I'd rather have overpriced cards sitting on shelves than empty shelves and overpriced cards in the black market user
free market
Yes, capitalism. Need a slow clap?
sup, Sup Forums?
Why do you care about shitty founders edition?
I know where this is going
>tfw GPU inflation will never end
>tfw you'll be forced to buy shitty cut down mid-ranged cards from now on
business as usual, then
Apple was right.
That's why they solder the GPU.
>cars should be banned because muh global warming
>has no problem with buttcoin mining taking up 30% of all the world's elecricity usage
i fucking hate leftists
I don't think the people who are concerned about car emissions are the same people who are OK with bitcoin.
stop gayming and just rice your desktop, it's more fun
Mining can be, and often is, powered by clean nuclear power plants.
but what makes you so sure the opposite is true?
Or solar farms, wind farms, etc...
Just copped a rx580 8gb for $315 shipped. . .2 hours later its $370 4 hours later its sold out.
leftists are against nuclear power.
contribute only a small amount of generated electricity.
>leftists are against nuclear power.
It must be boring to live in a black and white world.
>i'm too retarded to make a decision
t. centrist retard
>>cars should be banned because muh global warming
>>has no problem with buttcoin mining taking up 30% of all the world's elecricity usage
>i fucking hate leftists
you think environmentalist leftists are pro bitcoin?
The abysmal situation with GPUs and RAM is almost at the point where buying a fucking PS4 Pro or Xbone X is... reasonable
>only a small amount
I live in the south island of New Zealand.
100% of our main power grid is either from hydroelectric dams, or windfarms.
I assume you never passed Linear Algebra 101.
holy shit I had no idea it was this bad
i must be out of the loop but since when did dedicated bitcoin asic mining machines get replaced by graphics cards?
so you're one of the special cases where you live in an irrelevant part of a non-country. how about the rest, i.e. 99.999%, of the world?
>why can't we all just get along?
t. retarded centrist
PS4 is jailbroken and people are already working on mining software. As soon as they get OpenCL to run, it's over.
Here, 10000 GPUs in room
Nothing, just stop looking for random stores in ebay.
The big farms in china, which contribute an enormous amount, are located within miles of hydroelectrics for maxiumum efficiency.
The American farms are really the only problem.
Years ago
How is this shit even still profitable
Chinese free energy construction contracts.
Chinese stealing electricity.
>How is this shit even still profitable
do you know how much a bitcoin is worth?
Bitcoin, Litecoin and their clones are mined with ASICs exclusively
Everything else is mined with GPUs
A handful of coins is relatively efficient to mine with CPUs though only profitable with botnets
This is one of the biggest wastes of energy, all for some untangeable bullshit currency that will lose all value once it comes crashing.
I bought a GTX 1080 for $600 at a brick and mortar store a couple weeks ago. I thought I was getting ripped off until I looked at these prices
yeah but you had to leave your house for that
>tfw tempted to sell my 1080 seahawk for 3x what I paid for it
It's like amd at $3 all over again. It hurts.
Opposite of any capitalism I know about. But crazy jewish internet capitalism is a large umbrella.
>Opposite of any capitalism
Supply & demand
Demand is high
how long would it take one of those cards to mine one bitcoin?
>Cars should be banned
Literally no serious person has ever pushed for this, project your autism else where please.
>Has no problem with Bitcoin mining
Except Bitcoin doesn't directly contribute to pollution, what is contributing to it is the power sources that it uses, in which, aren't clean. Cars on the other-hand, directly contribute to pollution within the enviroment. You're comparing two different things and trying to make them be the same, but you just end up looking like a retard, this is why I hate Sup Forumstards.
you gotta go back
4-5 weeks?
several days running 24/7
Over a year.
No one uses gpus to mine buttcoin. It's too difficult.
They mine alt coins like ethereum instead.
an hour or two
>20 grand in the hole
>electric bill more than profit from mining
>still do it anyway
lol you mad Sup Forums fucking faggot gamers
A $1000 card can mine a $15000 bitcoin in a month?
that's $180,000 per year with one card
if it was capitalism, the corporation would've priced their products correctly.
no it cant you idiot
$800 if you buy it somewhere that doesnt have retarded prices like local stores or Amazon.
