food in a non-flammable contraption using a heat source causing it to cook without posing for the papparazzi using some exclusive luxury veblen goods
you should come to /ck/, you'd fit right in

That's instant coffee and it's the worst possible version of coffee

French press + manual burr grinder + kettle + gas stove

My right hand is my coffee maker, but also my left hand is my masturbatour

>Everyone I know simply boils the water and then puts the coffee in it without using some huge appliance
are you from russia? my russian friend told me that people over there mostly drink cheap instant coffee

what exactly is your "goal" coffee? If you don't know, you might have to go to an actual coffee shop and try one of each. I've done way too much research into this desu, but the answers are pretty straight forward

low-oil pour-over: Chemex, $60 for brewer + filters (most drinkable imo, steep learning curve, 4-8 minutes)
other pour-over: whatever Melitta, $20 to $40 for whatever, can find filters at grocery store (drinkable, ez, 3-6 minutes)
french press: whatever Bodum, doesn't need filters, $20 to $50 ("boldest" brews, high oil content, very easy, 5-8 minutes)
aeropress: aeropress, $30 (or $45 w/ Able metal filter), (low oil, easy, can approximate espresso drinks, 2-4 minutes)
Percolator: whatever $20 to $30 (Moka Pot slightly different, arguably better $30) (unique roasted flavors, 10-15 minutes)

espresso depends on your budget. you won't get away with less than probably $550 w/ mediocre espresso machine + grinder. Everything less than this is trash. I spent about $500 on shitty espresso machines before I realized they couldn't actually make espresso. Espresso ends up being a very autistic hobby because it requires constant cleaning and calibration. Your grind size and/or bean mass requires decigram accuracy and varies depending on your specific beans AND the beans' age. You have to buy locally roasted beans because they are too old after 12-15 days. You HAVE to grind your beans the same day, generally a couple hours before. Machines take 5-10 minutes to heat up, then 2 minutes to prep and brew

thriftiest: Gaggia Classic w/ Rancilio steam wand and VST basket: $380+$30+$30
next step (larger boilers, much easier to handle steaming): Rancilio Silvia + VST basket $680+$30

conical burr grinder necessary (manuals are a meme unless you want to grind for 3-5 minutes every morning before your coffee)
Baratza Encore (can't do french press or pour-over grind) $140
Baratza Virtuoso (can do all grinds, best without getting into semi-pro or pro grinders) $230

Picrelated or
That is true, majority of Russians drink instant coffee, or 'americano' from picrelated coffemaker.
Compressor-powered things are rare.

what about Rancilio Silvia with PID addition?

I miss braun

What happened to them?

this or BUNN for best drip

PID is just an improvement. Allows for better precision and better reproducibility which is the name of the game in espresso

please use the term coffee printer

>is just an improvement
I know, but what do you think of that combo?Would it make an acceptable shot with proper maintenance, beans, grinder etc?
I'm coming from commodity drip brew, percolator, stove top, and french press so I anything will impress me.

gaggia classic

>this or BUNN for best drip
Drip coffemakers are simple devices, so even chick ones works for ages if maintained (cleaned by boiling vinegar time after rime)
At home I have 30 year old BRAUN, the first item we bought after USSR ended... Oh boy, western everything was like 9000 better.
And 20 year old chinks one at job, that have user-detection feature. Only I know how to use it without being shocked by it.

>Only I know how to use it without being shocked by it.
that gave me a good laugh

profits slumped in 90s, never really recovered in US and lines of products started to be discontinued. Seems like whatever is left of the brand is up for sale

yes, Silvia is already slightly better than Gaggia classic imo because it has a larger boiler with better metal

not necessarily. BUNN maintains water around 200F at all times for brewing, and Braun DripSense heat to 200F before brewing. Both are much better than a standard drip pot which boils all the way to 212F, which ruins a lot of the desirable elements of coffee

I wonder what's Stallman's stance on keurig trash?
I can taste it AAAAAAA

>yes, Silvia is already slightly better than Gaggia classic
I see. Thanks. Been doing research on this machine so it's reassuring to hear it's not a complete piece of shit.

The only way not to have botnet is with a percolator and to drink the coffee black. That's what I do user

>not buying open source coffee

>not necessarily. BUNN maintains water around 200F at all times for brewing, and Braun DripSense heat to 200F before brewing. Both are much better than a standard drip pot which boils all the way to 212F, which ruins a lot of the desirable elements of coffee

Does 7 degrees make that difference? I think, that even chinese shit cools it down to 90-95 degrees.

>not putting your own regulator circuit in a 30yo dripper

I audit all my beans before running them in my machine

Why you need a circuit in a coffemaker? It is analog, no control required.

And well you should. One bad bean spoils the cup.

Cuban coffee machine

$10 electric water boiler


for maintaining exact 200F like stated above

yeah surprisingly the optimal is 200 to 206 depending on who you ask. for whatever reason a lot of the compounds break down around the 208 mark. don't know if it's a coincidence or if it's a consequence of boiling point in nature, but it's the truth. you can brew a pour over identically at 200 and 210 and taste the difference yourself

>falling for the open source coffee meme
>not buying free coffee

>he needs a filter
Fucking soyboys. You grind up the coffee and put it into boiling water. There, botnet-free coffee.

That's a pipe. Very cool design though

My man

>why the hell would a coffee maker be botnet ffs

Reason 1: turn on remotely so it's hot when you arrive.
Reason 2: good temperature control without spending $200 on a PID.

>somehow pouring hot water into coffee can be a botnet
Sup Forums is more retarded every day

Italy don't have Starbucks did they get something right?

>$200 on a PID
i do not understand this world anymore

And you drink the coffee grounds? Pretty retarded m8


>what is a screen mesh fliter

It's a filter, which the guy claimed not to use

"Espresso" means "express" as in fast.
t. Italian

About to pull the trigger on this unless an user knows of something cheaper:
Strictly home use. 400 bones anyone find anything cheaper with same features?

thats beyond jewing, like 6x the part costs
but a good idea for a future project

>use french press daily
>slightly too big, would like something different

Is pic related worth it? Double layer insulated Bodum pour over.

Also whats a good entry level grinder?

I think they are expensive because the market is quite small.

Like I said there is a cheaper botnet version that uses your phone's processor and screen.

That looks pretty cool but a Hario V60 is like $6-$10 depending on material.

As for grinders I think pretty much any burr grinder is fine, you only need higher end stuff for espresso.


Hario Skerton

No I'm very manly, and a real pussy hound.

>falling for the free as in beer coffee meme
>not buying free as in freedom coffee


>he can't texture his own milk

Queer fucker

>he can't texture his own milk
>will not
Will not without using steam

>tfw you are living in a time where your fucking Coffee Maker spies on you, the word "selfie" is in the dictionary and the US president tweets about nuclear plans

I wish I was doing something productive like fighting in the fucking trenches

Pajeet here, lemme teach you how we make coffee at home in the third world:
Put some water, milk, sugar and coffee powder in a saucepan. Heat it and bring it to a boil, boil further if you want more froth on top. Pour it in a cup and top it off with drinking chocolate (powder).
Why do you cucks spend so much on coffee and coffee machines? To be fair you have shitty tea so that makes sense.