What will be Apple's next big innovation?

What will be Apple's next big innovation?

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no ports
touch screen
wireless charging battery

The screen will be the Mac

Nothing at all.
They'll just charge your bank account every month, that's it.

Not selling hardware but time of usage, something like IBM mainframes.


No keyboard or trackpad(but two touchscreens instead)
No HD (cloud only)
No speakers (bluetooth connection to Apple speakers/earphones only)

>turns from black to silver over the years
It will eventually lose all colour and become transparent.
It will still fold in half.

If they are following Lenovo then they will install spyware in them.

So Windows 10?


So the basically glue together to iShits in an 90° angle
sounds like something applel would do

no bezel, screen everywhere (eink) including the back

can be used to customize the look of your phone, but will change into an ad every 5 minutes

>but will change into an ad every 5 minutes
You are getting confused. This isn't Windows 10.

On the right: business machines made for actual work.
On the right: toys.

You're right it's worse.

You drop the thing, screen breaks.
Buy new iDevice.

>On the right


>two touchscreens instead

The ZTE Axon M would like a word with you.

No keyboard

What's a keyboard

So sleek; So chic

>What's a computer?
Is how I think it'll go. people nowadays, or at least the majority that I know, don't even have a laptop/pc, just their phones and/or a tablet

What about the right?

siri buttplug

Watch aplel copy this in 2years time

They should bring back colorful plastic laptop/computer. I miss when computers were fun.

>Vibrates to your favorite mp3
>Plays death metal

play ear rape trap, shit'll cook up your intestines

>What will be Apple's first big innovation?
We are still waiting.

IOS on every single device

Microsoft is almost finished with their own copy

hmm does that flip closed?

Smart dildos

What happened to Apple in 2000? Everything they released around that time looked like literal toys for literal children.

The Macbook Wheel


Steve Jobs came back

Making the notch thinner.
On a less snarky note, maybe they will hit it big in their pursuit of a modular computer for their new Mac Pro desktop design.

>toys for literal children.

god damn youre young. there is a reason why it looks like a childrens toy to you. it was a stark departure from anything else in the computer market like, ever, the design of computers till then wasn't always functional, there was a lot of bad design. Apple put forward a design that stood out totally from everything else in the market and it allowed them to jump start the company. It was a highly desirable product, simply because it was different and it did many of the same things you could do on a Windows computer from a productivity standpoint AND windows suffered from a lot of stability problems that Mac didn't have as much of for example.

iPud (original content, donut steal)

>for you

>it was a stark departure from anything else in the computer market like, ever, the design of computers till then wasn't always functional
Nigga what.
No laptop company had a more functional design than thinkpads. None. It was completely utilitarian, function over form. Apple did the opposite, they emphasized aesthetics over functionality. For example, they lose ports to make laptops slimmer and more pleasing to the eye.

jesus you must be under 20 or something. listen, people didn't buy laptops back then, they bought desktops, laptops were purchased by companies for workers on the field who required them. Around the time that the imac came out, laptops started dropping in prices where really high end consumers started to look at them, Apple though had a few advantages going for them, they had specific market applications and specific industry software that only worked on macs.
>google investment inertia
And they also had a following of "creative types" who only used macs because reasons, also, macs in general were more stable than 9x versions of windows, people were tired of getting burned by microsoft.

Flip phones are back

>flip it closed
>screen on both sides

just fuck my shit up

Apple have a annual feature/upgrade cycle for most of their products.
Tell me about the upgrades.

a computer that doesn't compute

just service subscriptions as long as it works out
then they'll just sue everyone and everything over trivial patents to stay afloat

>On the right:


Bluetooth connection to touchpad
Bluetooth connection to keyboard
Bluetooth connection to monitor
Bluetooth connection to built-in speakers

>tfw this autist is USING a computer

This retard ad makes me so fucking angery

>windows suffered from a lot of stability problems that Mac didn't have as much of for example.

What? Are you talking about the plastic raincoat rather than appel computers?

