Why would you buy a rift or vive and not a hololens?
Why would you buy a rift or vive and not a hololens?
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I don't have 10k to waste on a beta product.
you can't compare them you absolute waste of skin nigger betafagcuck
Sure you can, they are both wearables. Hell, even apple says the future is AR
>semi wealthy fag with mommy's credit card detected
Because it's a piece of shit. I have access to one and I got extremely pissed off within 30 seconds of having it on because of how anti intuitive it is and how limited the FOV is. It's like looking through a cardboard toilet paper roll.
It almost killed VR for me, I'm glad I bought the rift though which was a completely different experience and has 100% convinced me that vr is the inevitable future.
>trusting that Microsoft will support their product and not kill it off because 'nutella' is a weak willed little bitch who can't see a product through to maturity.
No thanks.
because if I wanted to interact with the real world I wouldn't have bought VR in the first place
30 degree viewing angle gay retard
Why not just steal it like a nigger?
because the hololens looks retarded and botnet google glasses?
Id buy a vive but its too expensive
I dont want beta products.
Have you played super hot VR yet?
>apple says the future is AR.
If you can create good AR,you can create good VR too.
I'm waiting for the Magic Leap. Hopefully when it is released fully to the consumer market it won't cost $1000+ USD. Coming 2018.
If I wanted to interact with the real world I wouldn't be on Sup Forums.
Nevermind, it looks like it will possibly cost $1000 - $1500.
VR was expensive when it first came out, but it was nowhere near this expensive.
>AR manufacturers: Why won't people buy our headset
>People: It is too damn expensive for the average person
>AR manufacturers: I don't know why it isn't popular, I guess instead of dropping the price, we will sell to companies, instead and make enterprise editions. It worked for Google Glass.
Because I used one in some attraction at the Kennedy Space Center where they put you in an empty room and simulate you being on mars with Buzz Aldrin.
I really can't say how dissapointed I was. I was expecting the projections to take up the entirety of the lenses. Instead it seemed like the glasses could barely project on 50% of the total area of the lenses.
Right now it honestly just feels like a device that projects a tiny television screen infront of you.
because i prefere VR over AR. also this
I know I'm a hypocrite, but I'll wait till gen 2.
I went with gen one of VR and think it is amazing, but gen 1 of AR glasses seem not that good. I would buy one, but they'll probably not cost anywhere under 1000 bucks. There is one that costs 600 or so dollars, but I want one that costs as much as VR or less.
If they drop the price, they'll be selling the hardware at a loss.
They don't make that many units, and they have nearly no parts in common with anything on the market.
Selling at a loss only works when you're trying to sell the environment rather than the hardware. Sony and Microsoft can get away with that when they sell their consoles at a loss because the environment is guaranteed to exist.
An AR userland is nonexistent. You have to wait for the corporations to build it for you, and they probably aren't willing to share.
HoloLens is amazing, but don't fall for the marketing photos.
Also, if you're going to dump $3 grand on one, wait for V2. It doubles the FoV, which is the biggest issue with the thing.
Black women thatvlook like monkeys cant afford VR head sets.
This iscreally shitty marketing
The image is visual Ebola.
I understand they would be selling at a loss, but
people won't want one until the price goes down. AR will probably become more popular when the manufacturing process cost less to produce one.
>AR manufacturers: Why won't people buy our headset
Said no AR manufacturer ever. There's not even any AR headsets officially for sale yet. You're not buying a HoloLens, you're buying a HoloLens development prototype so you can start developing software for the thing. I doubt Microsoft gives a shit how many prototypes they sell outside of how much interest it shows in the project - the revenue generated by selling them is inconsequential.
The HoloLens is being developed and marketed primarily as a business tool, anyways. Don't expect it to be in the occluded headset price range anytime soon. They've said they plan on licensing their technology to 3rd parties similar to what they're doing with Mixed Reality headsets, so maybe you'll see some cheaper 3rd party AR headsets that way.
Fundamentally the technology involved is much more novel than occluded headsets, which means higher R&D and manufacturing costs. Price parity with VR headsets will probably take a decade or more after they officially release.
In the short term, if you want cheap AR, look at VR headsets with video passthrough. The Vive Pro that was just announced the other day includes additional cameras for just that. The resolution isn't really high enough to serve as a productivity tool for most things, but if all you're interested in is AR gaming it should be more than sufficient.
What's up with marketing always putting these things on blacks? I think it's safe to say that blacks are the smallest ethnic group to use technology like this.
Guess they have to put their government mandated minority quota hires somewhere.
guess who's back and making holodecks
Because virtual reality is superior to augmented reality for video gaming purposes. Granted in an ideal world I would own both.
Pretty sure this has been a meme since the 90s
Frizzy haired mulatto chicks with phones in particular
Depends on the style of game. Not every game benefits from being a fully "immersive" experience or whatever. Think of all those casual games people play on their phones, a lot of them wouldn't even make sense in VR but would work perfectly in an AR setting. I think it'd work well for stuff like strategy games where you're sort of observing the game field from above. It'd probably be great for 2D gaming, if they can fix the opacity of the holograms to fully occlude the background. Also, multiplayer gaming in the same room.
