Who will you choose in 2018?
Who will you choose in 2018?
I would kokoro this amada if you know what I mean.
amada thread?
Already chose amd, got a R5 1600 last week.
Amada thread.
8700k is stall vastly superior to any amd chip even with the recent patches. ryzen II will be the same story. meltdown and spectre were literally nothing.
Sure, and more than double the price I paid for my R5 1600.
Amada thread !
I don't know about you goys but I'm going to buy the best performance possible for my money and only Intel can deliver that
AMD. Literally never buying Shilltel ever again.
Nvidia. Vega is shit
Maybe if AMD invested more in R&D and less in shilling, they wouldn't need to shill their products.
If I hadn't built a new computer with an i7 in 2016 I'd build one with AMD this year.
Whatever performs better
I choose Amada(intel)!
they should've put these stickers with ryzens it would sell better
Both and Leather jacket man because i'm a fucking slut
> mfw my kikeripper sits next to my intel boxes as I type on a mbp..
i already got AMD
although im still forced to use jew cpus in my laptop and server
I have made my choice in 2017 though.
Damn, that's a shame. I guess I won't be playing CSGO at 240fps then, how will I ever cope with this?
I guess qualcomm is the only real choice
not ever ever ever for consumers, lil guy. next step will be 12nm and it probably won't move from there for ages, if ever
But I already have i7-6700k since one year.
I didnt even overlock it.