/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

>Old Thread:
>If you're looking for purchase advice, state your budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
>>Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>>Other business laptops are also welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).

>Recommended IBM models:
>600 series, IPS T4x or 755 series
>Recommended modern models:
>X220 - 12", 768p, cheap and light
>T420 - 14", 900p, widely available, socketed CPU, Ivy Bridge installable w/ Coreboot
>W520 - 15", 1080p, Desktop Replacement, 32GB RAM on quadcore models, USB 3.0
>T440p, T540p, W540 - last ThinkPads to have replaceable CPUs, IPS displays available, chiclet
>P series - reminiscent to old build quality, top-of-the-line specs, better than most current mobile workstations, but very expensive.

>Why ThinkPad?
>>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet
>>Great durability: chassis uses a magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>>The best TrackPoint, great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad
>>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support

>Used laptop guides by xsauc:
>ThinkWiki - Info on ThinkPads & running GNU/Linux on them:
>ThinkPad service guides w/ tutorial videos:
>EPP discount for new ThinkPads:
>BIOS logo booru:

Other urls found in this thread:


Most anons say it's shit.
Also, reminder to ignore

Daily reminder that the Thinkpad T440s is currently the #1 "well rounded" thinkpad based on price/specs/portability

If you have any questions or need help sourcing parts, feel free to ask!

>shitty ULV processor

You must enjoy hearing your x230's fan running 24/7 user. I like my silent device.

I could never imagine needing anything more powerful than my 4300u

>mfw the i5 4300u is one of the most energy efficient processors EVER

#dab on the haters

Rule 11.

My x200 won’t boot anymore, after I swapped its motherboard into a new chassis. I already checked the display cable.
Any ideas?

Thinkpad T440s
i5 4300u
1920x1080 FHD IPS display
8gb ddr3
Upgraded trackpad to 450 model

Fresh keyboard (2018)
Fresh Sandisk x400 256gb SSD (2018)
Fresh 6 cell external battery (2018)
Fresh internal 3 cell

Running windows 10 64-bit and loving life right now guys!

>no bios
>only pic related leds are lit
>fan start spinning for a second and then stops

We need more info user

Any lights/sounds/images?

Try your old mobo if its still working. Seems like the new one you swapped in is dead.

RAM/Processor are not seated correctly

or CMOS battery, could have shorted that out possibly

I want to spend $500 on a laptop. Web development, light gaming, decent portability. Why is a thinkpad better than this option?


So I have an X220 that I use as a daily driver, but this Spectre thing is freaking me the hell out. Since Lenovo isn't providing a security patch for Sandy Bridge, what recourse am I left with if I want to stay secure? Is this machine gone for - will I need to get a newer one if I want a thinkpad that isn't at risk?

My thinkpad t440s is a direct upgrade over this device, except for ddr3 vs ddr4 ram.

Correct, you'll have to upgrade to a newer device.

Or you are at risk.

Is there a more modern variant of the x220t?

Any other brand would be fine as long as i get a 1080p touchscreen with palm rejection and bit more performance than the x220t.

made a sticker for my thinkpad.
do you guys like it? OwO


>scanning ebay
>find t440 for 200€
>should come with a docking station too, but I can't understand because it's all in german
>look for a replacement keyboard so I don't have to use the shitty German layout
>100€ with shipping
>300€ total
Is it worth it?

I may need help :| I got a new FHD IPS for my T440p and when I try to boot the machine the screen is completely dead, it doesn't come on at all.

Pls.. pls halp.

I should have said lighter too.

Chromebook pixel

can i install windows on that?

Google it, I'm not your personal assistant.

Putting windows on it is 2 much trouble it's not worth it.

These constant stink pad ads.

Please... now my old one is fucking dead too. I only unplugged one connecter wtf.

cute sticker uguu~~

Check the display cables connection to the motherboard.

>thinkpad t440s
Right but it's used.

another picture from sticker thread OwO

I'll try tomorrow when i'm not tired, since unless i'm mistaken that means complete dissasembley?

This was supposed to be a quick swap and now i've killed the computer I do all my work on, yay.

Got a Latitude D830 for free. What should I do with it?

Intstall Gentoo

No technically most of the parts are new. Just the motherboard and palm rest are used.

Are there any decent batteries on Amazon?

What does Sup Forums think of the meltdown in xx20 series???
(T440sfag, go fuck yourself)

I just paid $29.99 for a 68+ brand new. shipped in us. 2 day.

This was on ebay last week, he has more.

Well it would be fine if lenovo was patching it, but they arent. They already released this statement.

You can call me a fag, but my words are 100% true.

People using libreboot or a custom kernal are 10X more prone to being hacked too.

