>go to Brazil
>get in shower
>see this
What do, Sup Forums?
Showers are technology
Other urls found in this thread:
> Go to Brazil
Found your problem.
suicide showers are pretty common in third world shitholes
It's a water heater iirc.
>go to Brazil
What do? It's easy:
>understand physics
>understand engineering
>realize that even if it's installed wrong, you can't get electrocuted anyway
didn't you get the news? you can't call them shithole user, that's extremely racist and politically incorrect
you mean suicide cabling in general.
You won't get elctrocuted if you don't touch all the water at the same time
Haha I saw this in Ilha Grande too
didnt die
>le water doesn't conduct electricity meme
>Still posting this picture in 2018
It can't kill if it's grounded right. As in tub floating, and had grounded. There's a YouTube guy on the Isle of man who made a really good video about then. Big Andy or something1
>wired headphones.jpg
that's a schuko and the chaps look rather German.
Sorry, bigClive .he's Sup Forums's unsung prince
If the water is in it's pure state (aka distilled) it won't, but that's not the case though.
You won't die on it simply because the shower split the water in thousand little drops, it's not a constant flow of water.
The air gap in the droplets make the resistance really high.
t. Electronics Engineer.
nice guess! i lost the source link years ago, but these guys are indeed german, some linux club iirc
What a fucking stupid question, are you retarded or something? I do what I came there to do: shower
>lives like a hermit on isolated island in middle of North Atlantic
>massive neck beard
>build electronics and runs
>lives in basement dwelling
>What do
feel like at home
t. ecuador
>not going to Brazil and risky life and limb for the juiciest most affordable bitches in existence.
Its almost like you wanna live a boring life forever user chan. Go to Brazil take a nice shower in this safe tub then try to fuck some cheap tight bytches without getting killed by Pedro and the bois. Its a good feeling.
>direct current.jpg
I know it's pretty much a shithole but honestly I had a great time when I went there. Those latina girls are hot as fuckkk
Less about the fact that it's calling a shithole a shithole, more about the fact that that's not how a President should be addressing other nations if they're supposed to be viewed as a diplomat.
What if you're tall and there isn't a gap, but a continuous stream
In phases are not mixed it is safe as a fuck.
Test it by touching it white dry.
Second-worlder here.
It is russian-roulette water heater. If not shocked - you will have a good day.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Do you actually feel the electric shock, is it like a tingle or worse?
> water heater needed in Brazil
If fact you will not feel anything, because water is falling in drops, not in conductive stream.
But if you will touch plumbing - well, it will shock.
>The air gap in the droplets make the resistance really high.
Even on humid days?
i'd rather have a president use crude language than fuck secretaries in the oval office.
The point you're trying to make is going over my head. Please elaborate.
If you're talking the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, that pales in comparison to all the scandals the current honcho has been involved in.
My honest unironic opinion is that Bush Jr. was our last good president since Kennedy. I feel Cheney was the cause of him getting shit on so much.
>What do, Sup Forums?
Open the shower tap and shower yourself. Literally millions of brazilians use this kind of shower daily and they seem to be doing alright.
It won't do shit. I touch the shower every time and basically nothing happens.
And no, shit like OP is not common. Well, it's common between poorfags since they cost the equivalent of $15.
Clinton fucking interns was the least of his crimes.
Been using them all my life, shit just werks
t. actual third worlder
What if the girls end up having cocks and you're the one who gets raped?
We are talking about brazil here m8.
If a """guy""" who looks like a girl can dominate you, then you're some weakass fag.
The only real scandal Trump was involved in is the Russia story but that's bogus.
Clinton giving presidential pardons to campaign donors and earning a fortune from 'speeches' is well documented.
In a private meeting?
>The Russia story but that's bogus
It may not be collusion, I do think that's bogus as well, but there's definitely some shady shit going on, so we'll see as time goes on what happened. It's irrelevant regardless. I still fail to understand what the fuck Clinton has to do with Trump calling places shitholes while acting as the diplomatic head of the USA. No one was fucking talking about Clinton, the faggot hasn't been in office for 18 years.
My only point is it's not diplomatic to go and call nations shitholes in a political briefing with your colleagues, regardless of the fact that they are indeed shitholes. His position is held to a higher standard than that. Why you are bringing up Clinton is beyond me.
what is the problem with calling shithole countries shithole countries in a private meeting with major politicians from both parties to hammer out a coherent immigration policies for the US?
The first problem with political correctness is that you can't say what you mean.
The problem is you're working with lawmakers, many of whom stem from said shithole countries or have differing opinions on them, to try to get shit done. When you start alienating those who have the power to help you, nothing gets done. In an ideal world political correctness would not exist and we'd all be as candid as we are here. You can call me a nigger, I can call you a faggot, neither of us really give a fuck and just continue our conversation without a hiccup. In the political world you can't just "say what you mean", as people who take offense to what you mean would often not vote for you, or those you work with may outright oppose you to keep their own voters on their side. It's not just so simple as to just speak freely all the time and expect everything to be just peachy when you're working on things that have effects on such a massive scale.
Just look at the reaction from some of the senators in the meeting in the first place to already see how it may not be in Trump's best interest to constantly be candid.
