Meet Intlel's new security taskforce chief.
>Gee we got the most relevant technical computing issue of the last two decades in our hands. How do we solve this mess?
>Get the head of hr to fix it!
Intlel, not even once.
Meet Intlel's new security taskforce chief.
>Gee we got the most relevant technical computing issue of the last two decades in our hands. How do we solve this mess?
>Get the head of hr to fix it!
Intlel, not even once.
She's just getting promoted to take the blame later.
All according to keikaku
She's been with Intel for 40+ years. HR head -> Security taskforce chief
Realistically speaking, she probably knows majority of the people needed to run this security taskforce and will be using that to run the department.
>in charge of important issues
>in charge of critical issues
Bet the priority of this cunt will be to change the curtains and put some plants for a better zen in the office.
Still, so far the only one that, at least for now, don't fall in the stereotype would be Lisa Su.
And keikaku means plan
Lisa Su actually has been very good for the Zen at the office
>better Zen in the office
I don't know user, that might be bad press if the Intel offices started using AMD cpu's to enhance Intels security.
Dr. Su is a asian woman.
On the risk of sounding like a weaboo, but it is true: asian women are VERY different from western women. It has been proven for example that japanese women have a brain structure more closely resembling that of man's.
And Lisa is an engineer to top that off, not some human sciences cunt.
thanks I watch dubbed
i dont have a problem with this
the ones i have a problem with are
- the transgender ones that blog about how hard it is to get women into stem, when they did their degrees as men
- the ones that are shit programmers and blame it on men
- the ones that waste more time on community bureaucracy like making safe friendship spaces and kicking out conservatives rather than writing fucking code
theres been some alright women in my cs degrees, even one that completely rejects being called a feminist. they're not all shit.
>something i say has been proven
>i will not provide proof because that would be to easy
yeah ... how about you go fuck yourself. you don't sound like a weaboo but like a complete fucking retard.
Found the clueless HR cunt. She is NOT qualified to lead the resolution on this issue. I'd be impressed if she even knew the general principles of the problem she's set of to solve.
ENGINEERS should be the ones to solve it.
Maybe Intel should ask Jim Keller for some help.
She's Taiwanese not Japanese, get it right.
God, you sound like that guy who is suing google. Pathetic.
How do you expect her to build a team to fix a problem she doesnt understand in the first place?
Why do you think she's not qualified? If someone who's worked with Intel for more than 40 years, and have held had leadership position over numerous different divisions within Intel from HR to Finances to Supply chains to general managing to manufacturing to tech development to sales and much more.
She literally probably knows everything about Intel and their development cycle. Enough to understand lead this group.
Do you guys even have 1/100th of the experience she has? Its hilarious how retards think they know Intel better than someone who's worked at Intel and led Intel's development for more than 40 years.
Keep on being retarded.
By your logic, a janitor that worked 40 years at them company is also qualified to have an input on the matter, considering that you value experience as is.
But not all experience is equal.
All your management/human resources bullshit means NOTHING when it comes to the matter at hand.
What is so hard for you to understand that technical issues should be solved by technical people?
>it's a "buttmad Sup Forums autists reeing that non-engineers make more money than them" episode.
You're a fucking idiot
her "experience" has nothing to do with what she's been promoted to
>She literally probably
You are a fucking brainlet holy shit
>everything about Intel and their development cycle. Enough to understand lead this group.
Again, not an achievement and has nothing to do being placed into the new role shes in.
>Do you guys even have 1/100th of the experience she has?
No I don't work in HR you useless twat
>Intel Intel Intel Intel Intel Intel Intel
this is a really stupid point you're trying to make. just because ive driven a certain make of car for 40 years doesn't mean i'd make a better race car driver than someone who is a racecar driver. this whole post is fucking cancer.
off yourself.
From a communist standpoint this is genius. Marx was wrong about how to bring about communism. You don't need to tax the shit out of everyone. You just need to put women and minorities in important key positions and let them rot away the foundations from within.
She probably has an "adviser" that does the job for her
The fuck hasnt probably used a computer in her life
probably still asks her son to check her emails
lets find her son and do some shit with her
>t. inferior 80iq white roasties
She's managing, not doing technical work. Social intelligence is more important than general intelligence.
