Faces of Sup Forums thread

Lets see those fat neck beards I know you're all there

fuck off


Fat neck beard spotted. Take a careful image of your face including the double chin thing and upload it here please.

>start a faces thread
>OP doesn't post his face
kys or atlest fuck off back to Sup Forums or /soc/

you would be less Sup Forumstrash if you actually posted your own face first when you started the thread, faggot

now go suck your off your mom

Calm down I just wanted to start a fun thread.
>Sup Forums "I hate fun"

Alright fine. But just this once.

Are you a dragon dildo?

fuck off nigger, this shit is even less technology than battlestation/desktop and guts shit threads

we already have enough fun trolling windows, apple and android threads


You're forgetting gNUH/Loonix.
Freetards are the most gullible idiots and bait takers.



all me

I bet most Sup Forums tards looks like the average white male. Then there are the pedos

wouldn't you have more luck finding the pedos in loli threads or generell Sup Forums than on Sup Forums?


Sup Forums is techloligy. That said, I only respond to obvious bait about pedos when I want to help shit a thread up. This one's already shit and will be deleted in a bit so there's no point.

>will be deleted in a bit
You see thats where you're wrong. Its a meta thread so its allowed.


I bet you one zillion bitcoins it will get deleted.

OP here, if you show your faces like Thread asked then I'll show mine.

No post your penis first.

me on the left
now post faggot

Wrong. Meta is only allowed on /qa/.


post bobs and vegne

nah you obviously don't want to see if you troll like that

nobody wants to see it faggot, go to /soc/ or /lgbt/ if you want to whore yourself out

here is bobs and vagene