Why arent you using Vivaldi?
>open source
>heavily customizable
>no politics either way
Why arent you using Vivaldi?
Other urls found in this thread:
Higher idle CPU usage than Opera.
Proprietary botnet.
In case anyone falls for this, they only release source code for their modifications to chromium and not the source for e.g. their interface.
It is just partially opensource.
What's wrong with firefox?
>7. Without limiting the foregoing, you are neither allowed to (a) adapt, alter, translate, embed into any other product or otherwise create derivative works of, or otherwise modify the Software ; (b) separate the component programs of the Software for use on different computers; (c) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Software, except as permitted by applicable law; or (d) remove, alter or obscure any proprietary notices on the Software or the applicable documentation therein.
Wow, looks like OP got btfo min under 30 minutes. Fuck off with your shit browser
which part isn't open-source?
The stuff they didn't pull from chromium
have you noticed that the source code downloads don't correspond to the binary releases and that they make releases newer than the source code? They could have scrubbed the code and also what said it doesn't even contain their UI.
Sadly Vivaldi lacks greatly in the video playback area. In most livestreams or some pleb video sites (Zero Punctuation for example) video playback simply doesn't work and I have to go back to Chromium.
What "stuff", exactly?
Look at what Vivaldi contributes to chromium. R the stuff that isn't in those contributions is not open source. The UI for instance
i dont use vivaldi but isn't the UI just userchrome.css?
I don't know user, I don't use them either. That's really irrelevant though since trips confirm they aren't open source
Turn their interface off then.
Name one (1) browser that is quality, extensible, and open source.
icecat/waterfox if you don't want politics
all browsers are trash, open source or not.
This confirms they aren't GPL-compatible, doesn't mean they are not open source
He got proven wrong within 2 minutes of him posting that, no reason to further humiliate him
Because I'm using the superior browser, Brave.
You can't edit the source, it says right in the post I linked that "you can not attempt to derive the source code except as permitted by applicable law". I'm not sure which applicable laws those are, to be fair, but if you can't get to the source then it's not open source
Still ultimately just a Chrome reskin until they finish their new engine.
>heavily customizable
>no custom new tab page
How can Sup Forums even cope?
[citation needed]
I like Vivaldi
yeah, maybe their lawyer said that, but I still can, do, and enjoy it.
Blink/webkit is shit
All chromium browsers are exactly the same
>you, personally, look at edit the software so that means the software is open source
Their legal team says you can't do that, so it's not open source. I don't care that you do it, but that doesn't mean Vivaldi is open source
because it's less secure than firefox
love vivaldi it just keeps getting better
pro tips:
fast foward feature : map it to ctrl + pgdwn
camera feature at bottom is a snapshot too (whodathunkit)
history stats are cool (pic related)
waiting for 1.14, using waterfox in the meantime.
i have it installed but don't use it, prefer ff.
the hue integration it has ootb is fun, changes the color of my light bulb based on the primary color of the site i am on. that's about all i have to say on vivaldi
Is this post intended to poison the well for Vivaldi or is the OP actually that dumb? It's a good browser, it is not an open source browser. I check back on it periodically (I use FF) and it is a more promising alternative every time.
The real question is: why does this browser exist?
Because Firefox Quantum wipes the floor with every other browser COMBINED and makes it look easy to boot. And I'm not exaggerating...
> why does this browser exist?
because the lead dev of opera got chinked and decided to use his talents elsewhere
the real question is why haven't you Sup Forumsuys done anything with the opera 12 source code that leaked
You're literally lying. That "source" you linked isn't for Vivaldi, but for the changes they make into Chromium's source code. If you were to build it and run it, nothing will display as the HTML/CSS/JS UI is missing. This UI is only available as part of end user packages, which is covered by a non-free license.
They only opened the Chromium changes because of outcry from the public. Their latest instance about going foss is "it is not totally off the table but it is not currently in our plans". I personally don't think it'll be any time soon.