Why do shared hosting providers keep using this?
Why do shared hosting providers keep using this?
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I don't know. I used it for myself, because it was easy to setup.
because it works? fuck off retard
Holy shit they're serious.
Easy to massively maintain shared clients, especially with cPanel/WHM. Much nicer than dealing with 30 different clients using node/Django/etc.
t. Currently working Ticket Support at a shared hosting center
>The term “WC” has been suggested for a computer running Windows.
Top banter.
Companies like yours are typically run by terrible, incompetent people.
t. used to work for colocation/managed server providers that did business with hosting companies
I like lnmp for legacy setups
kind of funny to set up though, as nginx doesn't support a lot of those legacy servers.
no you didn't
t. professional shit poster
generalizations are cool!
For the same reason people use shared hosting services.
They are retarded.
because configuring virtualhosts for multiple clients 'sharing' the same server is easy as fuck and allows you to host multiple websites on the same port with their own independent webroots
I think OP's point is that Apache, MySQL and PHP are shitware.
I've only been working here for under a year. But our service is really stable. Rarely do I come across issues that are actually the fault of our hosting. It's almost always the incompetence of the client.
For instance, we sent out notifications off php5.6->7.0 migrations 8 months before it happened and clients didn't realize that their old php code used deprecated function calls, and kept blaming us for there outdated shit not working.
LNPP doesn't have the same ring to it.
Although, you could use the E for nginx and have the LEPR stack with Ruby
>still using a relational database
>still using a POO language
NoSQL isn't the solution for everything, idiot. Sometimes, you need referential integrity in your data.
>what are graph databases?
Hope you enjoy living in the previous century, famalam.