>they fell into ghz cpu meme
>let's actively slow down my computer and shorten the expected lifetime of my hardware because I'm a stupid nostalgiafag
What I am look at?
How ?
What do you hope for? There are faggots on YouTube that retro luddites like, for example "PhilsComputerLab" and he actually calls GeForce 570's "retro".
Soon all you see is C2D "DOS" gaming machines and Windows XP Pentium 4's running Crysis here.
just buy a macbook and enjoy your 800mhz
Where do you even see the speed in the picture?
>awesome, retro thread
>it's just a retard
fuck you oP
>he actually calls GeForce 570's "retro"
I have an ATi 5770 and it served fine until 2013.
Why did you save my screenshot user?
It's true. As retarded as it sounds.
I used my 5770 til last year.
How tho
So I remember flat disease hasn't devoured us yet.
Save this one instead, i've fixed the taskbar
My cousin is using 5770 that my brother gave to him right now, since his old 8600gt has died. More than enough for wot and stalker that he is playing.
How did you get the classic theme on Windows 10?
You can download themes. There's a lot on deviantart.
>He fell for the x86 meme
>CPU: Unknown
Hipster shit
>GeForce 570
>mfw on GeForce 560Ti right fucking now
congrats, you're a retro fag now
>CPU: Unknown
>56 MiB of RAM
What the fuck are you running on?
I can suppose, literally a toaster.
Isn't this a retro thread? Those specs are impressive for retro shit
speaking of /retro/ does anybody know what adblocking looked like before it got ultra mainstream? I think I remember getting adblock in 2008-9 or something.
>shorten the expected lifetime of my hardware
What did it mean by this?
>running something below spec shortens it's lifetime
Hosts list.
i'm using a 2000 apple pro keyboard (black keys) on my current battlestation. very comfy keyboard.
They are good keyboard to use with your Dual G5, not good keyboard to still use today compared to the alternatives
i just used adblock since like 2005. there were also non-extension standalone programs
how did adblock look in 2005? post some screens.
why not? it feels great, i can type fast on it, it's reliable and since i'm using linux i don't give a fuck if i use a windows- or a apple key as super. also i still have proper F-keys on it.
Nothin personnel... kid...
tfw no powerpc laptop
Calling that guy who said he managed to use NTVDM from wine on modern windows.
How do you do it?
>tfw four
Not that guy, but where is the problem?
It's literary like running it on Linux.
Why not? They are cheap.
don't bother. the best ones you can get right now are last generation powerbooks and even with linux/bsd they are slow compared to cheap thinkpads.
Look what I bought /gee/. It's a Vaio PCG-C1XS. Doesn't turn on though, I'm getting cells to repair the battery and then I'll see.
>Not that guy, but where is the problem?
I'm an idiot and can't figure out where to start. I tried using the one from reactos and it can't do 16 bit programs yet.
Not really, perfectly viable options.
I know freetards who use ThinkPads way worse because muh freedoms.
i have 15" pb from 2005 and a x220 and the latter one is actually useful as a daily driver.
This. I have a 1.42GHz iBook G4 with the ram maxed out and an m.2 SSD installed. It's prefectly good for shitposting and libreoffice. Even plays 720p with the right mpv settings.
Posting from it right now.
>C2D "DOS" gaming machines
Holy fuck no.
Good thing I still have an Athlon XP machine for Windows ME and a portable DOS machine with 98SE.
I also bought this bad ass motherfucker. Let's hope it runs.
Yup, add a decoder chip and it will play 1080p nicely system wide too.
>>C2D "DOS" gaming machines
>Holy fuck no.
It's already happening.
It's so big, it ain't gonna run anywhere, user.
Good luck though, keep us posted, I love those granite G4 fucks.
PowerMac G4s are the comfiest desktops ever. Well, maybe not the windtunnel MDDs.
That would be cool if it had any expansion slots.
>It's already happening.
Just why.
I'm wondering how the fuck does it even run, considering 95 simply crashes on anything in the GHz range.
It runs "fine" mostly. It's still bad compatibility wise.
But hey, whatever rocks the hipsters boat.
It works guys. Phew, I bought it from some shady ass motherfucker in a flea market, I thought I might had wasted my 30 thousand pesos.
Post noods if you find any!
There are lots of resources on Japanese websites dedicated to running modern software on win2k.
Well, I seriously wait for the time they try Windows 3.1 or 95 on them and then laugh my ass of at them because 3.1 and 95 would crash every now and then.
Lmao I'm actually doing this. It's full of random files, but mostly office stuff.
But why? Is it somehow related to h-games?
You better be in Spain. In Madrid, to be specific. I'd love to get rid of some retro stuff.
Holy shit, SH4
How do you get these machines, fucking ultrasparc and wierd 2007 mips thing
>Working at a university in a state where they're legally obligated to destroy everything that could have data
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe
>windows 10
>but also windows 2000 pro
The Enterprise 250 I got as scrap at a computer recycler for 20 euro, the mips thingie is a Netgear firewall that I managed to compile a build of FreeBSD for. Got that one in exchange for making a custom PowerMac G4 MDD PSU.
>try to open ImmersiveControlPanel.exe
>crash to desktop
class-c theme g-guise?
Usually they just destroy the drives and you can ask for shit and get it without problems.
Sucks if they do more where you are.
It's the Twinshitfami!
Hello Famipai!
