>it's now 2018
>MPC-HC shows no signs of being revived.
Is it time to go back to VLC?
>it's now 2018
>MPC-HC shows no signs of being revived.
Is it time to go back to VLC?
Does it still work?
I upgraded to meme player Sup Forums
you mean mpv
That's what I said
If it aint broke dont fix it
Move to mpv once it's not working anymore.
Media formats aren't updated often enough for you to worry that your media player might be outdated every month or so. Especially when you consider VLC as an alternative
Agree. Why do people want to get update every month if they have literally no reason to install them? Is it some psychological marketing trick? Are Microsoft politics the reason of it?
>being this much of braindead retard
>advocates the use of outdated software
Are you still using TrueCrypt faggot?
Go MPV, or potplayer if you really need hand holding.
Me I'm still using MPC-HC on windows, because I have it set up the way I like, and it still works.
I bet you still use uTorrent 2.2.1
What's wrong with that? I use that version and it just werkz.
I still have Ubuntu 8.04 installed on my netbook, would upgrade but erything past it is total garbage whilst 8.04 works perfectly. This latest software may may is the most cancerous meme ever.
2.0.4 is the true God-tier
on WinXP
>using any version of utorrent
>Is it some psychological marketing trick?
Yeah and too many of Sup Forums seem to fall for it. I mean, you have seen how many here will insist you to upgrade when you say you're running Win 7 for example?
Install a real operating system
famous last words before getting ransomware'd
I used the original Media Player Classic for years after it stopped being supported. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it and it continued to work. I only made the switch once I moved to a new PC.
I will continue to use HC until there's some good reason not to. I use a years old version of Winamp too. I'm stuck in my ways.
A torrent client is probably more dangerous in this respect than a media player. I used 2.2.1 for a long time but eventually jumped to Deluge.
There's no reason to stop using it but I took it as a sign to give mpv another chance and I ended up liking it quite a bit.
If it works, why change? Are you a fucking fag?
use mpv
>I mean, you have seen how many here will insist you to upgrade when you say you're running Win 7 for example?
Because Win7 is slower than 10
Slower at what?
Only stuck with 2.2.1 'cause of What.CD
Who cares. It still works, why ditch it now? Sure beats the alternatives like the traffic cone or the meme player.
If you're really that much of whiny and insecure just because it's not being worked anymore, then switch to MPC-BE.