Best gaming laptop for $1500 or less?

Best gaming laptop for $1500 or less?

I have no clue what is good and what isn't. Other than I'm guessing it will have a gtx 1060 or 70 in?

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check here:

Ebay -> GS63VR. Or GL502VM/GL502VS

How is the noise on the GS63VR? I can't imagine it can keep quiet when it's that small.

GE62VR/GE72VR is also an option if you dont mind bulk sizes

It's MaxQ i believe.

Thanks mates

Yeah I don't care about size or noise

Just basically the best for that price range, regardless of size

And preferably with no weird drawbacks

Max-Q was supposed to be 40dB max during gaming right? That's 46db. The Dell Inspiron (which I'm looking at), also tested on that site, with a 1060 Max-Q, keeps the noise during Witcher at that 40db

Wait, that one is for the newer one, which is MaxQ, the ones going for ~1000 USD are 6RF ones, non MaxQ.

Oh, i've figured out. They use regular gtx 1060, but there is also a gtx 1070 version, and that one is maxq one. And it does a really nice job on the temps and noise level for that gpu

a gaming laptop thread.

Take a look at Clevo/sager if your top priority is bang for the buck

... So the 1060 one is hotter as the faster 1070 max Q version?
What the fuck

Actually sager is currently pricier than the mentioned msi and asus models. At least the ones being sold on ebay, newegg or something is probably still charging ~1500 usd

I also need a laptop. Is GS63 with GTX1050 for 1000 euros a good deal? Also looking at Dell 7577 but it's heavy and bulky.

I just wanna play AC black flag on ultra or high settings bro

And as a Sup Forums machine

That was the point of MaxQ after all, to provide less heating GPU to allow them to be put in slimmer designs.

1060 has higher frequencies while 1070MQ has more cores.

I can't believe this thread got so many replies. Sup Forums is literally dead.

You'all read the sticky and fuck off.

U mad?

stay mad you fucking autist

go wank to a keyboard or something faggot

I have a Dell Inspiron 7000. it has a gtx 1050 with 4GB of Vram. got it for 800. It's pretty comfy for 1080p 60fps.

I'm thinking about getting that, but with a GTX 1060M. How's it holding up? Is it at all portable?

I got a Razer Blade anyway anons

Fuck it

I only want to play AC black flag on high

This shit better be good enough

fuck off, it's not 2007 anymore.

Everyone ITT read the sticky and go back to plebbit.

Stfu faggot
The sticky is trash

>Best gaming laptop for 1500$ or less?
Anything with Zen APU higher than 2500U. 2400G counts as well.

I don't know what the fuck that means bro

>gaming laptop
Don't exist

According to sticky, there is nothing wrong with this thread. If you don't like it, hide and go back to your homework.

The only problem is lack of portability, otherwise I'd already pull the trigger.

I just want to be able to play AC Black Flag at ultra

Dell's are shit imo
Get an msi or something
I'm OP and I got a Razer Blade

Don't know if its good but it was expensive lol

Not really, it's a beast. for me it's a console replacement so portability wasn't a concern for me.

Dell's are better then HP. I haven't had any problems with it.

Blades are nice. I bought an Asus ZenBook Pro for work/play, was around 1300.