/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player


Stable: mpv.io/manual/stable/
Git: mpv.io/manual/master/

User Scripts & Shaders:

High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):


Configuration Files:


Post your system specs and config if you're asking performance related questions.

Windows Builds:
Stable Portable: mpv.srsfckn.biz/
Stable Installer: rorgoroth.bitbucket.io/
Git Portable: sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/
Git Installer: rorgoroth.bitbucket.io/
Vapoursynth: jenkins.maeyanie.com/job/mpv/

Other urls found in this thread:


What does mpv stand for and what's the best jack-of-all-trade music player?

I don't know and probably not mpv, it works but there are far better options for Music

mpv works best as a backend for other music players. To treat library managers and music players as the same thing is setting yourself up for failure.

most paluable vlayer

I was unaware that mpv was used as a backend for anything related to Music

For audio? Only aimp.

Look into gMusicbrowser. Most of the library managers that use mpv as a backend can also use mplayer and are fundamentally just more flexible.

>mpv is a fork of media player 2 (mp2)
>cant use media player 3 because mp3 is a format
>cant use media player 4 because mp4 is a format
>wa la, media player 5 (mpv)

>wa la

>>wa la

Interesting, thanks

It's a meme, you dip.

I use mpv and youtube-dl to watch youtube videos with hardware acceleration.
I can watch 1080p videos without my laptop fan turning on and saving over 50% CPU load.

Intel onboard can use vaapi. Nvidia can use vdpau. AMD can use either by using mesa.

Here is my config below.



Wait you have three (3) video cards on a laptop?

Stable uses gpu-hq you baka

Anyone know if bjin is working on any scalers right now? I only trust him with my anime.

No. It was a summary of which cards use which video HW accelerator.

Intel onboard like I have uses VAAPI.
Discrete Nvidia GPU uses VDPAU.
Discrete AMD GPU using mesa driver can use either library VAAPI or VDPAU.

>Try to use hardware decoding for vp9 video
>pic related happens
What am I doing wrong here?

Using VP9.
I'm fairly certain hardware decoding only supports H.264.

Eh nvm. Looks like it does work but people have all kinds of problems with it.

mpv plays videos

I'm getting tearing on fullscreen, winblows and amd gpu, is there anything I can do?

I don't have the luxury of booting into linux since I'm on the road.

Screen tearing on Windows? Now that's rare
Try hardware acceleration

ok that worked

I added this to the mpv.conf


Willing to donate to a project that replaces the flash video player in Showroom Live with MPV player. Perhaps with Showtoom Toolbox Chrome extension.

What's the best way to setup mpv so that it opens initially as a maximised window?

I'm on Windows and tried the script here github.com/kevinlekiller/mpv_scripts/tree/master/maximize but I can't seem to get it to work. Is there not a way to edit the .conf to achieve that? I can get it to open as a large window but I want it to fit properly on my desktop.

add fullscreen to mpv.conf

I meant so that the window of mpv fills the whole area above the taskbar, so a maximised window, rather than full screen, that's easy to do in .conf

hide taskbar then retard

Shilling my script one last time, I've implemented about eveyrthing I wanted to and I consider it more of less mature


I'm obviously not expressing myself very well, I WANT to see the taskbar, I want mpv to open as a maximised window NOT full screen.

try autofit /autofit-larger / autofit-smaller

>filename previews
Holy cow, that's just perfect. I you.


At first I wanted to show the filename of every entry but it was a lot of noise and hard to get right, so I settled for just showing that of the selection.
The positionning of the text is not perfect, it could be improved if/when AMM decide to release his text bounding-box code. Or I could try to recreate it myself of course.

For the delete function, it might be a better idea for it to behave like the way dired mode might, e.g. by marking the file (which could be delineated by a red outline) and then deleting marked files with another command (like "x," as in "execute"). Or you could even do it the way delete_file.lua does and refrain from deleting the file until *after* mpv closes.

There is no "real" delete, it just removes the entry from the playlist. It'd be nice to show which files are about to be deleted by delete_file.lua but cross-script communication is a bit of a pain.
I'll consider the dired mode but I think I prefer something simple.

Why does my osc reset it's style whenever I open a video from the gallery?
Is it normal for it to show the full path of the file instead of just the name of it?
I am windows 10

What do yo mean by reset its style? I do disable the osc when the gallery is open, but I reactivate when it exits. Is this about the *layout* of the osc?
And whoops I didn't think of windows path, give me some time to cook up a fix.

>Is this about the *layout* of the osc?

hum weird, but what's weirder is the "drag file" thing is shown during the gallery. Are you using AMM's thumbnail script by any chance? Now that I think about it his patched osc might interfere.

No, I do have an osc.lua config however

You mean a lua-settings/osc.conf? Please paste it if so.

No, an osc.lua modified github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/player/lua/osc.lua (You can probably treat it as the same thing as amm script)

>What does mpv stand for
Dumbass Sup Forums meme.
>what's the best jack-of-all-trade music player?
Pic related, but get 3.0.0 (currently RC6) instead.

Ah I see. There seems to be more robust ways of setting the osc visibility, I think I can fix it.

you're the dumbass here

It's literally install gentoo but for media players. It's stupid.

>compiling your OS is the same as adding a few lines in the config file
You're stupid.