Yes, but is the outrage synthetic. I believe that it is. It is an attempt to gain political leverage on the cusp of another government shutdown.
Even in the 'best' of times the left and right are not working with each other at all. So like I said, this 'outrage' is manufactured.
imho, the strategy of the left is morphing to build pure hate up in their base.
this probably should move to Sup Forums
There's your problem. They have no safety standards. That showerhead has a heater in it. Probably made in China and extremely likely to shock you to death.
Assuming the Chinese piece of shit doesn't have an shorts...
Most showers are streams, not little drops.
would not use and would not even go close to it
BR here.
I can't stand this shit. I simply cant. Somebody has to do something about it. I hope ABNT or other policy maker make a statement about showers.
I've been to less than 10 homes with proper shower grounding and only one time in my life I've seen a decent setup that didn't put my life in risk.
I own electric shower heads but none of them are plugged to the wall and I cut out all the wires.
We have regulations but they mean jack shit if people don't care.
>muh left
Both parties are full of faggots that manufacture outrage and use hatred to persuade masses user. But yeah take it to Sup Forums
>after the security patch
You won't die, but water is 5-30% colder
Lol, there's no way the water would be able to warm up quickly enough under a meager candle flame
Went to peru, argentina and brazil over 5 weeks and had beyond an amazing time in all 3 countries, the favelas in rio were interesting to go through.
I always find these threads amusing. It's a chance for american plebs to feel better about themselves by mocking and ridiculing other plebs. The reality is that you are all insignificant plebs, the modern version of peasants. American or otherwise.
And americans in this case are really showing how retarded and ignorant they are. You think a couple of pictures on the internet really state a case about this? What about the other millions of showers installed properly that do their job quietly and you hear nothing about it?
And all these statistics about shower related deaths in Brazil? Oh wait, there are none. Because there isn't any deaths.
Now I hate this shithole with a burning passion and would gladly glass this place because its hopeless. I'm not trying to mask the problems this country has, but that is not one of them. That is bullshit and irritating. There are standards for this thing and if properly installed you have nothing to worry about.
So stop embarrassing yourselves. You want to to mock with your carefully selected picture, but here (pic related) is the reality for the majority of the Brazilian middle class. My point is that two can play this game and I too could post that famous picture of the glowing in the dark american boiler tank of whatever bullshit is is that you call those backwards inefficient piece of shit.
tldr. Fuck off.
ITT: soy boys that can't handle the cold
>average American, even poor ones, have hot water in their indoor plumbing
>middle class Brazilian doesn't
stay mad favela monkey
We have our version of central heating, jamal. And guess what? Its also electric, efficient and virtually unlimited (so long as there is electricity), much different from your piss tank. Many people in the middle class that want them have them, those that dont, don't. It costs only $450 anyways.
Go be a retarded mutt elsewhere.
It must be because we live in a tropical country where temps are between 22-24°C on average? Or because electricity is cheap as fuck here? Stop being retarded.
Is....a hot water heater to much to ask for in Brazil?
Fucking american faggots want to act smug? Why don't you talk about commiefornians dying in fucking landslides lmao. That sounds like a pretty third world way of dying to me.
Fucking mutts i swear.
Are you in the northeast?
>implying they have water there
fix it for them
only scared of it bcuz i dont really know how electricity works
>understand physics
>understand engineering
>understand that in a place like this there is a pretty good chance the designer and the installer of that device doesn't understand physics or engineering
>Understand that to get electrocuted by regular old house power you usually have to be doing something else that makes it worse. Standing in a pool of water definitely counts.
Disconnect the power and take a cold shower until you get that thing on a gfci.
>If the water is in it's pure state (aka distilled) it won't
Water has a non-zero disassociation constant, so there will always be dissolved ions that can conduct electricity. The conductivity is extremely low, but it's still conductive.
it even has a wikipedia article: en.wikipedia.org
450$ is a lot of money in Brazil, A LOT OF MONEY.
It is considered a good job is it pays 450 dollars.
is this one of those showers thats literally right next to a toilet and all the water gets on the toilet everytime someone showers???
i live in eu and cant believe that there are people that actually use these things.
Alright chap, you stand in the shower and have live 230 volt wires in the air and see what happens.
dont pretend you don't know, wet toilet boy
Not really, user.
Minimum wage with the current dollar exchange rate is around 300 dollars.
A normal decent job will be easily above 1 thousand dollars, even a shitty police officer living in poverty mode gets paid 6800 reals
t. in-law is in the civilian police.
the water can get electrified and then it will be a literal stream of electric currants coming out of the shower and you will be electorcuted because you are literally standing in water having an electric shower like a retard
>t. Electronics Engineer.
aka 12V science
yeah lithuania poland etc
>what's a box
Honest post.
ITT: americans pretend they know shit about electricity
right thats what they should have, but most of these thrid world places dont and just have a big fucking room with all the showers and toilets and sinks and everything gets all wet when someone takes a shower
get electrocuted, robbed, then gunned down in the street
Well we did invent electricity, so we probably know more than jungle dwelling tranny hoodlums
Have to be really poor to not have a decent bathroom with OP's shower.
nice slip to death
It's even scarier when you do.