>Is there a more modern variant of the x220t?
ThinkPad Twist, Helix, X1 Yoga; EliteBook Revolve.

you sound like those annoying pajeets on XDA


>tfw OP linked the wrong previous /tpg/ so i don't know if my question was answered anymore
can I swap the palmrest w/ fingerprint sensor with one without it?
thinkpad is T420

Is X1 Carbon good if money isn't an issue?

Its good even if money is an issue.

Im in chicago and my craigslist has a first gen for $300 asking price, and a 3rd gen for $330 asking price.

Both are in mint condition.




Somebody had replied "yes" to you

>buy X1 Carbon
>salvage the screen
>buy T420
>swap the screen

Or get a T440s and put an IPS display in it!

o-ok thanks

OP here. You should have no issues swapping to a no-fingerprint palm rest. I have a T400 and there's a single connector for fp and trackpad. And I'm sorry to make a mess of a thread OP.

I just want to play (and mod) Civ 4 and use Comicrack or a more comfy alternative, t.accountant.

I just rip'd my 440p doing it so it's hard to recommend this..

Is there room for setting up a business that buys up cheap thinkpads in America and sells them internationally?

Does a 29+ battery die faster than a 44+?

only autists on Sup Forums actually care about thinkpads.
no one normal actually buys thinkpads with their money

and I did my t440s last week, pretty sure the t440s is harder too.

Not sure how you managed to fuck up so bad. Just take it apart and reconnect the 30 pin cable to the mobo, are you autistic?


Its a great laptop, but for the reasons OP mentioned. These dont benefit the average consumer, so these devices dont appeal to them.

I need a laptop right now. I want the x270 for a small form factor long battery life but a dual core Intel CPU makes me hesitate. I have a desktop for any real task and I don't wanna wait for the ryzen Thinkpads in August, what do?

Buy an X220.

A dual core intel cpu is more than powerful enough for laptop tasks

A quad core is a meme and would just give us poor battery life

i have a budget of $500
what thinkpad should i purchase?
Not looking for a super powerful machine, just want a nice thinkpad with at least an SSD

You could probably find a low spec T460(s) with an SSD for ~$500.

t440p or t440s (depending on your needs) for around $350 or $500 full specs. In mint condition.

See "long battery life", x220 won't have the same battery life as an x270

How easy is it to replace the hard drive of the x270? I don't wanna pay out the nose for an SSD if it's easy to swap in

Go for a thinkpad T60, install an SSD and libreboot.

If you're looking for a tablet, get a x200T and do the same.

I've never replaced the hard drive on the x270

Im a t440s/x60s owner

Actually user, libreboot is now proven to be dangerous. We advise all users to revert to stock BIOS due to the spectre/meltdown bug.

I love it! Fuck, I need to get a printer..

Only the 2 LEDs that stay lit.
No sounds or images sadly. The new one is working. I took it out of a nasty old chassis and it worked fine.
The processor is soldered onto the motherboard. I also tried booting without ram. No difference.
Hm. Anything else before I order a new battery?

none of those have a wacom pen.

Would a corebooted T420 with an ivy bridge be safe?

I had one but that thing was genuinely too damn slow

No you wont receive the official patch from lenovo

Very unsafe.

What about The meltdown shit?

the x220 is dead

Can we please have the general post updated? t/x430+ are the only models we support in /tpg/ now.

We dont risk our security here.

>no 7-row keyboard

I prefer the keyboard on my t440s

Whats up with thinkpads? Whats so good about them?

What do you think of your T440s as a whole?

Is it possible to fix a T400 coilwhine??

can i install windows 7 on a A475?

Why couldn't you?

Its the most well rounded thinkpad, I love how thin it is. But still feels like a chunk of metal.

I fucking hate lelnobro now..


Cool. I just made an offer to a seller on ebay for $200 for a T440s with the following specs;

i5 -3320M
320GB 7200 RPM HDD

and as I was writing this, he accepted!!


You got a nice deal man!

Ill take and post some pictures of mine shortly.

congrats, you just fell for the meme

sorry it's actually an Intel i5 4300U

You're trolling. Its not a meme. Thats an insane price for this quality of a device.

There are a few very worthwhile upgrades he could perform too if he gets bored of the current specs.

Go away unless you have something nice to contribute.

what is the best way to tighten the hinges on a t430?

plz respond

cum in them and let it dry

definitely plan on upgrading to an SSD and maybe adding some RAM

what else would you recommend?

You did good. Here are links to the parts I bought for my t440s.

jpst DOT it/19G2-

$20 for the trackpad upgrade to physical buttons

FHD ips display for $59.99 shipped. 2-3 day in usa.

How easy was it to replace the screen?

>Hm. Anything else before I order a new battery?

The CMOS battery is not the main battery