Why are you using this, user?

Why are you using this, user?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because individuals of the melanoid persuasion that fluoresce in low light conditions have difficulty in finding my shit with it
Fuck off back to your intel vs amd thread

I'm not, I don't want to enter a list

If you post here you're already on the list, user

Some widely used sites started being blocked in my country

I am not. I am not a pedophile nor a paranoid


just browsing mister officer

+300% test

are you FBI or CIA?


to chat on qj3m7wxqk4pfqwob.onion

Because it's the only way to get privacy. I use it for 99% of my web browsing.

I ain't clicking that shit nigga


even Sup Forums?

don't be shy ;)

Because my workplace has an overly aggressive firewall.
Hell, it even blocked windows update once. We didn't even notice until someone mentioned the lack of "Patch Tuesday breaking shit" calls.

Because I am a white nationalist and want to read the dailystormer.

why do you care?

Lets me bypass public wifi firewalls. Don't trust it as far as I can throw it, but it serves it's uses. Don't put any private or personal information in, you never know what's honeypotting your stuff on the other end.

Just curious.

What's in this thread?

It's an irc site

I was reading your post on Tor a few hours ago just couldn't reply. Perfect for lurking without (((them))) knowing

It's really slow

You know why user

>tfw MK shut down