Nothing interesting in the PowerMac, sorry anons. This thing has SDRam, I could get 2 gigs on it from Ebay, but I'm not sure if its worth it.
What are some things I can do with them? I bought this thing in a whim, I know next to nothing about Macs.
Not in Spain, I live in Santiago, Chile.
Play old gaymes. Classic works on Tiger too.
How? That's how I want to run 10 LTSB after the 7 supports inevitably ends
I wonder if it's always the same guy that greets me whenever I post. Also hi.
>Not in Spain, I live in Santiago, Chile
Fug, I just wanted someone to trade retro shit with ;_; Anyway, very nice find. I heard those things are pretty rare over there.
>I wonder if it's always the same guy that greets me whenever I post. Also hi.
Yes, I'm your biggest _fan_.
Fixed my old Compaq Armada E500. Wouldn't boot into Windows, used 98lite 4.7 to reinstall it from DOS w/o IE, then installed unofficial SP3 over it. Feels good mang.
ATI Mobility Rage (no idea how much memory tho)
15" LCD
Pentium 3 650MHz
20GB IBM Travelstar IDE
Windows 98 SE w/98lite 4.7 and unofficial SP3
Pic related -playing some Monster Truck Madness 2 atm, and since I have NUSB 3.3 Mass Storage driver installed, I'll also add NFS2 and some more oldies. ( I know a russian FTP full of retro games, some even EGA/CGA)
I'm flattered! Uguu~
Also Laserdiscs. I ordered a player today to replace my old (RIP) CLD-700. Also got Alien for 5 bongbux. And I'm thinking about getting Videodrome. Anyone seen it?
>(RIP) CLD-700
Sorry to hear. RIP.
It's okay, I watched it ages ago, would be real sweet on a real laserdisc, have fun!
I think it's related to the fact that Japanese people rarely upgrade to the latest-and-greatest technology.
Kind of funny thinking back when Japan was literally the latest and greatest in technology
>is it gay to ingest your own semen
UEF > all
Maybe the corporations, but I've heard that Japanese people take care of their stuff and only upgrade when things literally break. I guess that's why you see so many retro games with their packaging in Japan.
I also have a Armada 110, but I ghetto rigged some more powerful speakers (the internal ones sounded like shit) and it looks a bit ugly.
That one runs vanilla 98SE though, and has a 10GB drive. Upside of it though, is it literally uses a desktop CPU, so I've been able to use a 1GHz Coppermine P3. (it won't accept Tualatins, found out the hard way...)
Sweet! Post pics?
Ghetto mods look always interesting.
I don't think he calls the card itself retro, but it's suitable for a system that is retro. When you want to run older XP games that don't always run well on 7-10. A bit like how people use GeForce 4 and Fx cards on systems running Windows 98.
>I don't think he calls the card itself retro, but it's suitable for a system that is retro.
No PCIe system is retro
This is even worse
he calls the card itself retro too though, even when he mostly imples it as a card for retro gaming
Here's a pic.
They're from some cheap USB speakers that were quiet when plugged to a phone.
A system would include the software the way I used it. Retro simply means something of the past. There is no clear line between what's retro and what isn't retro. Even brand spanking new, with an old style can be called retro (new cars styled like older models, brand new mini ITX systems in Commodore 64-like cases) due to being styled like something old.
The way some people here gets pissy about someones usage of the word retro is pretty lame. Then again, not being able to understand what people mean when they say things is a sign of autism.
10/10 mod
would bass on
If you would actually read the thread, you'd see people aren't very happy about Pentium 4's and C2D's being introduced here and elsewhere as "retro"
Some people here used to be in the hobby for decades before now suddenly everything older than a few years is retro and everybody has to post pictures about their "retro" C2D systems and jerk off to them like the hipsters most are
>Even brand spanking new, with an old style can be called retro (new cars styled like older models, brand new mini ITX systems in Commodore 64-like cases) due to being styled like something old.
hipsters already do that and it's pretty common now
you don't think actual people who know their shit buy those ITX systems in Commodore 64 like cases, do you? no, it's all about the retro craze
Do you browse vorgons and suck Phils dick daily?
put something around the back of the speakers (like cups or some small custom cut cardboard boxes) and it'll be louder/sound better
Haven't gone to a "retro general" here in a while, so I don't know if they're posting C2D systems or not, but I do see them around in guts threads and vogons, but their owners usually don't claim they're retro from what I've seen. They're usually their daily driver that they have no reason to upgrade from, that or they refuse to admit they're poor and cannot afford to upgrade. If it weren't for games, I could still use my C2D also.
I do browse vogons once in a while, but I don't suck his dick. He lives too far away. Vogons is a pretty decent source for information about older systems tho. + they have a driver archive that's pretty great.
>Vogons is a pretty decent source for information about older systems tho. + they have a driver archive that's pretty great.
It is, also Phil is pretty informative as a poster and posts files and good tips.
They're loud enough that they scared the ever living crap out of me when I was in BIOS. The beeps they produced were loud enough to wake the dead.
Might try to think of something to look good on it.
Otherwise they're as loud as the stock ones on the E500.
>"retro general"
no thanks
the generals always have dumb rules
just normal retro threads are way better
I want one, where'd you get it?
I personally don't really care if people post Pentium 4 and even occasional Core 2-class systems here as long as they're nicely maintained examples and not just their mom's dusty low-end Aspire they dug out of the closet to laugh at for being so OLD lol, there were a lot of nice systems built in the 2000s.