The absolute state of silicon valley
The absolute state of silicon valley
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>That nose
He's a jew not a white guy.
that nose says otherwise
fuck that guy he's making it even harder for white men to get a tech job now
The absolute state of white men.
the absolute state of Sup Forums rn
But, this is old and I don't want to go through all these threads again
ah so thats the (((ploy)))
thanks kike, now we won't get a job for sure
Lmao instead of supporting the guy for his efforts to fight the Sillicon valley diversity bullshit you call him a kike. I can bet $1000 you have a bigger nose than him faggots.
the guy is seriously a madman
found the jew
>t. schlomo
i hope he wins.
Kek the irony in your name calling makes my sides explodes.
Literal fuck all damage will happen to google. A small sum of pocket change fine and even stricter diversity hirings is what will happen win or lose
is this part of (((they're))) plan to make it even harder for white men to get jobs in tech?
fuck you nigga
This guy makes sense to me and does to any sane person; Here in the US we have a right to free speech at the very least.
Well it's not as if the "keep our heads down and try to not get kicked in the ass" strategy is working very well. The sooner we force white men's discontent into the mainstream, the better.
The absolute state of absolute rn.
This shit happens all the time now. Sup Forums gets paid to allow these crap threads to pop up.
Its like the mafia; it aint spam if you're on the pay roll.
>The sooner we force white men's discontent into the mainstream, the better.
Everyone already knows about it, but all this lawsuit will do is justify google not wanting to hire white men because they view them as a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen
things like this are going to win him this case
Google will settle this out of court, most likely. There is already serious dirt on what's going on there in regards to discrimination, and plenty of shady shit could be uncovered during the discovery process, and Google doesn't want that.
That said, I really hope Google doesn't settle. I want to see them get utterly BTFO in court.
Nobody is going to hire a women these days either.
I hope he doesn't settle. Google would be forced to turn over internal chats and internal emails, exposing it to the public,
If this lawsuit makes it into discovery, chances are that their diversity programs will end up being dismantled for legal reasons.
Im gonna hire women just to sexually harass them one day, like a proper CEO.
He looks like my IT teacher in school, who was 99,9% jew.
The only path left is to be self-employed and scrupulously avoid interacting with women
That is one ugly mother fucker
mike pence rule ain't no joke
>meanwhile, in court
>so, google, here's the shit, how do you plead
>not guilty
poor snowflake
persecuted snowflake
cucked snowflake
People were giving him shit and all I could think was
> damn I wish I had thought of that sooner
I think his wife is a big part of that too. She sounds fucking aggressive at making sure no thots try anything. But its like having a guard dog- there's always the possibility that they'll turn on you
> inb4 love meme
I think most of us here are too jaded and disappointed to believe in that
>snowflake x 3
Why can't leftists meme?
You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you that those are low level interns shilling for Google.
even if it was true no one should care
they are insane like that pic related
Humor need to go through a strenuous filtering process for approval and adhere to a strict protocol to be (((kosher))) that's why the only stuff that survives this exacting process tend to be extremely stale, misapplied memes.
Ignore the item suggesting that they violate labor laws, hiring outgroup is way worse.
Page 26,27 Clause 123.
This shit might even piss off a California jury.
so, google internal email is Sup Forums shitposting? they're spamming traps and shit?
holy shit, they're shitposting for money. dream job
>they're spamming traps and shit?
No. They would absolutely despise 'traps' because those are problematic and the very word 'trap' contributes to the murder of transwomen, or something. Over half of the people named in this document are of the loud twitter activist type in a dress.
>so, google internal email is Sup Forums shitposting?
No. Nothing like that at all.
There is no comparison.
Fuck off , shill.
>Internal email
I believe they have like 3 different social forums limited to employees. Plus you have to keep that G+ account up to date
>Sup Forums
Looks like it was more like tumbler user
>i-if I say 'keck' a bunch, /r/the_do- wait, /po- wait, Sup Forums will believe me as one of their own!!
>he doesn't shitpost at work
you realize most people that work in office spend most of their day shitposting right?
Their programs will, officially, but the practice will almost certainly remain
Silicon valley culture and all that
123. Google furnishes a large number of internal mailing lists catering to employees with alternative lifestyles, including furries, polygamy, transgenderism, and plurality, for the purpose of discussing sexual topics. The only lifestyle that seems to not be openly discussed on Google’s internal forums is traditional heterosexual monogamy
jesus christ
This document is fucking insane. It's no wonder why Damore felt the need to circulate that memo with all of the negative pressure coming from these neo-religious nutjobs. I really hope he wins
Don't know if you know this but Google is half-jewish and they're making billions, spying on you, and pushing the tech industry into a feelings/race based shit-world.
I think I'll side with this guy.
I'm trans and shit like this shoved me back into the closet.
I wanted to work for Google once. Years ago. When the fuck did this happen? It wasn't nearly this bad in 2012, was it?
>unconscious bias training
The firehouse problem
Aren't there mostly whities working over in Google? I read up here on Sup Forums that CEO is a Pajet. No surprise there. How many Pajets does Google have working for them?
>Make gender and race explicit factors in hiring decisions
Why does anyone thing this is a good idea
The left has gone full circle
HR/recruiters and the like are the worst fucking piece of shit people in every company. Even more so than asshole senior executives trying to create a "vision", they apply their world view and bias to EVERYONE. God it's awful.
