What is the best password manager, Sup Forums?
And why?
Best password manager?
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Been using 1password for a while - have yet to see it receive any troubles in the news
Your pic related, Lastpass, however, has had, don't use it ever
It works
Myki, no cloud storage.
1st best: my brain
2nd best: notebook on my desk
The notebook solution allows for far more complex passwords, however.
>Transparency a bad thing
More scared of a company that never says anything.
Wanted to switch to unix pass, but I am too lazy for it
still use built-in firefox password manager + addons (master-password) can auto-lock browser and auto log-out password-manager.
Just make your own mongol
Not at all, I agree with that, however Lastpass has been compromised a long time ago
your brain?
brainlets with password managers BTFO
Prove it
Bitwarden is quite okay.
I’ve been using 1Password for quite a few years. they got a couple of good features, but their recent push towards cloud and the rental model doesn’t agree really agree with me.
Transparency isn't a bad thing.
Getting compromised multiple times is a bad thing.
pass + offsite paper backup
t. Same password user
I'm getting to the point where keeping different lengthy passwords leads to mix up passwords for me.
That's why i started this topic..
Looks ok, guess i can try it at least..
i don't understand what a password manager is
I just memorise
I have a few standard passwords which are altered depending on the site I use them for.
shit just werks
I went from Lastpass to Bitwarden a few months back. It just works.
Can you tie your own shoelaces?
Keepass2, KeePassX or KeepassXC
clean and the best ones
>(((password managers)))
Enjoy your botnet.
i am using 1password. works for me.
>Enjoy your botnet.
Thanks, I will.
Enjoy being a robot with perfect memory for hundreds of secure unique passwords.