To confirm. you have osc=no in your mpv.conf?

I don't have have osc=no
# OSC slight Configuration
ghostbin.com/paste/zx3e6 - osc.lua

For the non-autist, it basically is though.

>in a technology-enthusiast site
>insult regulars as "autists" because you don't understand technology

Ok I've pushed a couple of fixes for your issues, I wasn't able to test the windows paths so let me know if it's okay. The patched osc issue is fixed according to my testing.

I understand technology better than just about everyone else in these shitty threads, like you.

That's why I use VLC, the superior media player.

>I understand technology better than just about everyone else in these shitty threads, like you.
No you don't
>That's why I use VLC, the superior media player.
This is why

The path and osc seem to be fixed, thanks.

VLC 3.0.0 is going to wipe the floor with every other media player - combined.

That's how good the nightlies are.

Cool, thanks for testing. The size of the text in the gallery is configurable through lua-settings/gallery.conf, the default is what works on my screen (see my webm).

I'm guessing they improved the midi playback on an application that is supposed to play videos. Enjoy you bilinear scaling, data moshing and washed-out colors.

>I'm guessing they improved the midi playback on an application that is supposed to play videos.
It's actually supposed to play media, not videos. That's why it's a media player, not a video player. But for once you're sort of right - they fixed MIDI playback, which was completely broken for a long time.
>Enjoy you bilinear scaling, data moshing and washed-out colors.
Excepting one known driver issue with a trivial fix, it doesn't have any of that. So I won't get to "enjoy" it.

>it doesn't have any of that
lol, It's pretty obvious that you pretty much have no idea what you're talking about.
>vlc doesn't have bilinear scaling
gave me a hearty laff

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the mpv github repo tomorrow.

does it do interpolation yet?

>There are people that actually believe in pic related.

Yeah that works

This is more of a conceptual question than an mpv one.

If I am watching a video with 5.1 audio and I'm listening with headphones, is it considered "good practice" to append --audio-channels=stereo to the mpv command?

What I'm trying to ask is, if the source has 5.1 audio and I'm listening with stereo headphones, is it better to downmix to stereo or listen as-is?

Should work with some nvidia cards.

I just downloaded mpv but for some reason I can't get it to show any video/picture. It works great for sound though, is there a way to fix this or should I try downloading the 32 bit instead? I've tried it with mp4, mp3, webm, and iso.

But mp2 is a format

pls respond

any bash command that will randomize a movie to play with mpv?

mpv "$(ls | sort -R | head -n1)"

It was run with mpv 0.27 and intel graphics 505 that comes with the Pentium N4200 under Fedora 27. Is there anything wrong with the setup or is the driver for vp9 decoding just plain buggy?

mpd is a lot better in that specific use case

why mpv on fedora doesn't open files on sftp?
I don't have this problem on ubuntu and recompiling is out of question

downmix unless your headset has some meme surround sound thing, and if so neck yourself

however some media like bds will have a separate stereo or headphone track and you should use that in that case

is your FFmpeg built with libssh support?

that's exactly the problem, I just don't understand why, it's not like ssh is patented

When compiling mpv from source, you can opt out for certain libraries

Using 'cuda' or 'cuda-copy' prevents seeking.It seeks a few seconds then returns back to 0:00.
Is there another setting to allow seeking?

I just updated to the latest shinchiro build and whenever I start playback this bar and the current time appears. The bar used to only appear when I used the arrow keys to seek, but now it appears when I pause/play shit. Is there a way to just hide the current time and leave the bar for when seeking? Basically just make it go back to the way it was before this update. I looked through the manual and only found a way to just hide everything with osd-level, but I only want to hide the current time that appears.

>see a new video player shilled on Sup Forums
>oh great, here we go
>curiousity gets the better of me and I check it out
>download the aclaimed, almighty, mpv
>hmmm, no installer, weird, but oh well
>click mpv.exe
>no gui, no nothing just a blank screen that says "Drop files to play yadda yadda"
>see manual.pdf
>hmm OK, maybe this will explain what the problem is

What the FUCK, I have to read 200 fucking pages of garbage just to figure out how to play a damn video? Fuck this.

What's the best video-sync option for interpolation?
display-resample is giving me half-second pauses when I seek

Because Red Hat is garbage.

>recompiling is out of question
Use mpv-build. It's not hard, and gives you a static build with an up-to-date ffmpeg and libass.

Try using nvdec instead.

Display resample is the best.

Why bikki, why not a popular anime

t. Dragon Ball Spic

mpv 0.28 is out right? Why isn't in in the normal Arch repos or the Manjaro repos? Reeeeee I want VULKAN NOW

Compile it yourself or move to Windows where we've had Vulkan for months :^)

What's the current state of FPS interpolation in mpv? 30>60 interp that is, not the 3:2 judder alleviating interp.

Because ffmpeg 3.5 hasn't been released yet, and it's a dependency of mpv 0.28.

>released software that is dependent on unreleased software
what do freetards mean by this?

Vulkan is a meme anyway

not as big of a meme as direct3d or opengl
how do I configure mpv to bypass all these meme APIs?

So 0.28 released in a semi-broken state? For what purpose?

It can only do that out of the box with ffmpeg filter which is VERY slow.

so you don't want any graphics output at all?