Does Sup Forums agree with this youtube intellectual that windows is superior?
Does Sup Forums agree with this youtube intellectual that windows is superior?
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this guy is honestly full of shit
I will agree with anything as long as it triggers people on this website.
What the fuck does this guy even do for a living?
He's not very good with computers and yet he does presentations on technical subjects as if he actually knew what he was blathering about.
That one video where he tries to justify locking down computers for your own good just rubbed me the wrong way.
Plus, he's too stupid to deal with GNU/Linux.
Its the craftsman who makes the tool, not the tool that makes the craftsman.
Use whatever the fuck you want.
He presents wikipedia facts in a British accent on youtube
He has no work experience in the IT or programming fields, he has no computer science degree, he has no electrical engineering degree, he doesn't even have a diploma in IT. He has a degree in linguistics and he is popular, so his opinion isn't worth much.
I have never tried to connect that many keyboards to one computer, but I do a much simpler version of what he does on all my machines: I use xmodmap.
It is really great and my main reason I will stick with X 10 years after wayland is the norm.
I need to be able to make my own keyboard layout fast and easily from a broken setup.
But in order to do what he did:
linux creates a text file for each keyboard you connect to it.
You can easily make a program that does this.
objectively this.
>Being this bootyblasted that people have different opinions regarding technology then you.
Lmaoing @ urlyfe
So this G is basically trying to tell us that
>something bad is actually good
Why ?
>because bad is bad, that's why it's good
God listening to his voice just makes me want to kill my self
I bodge with linux all the time, but I guess it's fair enough that you probably can't run sibelius very well on linux
Windows is the superior desktop OS, but it's only good as a desktop OS.
Trying to use it as anything else is shameful.
What the fuck does he know, most likely when he wants to join two files he goes on the web searching for some shit binary created between 1995-2009 which half of the time is malware to do the job.
KDE Plasma is superior in every way.
>a literal hackjob
>lacks any certification and formal education
Oh boy,if you take a technical opinion from someone like this you have severe mental issues.
While KDE is a superior UI, it don't have the same software support as windows.
But likewise, the situation reverts when you try to use windows as a mobile OS or server or embedded OS.
You can use a VM and have the best of both.
Also if you are in CS or similar fields Linux will serve you well.
Using a VM still means using windows.
This guy literally thinks that fizz buzz is hard
you can bodge with linux but you just have to wrestle it out of open sores to get it done. really the whole OS is one giant bodge
He's a linguist, but consider the following:
As if he ever could understand the logistics of grammatical "gender" (enharmony) when his native language has but traces of it.
Because everyone being able to see what everyone else is, was, and will be doing, thinking, and feeling will be the greatest invention of all time!
Blocking people, things, concepts, language etc. in real life! How nice not to be even able to articulate concepts about things you don't like! The comment explaining he removed a part about diving the world into political factions and blocking them from each other is hysterical.
This guy is a massive faggot.