Mac OS pre OS X crashed like a bitch every 5 minutes with cryptic error codes and couldn't even multitask properly. Even OS X 10.0-10.2 was totally unable to the extent that the fanbois still prefered to use shitty OS 9

says Mac OS is more stable than Win9x isn't much of a compliment

the iApple

Apple's next invention will be the hp elite x3.


whats a gender

The entire computer is simply an array of dongles.

Connect battery to CPU to RAM to keyboard to touchpad to screen to network card using a daisy chain of dongles, which will randomly use thunderbolt and USB-C alternately (requiring intermediate converter dongles).

The cables and connection points will also be poorly insulated, and fray easily after being bent a couple of times

It'll be marketed as
>Flexibly different
>Computing your way
>Modular, revolutionary

>list is all PowerBooks and a premium MacBook
>except for the iBook they put in when they realized the only visual update the PowerBook lineup got in 1999-2000 was a shit brown keyboard.

Lenovo/IBM doesn't need to innovate because they make business machines. What is there to innovate on? In fact, I'd say after 2008 Apple stopped innovating and started substituting new technologies with removing existing ones, all to appear hip and cool. Meanwhile Lenovo just does what they're good at; making good, reliable machines, and when a demand for higher specs comes around they'll meet those demands, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>Meanwhile Lenovo just does what they're good at; making good, reliable machines

Beige boxes were scary and imposing to mouth breathing retards.

If they weren't good and reliable then why do tons of businesses around the world purchase them? They might not have any importance to you, seeing as how you most likely make a living writing a manifesto in the back of Starbucks where outside appearance is everything, but in a workplace that depends on heavy duty portable computers, thinkpads are the way to go because they use form over function. No laptop beats the durability and reliability of a ThinkPad for the price (which is incredibly cheap)

Then see it as a reference to Apple Computer Inc. vs. Apple Inc.

a file

everything is a file

r u a file

I sure am, doc. thanks for asking.

>If they weren't good and reliable then why do tons of businesses around the world purchase them?
For the same reason you do, the big IBM (now Lenovo) ThinkPad logo embedded into the plastics, they're the Mac of corporate fleets, with a strong brand behind them that calms the fears of enterprise buyers and makes newfags on Sup Forums feel professional, savvy and part of something.
>blah blah starbucks blah function over form blah blah blah
Yeah, you sound like one of those fucking idiots who pays full retail for a nu-pad and then projects all over the place. You don't know shit about what a "workplace" depends on.

Sent from my W520

>plays your mp3
More like "Plays your favourite proprietary m4a through iTunes

Who said I paid full retail? No one pays full retail for a ThinkPad

Man, do you live in a cave? Go lurk the shitpad general some time or turn off your filters for a long enough time to get a good glimpse of all the fucking morons evangelizing X1 Carbons and neo-T shit that doesn't even have an ethernet port.

I don't frequent tpg a lot but is that really true? I didn't think in a million years they'd get anything else other than T models or some very specific IBM models

iFuck - the innovative steve jobs sex robot

it's actually a market test for when crapple does theirs all out
the touchbar bullshit was as well to an extent
more gui bullshit to get people to buy the same shit over again in a different format

Do you want a good keyboard on a good reliable computer that can last forever, so you can actually write code and be productive?

>Do you want to show off to your friends? Do you consider yourself a programmer, yet you only know python and the longest program you've written is like 500 lines? Are you a massive faggot?

I kinda like the touchbar Idea THB. That way you at least use the F-key space for more than just single purpose buttons.


*desu god fcking damnit

There are still people around that understand that ThinkPads are just a shittier MacBook with a clit now, but I've seen plenty of idiots in blog threads too that are either bragging about their shiny new T[5-4][3-9]0.? or contemplating buying one. Maybe they don't pervade the board quite yet, but they're definitely here.
Oh, look, another one. The Reddit spacing, "code" instead of "programming" and clear effort in demonstrating brand-consciousness tells me you're probably a newfag trying hard to fit in, or are you an archtoddler who primarily lives in *fetch threads? The notion that people are productive because of the brands and products they wear tells me you've been trying to make your consumerist lifestyle into something more for a while, now.

no keyboard
giant touchpad only