AR also has a lot of practical advantages. Most people can't dedicate an entire room for room-scale VR, but with AR you can potentially reuse an existing space even if there's furniture and stuff in it. You can also multitask while playing an AR game, not really something you can do efficiently in VR, and realistically speaking games like MMOs have a lot of downtime so you want to be able to browse forums and stuff while playing. AR also opens up more control options, trying to do VR gaming with a mouse and keyboard is a pretty shitty experience.
I'm waiting for the VR that won't give me motion sickness or make me sweat
Get some cardio
this is not isomorphic in the less
ar will come in time, it will likely first be a must have item when you can look at a sign in a different language and it translates it to your own language, or replaces a gps for visual guides on the road (if it happens before self driving cars)
but for home use, vr will always be preferable over ar because you cant program for every room to make shit fit, but you can in vr
No. I'm hooked on onward.
I think AR will dominate even for home use once the technology is there. Nobody has the space for walking around in full VR so in mainstream use that'll really only be used for games you play sitting down with a controller.
Manufacturing doesn't just become cheaper.
That's not how it works.
You either make a lot and you get a discount, or you build using off-the-shelf parts and they're making hundreds of thousands of those for cheap already, might as well sell a few thousand to you.
When every single part in a device is custom made for the device, you approach Juicero levels of manufacturing costs. Doesn't matter how long you go at it, prices will never go down unless you struck gold on a design that lots of other manufacturers want
It's a fucking dev unit, if you were expecting a retail experience from it then you're a retard. The way it projects the image is completely different from vr headsets
Version 2 doubles the FOV and retail should be similar to vr headsets
Vive is VR. Lens is MR.
valve just put out wireless vr
If you don't have the room for vr, you sure as fuck don't have room for anything meaningfully ar. if they make a sensor extension or possibly it goes through my floor, I can easily clear out a part of the basement for it.
Not really true. Manufacturers themselves are constantly improving their manufacturing methods which can lead to lower costs, especially if the number of defective parts decrease.
Why did you post a nigger?
That's their profit margin you're talking about.
I'm not talking about the cable. Cables are an immersion breaker, not a space issue. There's been 3rd party wireless video accessories for the Vive for like a year now, by the way.
Right now 99% of the market is made up of VR enthusiasts. Of course they have room. That's completely different from mainstream. Normies don't have spare rooms in their apartments. Normies might not even have 6'x6' or whatever the minimum is right in front of their PC (wireless video doesn't go through walls). Mainstream room-scale is an oxymoron.
Wrong. There are very few components that can only be made by a single manufacturer, so there's competition for the contracts. Your profit margin stays the same so chinaman #1287498175243 doesn't undercut you. The contracts themselves often have lower costs over time written into them as it's expected that the manufacturer will also be refining their methods and improving their equipment.
I own 2. I'm black.
Not interested in Microsoft products.
Because I want to spend $800 to visit a virtual world, not $10,000 to make an Internet Explorer window the size of a postage stamp jitter around my room.
Because hardware is useless without software
rather a poorfag than a soyboy like you
With AR you will be able to project your waifu onto a doll and fuck her in RL. Are VR fags the soyboys of technology?
With AR, we will be able to play AR games, like project realistic looking zombies that chase you and you have to shoot them. There was a game like that for the explorer version of Google Glass, but now we can project our waifus in real life, if someone makes an app that does that. Maybe an app that makes everybody around you look like anime characters.
>mfw 20 different companies will try and try, and ultimately fail to bring VR/AR to the masses over the next 5 years, the fad will all but die out due to lack of absolutely any relevant content for 20-something thots and facebook boomers
>and then
The point of VR is to stop looking at this shit world.
ayy yo hol up
Ey! That sounds like winblows phone...
I fucking hate you Nadella.
>It almost killed VR for me
But that's fucking AR
Nah, it's probably just that black features look better with this ridiculous head set than others
God, imagine how absurd it'd look with asians
Daily Reminder: This thread is full of shills and VR is a failed meme, do not waste your money.
Blacks have wide jawlines, which offsets how big and clumsy the glasses look. Put them on a white or especially an asian and you can see.
>Too beta right now
>Too expensive
>Looks like shit, probably feels like it
>Get actually physically pussy so that eliminates about 90% of it's purpose
Problem is it's extremely difficult to have the grunt to do that sort of thing well in a mobile package. With VR, you don't have to leave the room that your PC is in to visit other environments.
again, if they cant room scale they have no ability for ar either.
cause vr is sort of interesting but AR isn't interesting at all
>ar best case scenario
funny little gimmick and possibly a productivity tool
>vr best scenario
literally utopia, the best imaginable entertainment we could ever have. all the dreams of humanity come true
>literally utopia
You can't even physically feel things in VR.
yes you can, in the best scenario