>Winshit still can't focus window on mouse over.
>inb4 hurr you can
Learn the difference between focus and raise.
Winshit still can't focus window on mouse over
Is that the big-titted crazy eyes chick from the candy anime?
Windows still doesn't even have a tabbed file explorer but at least they have Cortana integration now. That's just as good, right?
hurr you can
>tabbed file explorer
inb4 muh open sores
write your own software then, dumbfuck
>linux still can't change saturation or hue on mobile nvidia cards
>gtk filepicker STILL has no thumbnails
You just can't make this shit up.
>And I have to download a shady program to get basic functionality
>being too dumb to check the file for malicious content
>being too retarded to reverse engineer it
>being too stupid to use a packetsniffer
>not knowing enough about computers to write your own scripts
lmao, typical linux user.
>I have to take all this steps and precautions because Winshit lacks a package manager with signed keys
>he has to read the source code of each packet because it's been written by hobbyists rather than professionals and might break your system
>Implying I have to, god, Indians can't be more retarded.
2009 called, they want their memes back.
truth hurts, doesn't it
>Install a file picker without thumbnails
>Complain that it doesn't have thumbnails
How retarded are you?
Stay buttmad Wincucks
The STATE of closed source crap.
It is my fetish to see other males emasculated and made into impotent cucks.
suit yourself.
And that is?
Dagashi Kashi
Linux is the kernel. KDE has a filepicker with thumbnails.
>mouseover focus
holy shit that would be so annoying to use
>y-you don't need t-that feature I swear!
I'm sure someone somewhere absolutely loves it but holy shit that would be so annoying to use
Gee I don't know, is it more or less annoying than having tabs in the file explorer?
Thats why you have OPTIONS.
Something neither windows users not gnome cucks are familar with
Why... wouldn't you want tabs in file explorer?