>high-level executive
>needs to understand complex interactions, make complex models of reality and correct predictions
>general intelligence is not that important
this is what social manipulators actually believe
Yes, I believe managers need to be skilled at listening to their technical employees. Fuck ups occur when they are bad at listening to their employees and think they know everything. It's impossible for any one manager to perfectly understand all of the technical details involved in decision making so they must listen to their subordinates.
Women tend to be more social and are better at listening and respecting the opinions of others, so they make reasonably good managers in a position like this. A male manager is more likely to be stubborn and refuse to acknowledge a security issue is a problem.
>males worse than females as high-ranking executives
>this totally correlates with the real world
>Variability hypothesis dont real
being this delusional...
I said they make "reasonably good managers." I never said they were better than males, only that they were better at a SMALL SUBSET OF SKILLS than males.
Yes soybrother, she doesn't even have to know shit. Maybe she can bring a little diversity in this area to fix things
>only that they were better at a [some] SKILLS than males.
misogy-posting aside for a bit: no argument there, actually
although the "proof men are better than women even at " shitposts are entertaining
Mommy Su makes Intel gape like little slut
Since when do high ranking executives, male or female, ever know shit about the field they are in?
Wait, so Angela Merkel had a sister?
And you can see how some of the attributes of women I mentioned actually be a disadvantage in certain ways.
Listening to your subordinates more can help address security bugs. But it can also mean a manager can be pushed around by her subordinates into including unnecessary or costly features, leading to feature bloat and more development time.
So... She worked in all non technical departments and now has to lead one because why the fuck not? Intel really is lost.
>le dummy boss dont know nuttin meme
and you can do their job better than them, right?
pros and cons to everything m8
goes for both sexes
No, I can't because I'm not a small dicked fuck face who majored in business because I splooge every time I get to tell someone what to do.
>being this much of a cliche
>Women tend to be more social and are better at listening and respecting the opinions of others, so they make reasonably good managers in a position like this.
This shows you never met a woman in your life.
let me guess, you switched to an MBA after you realized you couldn't cut it in any technical field?
think you replied to the wrong post there buddy
says who, OP?
cliches like you give us non-spergy devs a bad name
Yes I did sir, sorry about that I'm cooking dinner
>I'm cooking dinner
better priorities than focusing on shitposting on a chinese cartoon board
Trying to multi-task. I'm a man what can you do?
Oh, sorry. My bad.
no sarcasm in my last post, RL shit's better than prioritizing participation in the mess here
Taiwan is rightful Japanese clay, user.
gb2 plebgag
what a milf! any "leaked" vids? holy shit, she's sexy.
dat deres sum aerosmith level mouth
betcha she'd fit 2 at the same time
don't forget that niggers are stupid too so nigger women are stupid^2
Half the people on Sup Forums are more qualified in technology and specifically intel hardware than she ever will.
At most, she knows a few buzzwords and that's it.
and ashkenazi jews are the smarter scheme-ier part of jews, i.e. double-jews. That's why they average 110 IQ and a buttload of inbreeding diseases
>the people on Sup Forums are more qualified in technology and specifically intel hardware than
this is what gtards actually believe
While she was watching soap operas and yelling at people, others were reading books and gaining experience.
>thinking you need someone with technical understanding in a leadership position
t. math major working in IT with no programming skills
>Intel not hiring Christopher Domas already
Wew lad
>unironic polandgag poster calling anyone newfag
>woman without any related background to the position in head of security
Because that went really well at Equifax.
protected class fall guy strat:
softens up the criticism by being higher on the progressive stack
so anyone criticizing her is open to "sexist misogynist alt-right nazi" attacks
see also: ellen pao and the yahoo ceo cunt
maybe if they hired more women and minorities they wouldn't have this problem, mostly because they would not have the technical competence to make CPUs. Let's be real only koreans and anglos should be permitted to work on processors.
>maybe if they hired more women and minorities they wouldn't have this problem, mostly because they would not have the technical competence to make CPUs.
>Let's be real only koreans and anglos should be permitted to work on processors.
>only anglos should be permitted cuz they have the technical competence
m8 you realize anglos are the source of all this SJW fuckery?