Also you have to take in consideration electricity costs but its not a lot.
that's still a $14,000 profit in a year
Alternative energy sources suck and coal is where it's at, baby.
Do you know how many wind turbines have to be put up in order to replace a coal plant? Even more, a nuclear plant?
Educate yourself before you say stupid shit like that on my board again.
>not being smart enought to build your own GPU from scratch
lol, get /hard/ fgt.
how fucking delusional
Tell me, where do you get your chips manufactured?
The manufacturers provided them to retailers below msrp. Retailers know they can sell them for stupid prices.
If they were cheaper they'd be all out of stock probably.
Hurr durr.
GPUs cannot mine bitcoin. GPUs mine ZCash which are converted to bitcoin. 1 1060 = $6/day right now.
I work in a factory, I could plug in a few mining rigs and nobody would ever know, our power bill is tens of thousands of dollars per month, nobody would notice if I added $5000 to the power bill every month
could i profit off bitcoin if i have free power?
Bro, I'm an alt-right faggot and I buttcoin up the ass. Quit being dumb lmao
They're priced exactly right, too cheap even, if they're still selling out.
Not him but Nuclear is the way to go and really who cares about the world. I throw shit out my window everyday I could care less. If the world goes to shit I'll just kill myself idc
Seems like I'll stick for another 5 years with my Amd HD 7970
That's a story I'm telling my kids. The absurd time in the mid to late 2010s where 1/3 of the world electricity was used to crunch numbers and make fake money.
>alt right
Pick one Spender
It's more like 1%
Bitcoin is not mined with GPUs. Ethereum, Zcash, and Monero are.
3.5 more years with my GTX 970
you mean where do i get my PCB's printed, faggot?
Locally [omnicircuitboards.com
I also get IC's and other components Localy [digikey.com
Stay mad dick-whore :^)
>I voted for trump XD
>le MAGA
>make le murika great again 8==D----- O:
Neck yourself fag.
Holy fucking shit, learn something. Bitcoin is not mined with GPUs, it's mined with ASICs. The GPU shortage is due to altcoins.
Aight so I have a GT 1030, GTX 1050, 1050 Ti, 1060 3GB, RX 550, and RX 560
Which one should I mine with, what should I mine, and how much can I make per day?
Is your electricity free? If the answer is no, none.
>amerilards crap themselves over regular european HW prices
who's poor now?
You're just trying to trick me out of monie
>Apple was right
Trying to warn you so you don't waste your money.
The only things that will mine anything worthwhile are the 1060 and the RX560. You'd be lucky to get $100/mo with that though.
> cnbc.com
Fucking cancer now straining the electrical grid and likely to start raising everyone's electricity bills...
> Govt.
> Regulators
Nowhere in sight for obvious reasons.
>Europeans so dumb they don't know that all this money is just going to the retail stores and none of it is going to AMD/Nvidia for better R&D so it's pointless and stupid to let them rip you off
I'm not giving these greedy shitnigger stores a free $50-100 because miners want to support encrypted heroin drug deals.
Waiting patiently for GPU hording to become obsolete for cryptofags and GPU prices to stop hiking into BTC's asshole.
Just buy an Xbox One X
>when you bought a 1080 ti when it was only 900 bucks
>Implying that the only clean source of energy available is fucking Wind Turbines
>telling others to get educated
Fucking dumb Sup Forumsniggers man, stop projecting your autism upon me and others and fuck off to
And never fucking come back you worthless fucking piece of trash.
You can go right ahead but are never going to make your electricity bill back. Have fun.
>Implying they don't worship Faggot's like Yiannopoulos, who's only claim to fame is "im wite wing and gey XD"
what board is this? you got me curious
>nobody would notice if I added $5000 to the power bill every month
You're an idiot if you actually believe that.
it's true
the bill is over 60k every month and varies a lot
fuck videogames do it
okay, so. plan it out then. explain why nobody would notice.
looks like scalping
a perfectly viable tactic for getting dosh out of retards
It's no board.
Its a thread.
A thread about the hardware side of Coomputers, Low level languages (i'm talking assembly and hexadecimal low), and arduino/server/raspi fuckery. It bombed last time, perhaps i'll try again.