>I'm trans and shit like this shoved me back into the closet.
you have a mental issue, you are the gender you were born, you can remove your penis but you can't remove your Y chromosome
> this is the kind of guy who posts on /r9k/ or wizardchan
the idea that this botched abortion was preaching about his "genetic superiority" is fucking hilarious
hope Google takes him to the fucking cleaners
Indians are going to replace everyone else in tech eventually and once a completely self-sustained and automated ecosystem is finished, Africans will be the only race left. Might take quite a few hundred years though.
Read the footnote next to the word plurality.
>For instance, an employee who sexually identifies as “a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin” and “an expansive ornate building” presented a talk entitled “Living as a Plural Being” at an internal company event.
I'm an actual, honest-to-god faggot, and even I think that this shit is absolutely degenerate. California was a mistake.
>the idea that this botched abortion was preaching about his "genetic superiority" is fucking hilarious
It really is, considering that that's not what he did
Why do they even need to talk about sexuality and shit at work?
he was sperging out about women being biologically inferior, how is that not what he did?
>this is the kind of guy who posts on /r9k/ or wizardchan
No, actually, it's not. He was successful socially, academically, and occupationally until the Google firing. Not a Chad but reasonably normal. He was creepshotted by some thug who recognized him in SF with his girlfriend because being a FUCKING STRAIGHT WHITE MALE in SF like him is anomalous in that area for people to creepshot him and make fun of him on social media. The VP of netflix was down with this shit.
He also wasn't saying anything about genetic superiority. Did you even read the fucking memo? It's pretty short.
this is what i want to know (not really, keep that shit to yourselves and get back to fucking work)
>preaching about his "genetic superiority"
oh you liberal scum...
there are at least two dimensions to gender dysphoria.
in the first case, certain brain features that should be masculine or feminine are reversed, this generally happens in gay people.
in the second case, the brain-body-map neurons are reversed. this causes feelings of the penis being "a lump of flesh", phantom erections in females, desire for or disdain for boobs etc.
other factors may include autogynephilia or autoandrophilia, as well as psychosis stemming from one or all of the above
Because if they were told "go do your fucking work", they'd raise a whole stink over XYZphobia or some bullshit. I hope the faggots over at Google realize that they're actively harming LGBT rights and shit.
Honestly I'd let Google send me to some brain dead sexual harassment training courses for $150K/yr and free smoothies or whatever. Would I be happy about it privately? Nah, I'd probably talk shit. But I definitely wouldn't go around posting it everywhere. People in tech, specifically in silicon valley or other large tech hubs, tend to be really fucking whiny girls that are out of touch with real life. Imagine how much more shit some people go through to make a third of the money and don't even get the Google-paid office whore going around giving you a free hand job while you enjoy your company smoothie at the rooftop employee pool. I mean for real though.
>farmers tan
>he was sperging out about women being biologically inferior
No he wasn't. He said that men and women tend to be better-suited for tasks that the opposite gender may have difficulty performing, which isn't wrong
left is about preservation of their own race
right is about eradication every other race
that nose does not belong to a white man
>both cases are mental illnesses
suicide rate of pre and post op trannies are the same, ie mental issue not solved by lopping off the penis
They're getting paid for working and doing their jobs, making money for Google. They're not getting paid for being brainwashed in lessons like a fucking 5 y/o. Fuck off.
dudes not fit.... he probably weighs 120 lbs. typical software eng or whatever the fuck he is
What happened to white people? They all used to look like Greek gods. Now we have these disgusting abortion.
do you understand what the word biological means or is it inferior the you have problems with sweetie?
Yes, just be quiet and drink your Kool-Aid :)
> thinking that's fit
i bet you think that goblin he's with is hot too
Thanks for that grammatical trainwreck of a response
>left is about spreading their race and eradicating the other
>right is about preventing the eradication of their race
Thought it was funny today google accidentally made their logo about a white male. Wonder who lost their job over that one.
you can be white and jewish
most modern jews are mixed race now thanks to migration through europe
Damore is an Italian last name.
how many people have black nationalists lynched?
I work in IT, in the medical field. Almost all the administrators and medtechs are young females, and most are hot in my office. I won't be in a room alone with them. If I'm working on something and there's a women in the room, I find an excuse to leave. If I am in the break room and a woman comes in, I leave. If I am working late and a woman shows up, I leave.
Of course I will never talk to them more than necessary either, especially not anything sexual or flirtatious. We have to protect ourselves.
I am a good looking man, thin, and fit. Not the stereotypical nerd. I still won't risk the hell of a sexual harassment allegation. Celibacy is the way.
no [you] for obvious bait, sorry notsorry
they've murdered plenty of people, some of their own included. but I guess that doesn't count because they did it with bombs and guns and not rope.
I'd address your argument if I could figure out what you were actually trying to say
>muh valley leftist ess jay dubs
They'll still make more in a year at their googlejob then you'll make in a decade pumping gas cletus
keep crying goolag, there is nothing you can do, you are deeply fucked
>they make more in a year
>diversity dragonkin attack helicopter
don't make me laugh
you're a moron
They don't keep chat history since their internal chats got them in trouble with their Android v Oracle debacle. Good luck with that.