>tfw janitor at intel makes more money than you
>i-its not fair
No sarcasm in mine either. Refreshing to see someone reply normally and not sperging out. But yeah, cooking dinner after work... Waiting for REEEEEEEE from frogs
eyy gotta give yourself a break once in a while
if your spergboner does not deflate after 4 hours, contact your doctor and all that
What has the poet try to say? We may never know
Who do you retarded fucksticks think she really works for.
Look at where her parents (father esp) worked.
Clue: Maryland
go home russia
Does she work for Intel, or your jew government maybe you little fuck nugget?
Oh, I never thought that message of your post is : go home Russia
Do you read your haiku to your mum and family? What's their opinion? Do they get it? You are so deep user. So so deep. Mmmmm yeah
The dumbasses that rule the world fear the intellect that runs and operates it thus they always put one of their own above them to limit their reach and control the outcomes of their labors.
Correct. Also to ensure everything but the truth is stated in typical PR/HR fashion.. Can't have an engineer telling everyone what's really going on can we?
> BACK TO WORK SANJAY .. that TLB has more holes in it than swiss cheese
> Hows that nightly coming along Peter? What? I told you I dont give a fuck about your family obligations !
It's all one big shadow game LARP which is why I always laugh at some normie pleb who speaks highly about one of these bobble heard icons of corporate success.
>But it can also mean a manager can be pushed around by her subordinates into including unnecessary or costly features,
You do realize that Intel's processors have this problem precisely because they cut too many "unnecessary or costly features" such as validation, right, Anonymous?
>Social intelligence is more important than general intelligence
>"ohmigawd clareese, we're on, like, a spacecraaaaaft!"
I have a new tv show idea fellow memers
Isn't this the former head of security from Equifax?
>expecting jews to focus on quality and not on jewing the consumer
hah, good one
>move HR over to supervise security
>because they hired all the retards in the first place they should take the fall for the fuckup
No. She's been with Intel for 41 years. Look at her portfolio.
He never claimed she's japanese
>for example
Learn to read.
>not to sound like a weeaboo
Do you know what a weeaboo means?
> Social intelligence is more important than general intelligence.
Maybe in the west where people are, on average, socially immature brainlets w/o general intelligence.... In more intelligent societies people prefer competent, intelligent, and truthful stewards at the helm as opposed to people who are refined in the art of lying/manipulating brainlets .. aka 'socially intelligent'.
> You will gain 10-20% security
> You will lose 10-20% performance to solidify 10-20% of the security that should have already been there that we likely did away with to feign performance.
Socially Intelligence : The art of lying and manipulating brainlets... Seen through by people with actual intelligence.
She looks like the kind of person I would fear encountering in a meeting.
You know? the kind that has no clue what she's talking about and wants you to just do it and if you say that doesn't work she will mark you forever as the person with a "defeatist" personality.
The only worse kind of people you can ever meet is the one who thinks because he's your boss he can hit on you.
Gotta love how there's a weekly thread on ycombinator about how shitty and misplaced the technical screening/hiring process is yet nothing changes because a bunch of suits and jackasses in HR convince dumbass that its an effective methodology to find talent and lower attrition.
>because they hired all the retards in the first place
Company dependent on staffing some of the most brilliant minds in the world... *Puts dumbasses in charge of hiring using a dumbass process none of the brilliant people like nor probes their talents.
When to start the death watch counter for current tech juggernauts?
> The only worse kind of people you can ever meet is the one who thinks because he's your boss he can hit on you.
Dickheads hire dickheads.. news at 11.
You want a different world and leadership? Stop putting frat boys and chads in charge.
I always laugh at the reflection that nothing changes after high school...
Dickheads and cunts based on popularity still rule over things much to the misery of all.
Sounds exactly like the sort of utter bullshit women come up with. "Social intelligence"? Really? I thought "emotional intelligence" was the latest meme en vogue, but I reckon I'm not with the times.
Let's see how well your "social intelligence" will serve you when your air conditioner or cable tv breaks.
Then again you can always suck-a-dick out of things, so if by "social intelligence" you mean that, then I guess we can agree that yes, it does work. For you.
Might be entertaining in a deflect sort of way. Shut it down.
All the activities of women are still dominated by men at the top.
You don't know how right you are, kid. I've worked for twenty years at the same place, and I've seen it happen time and time again. If it weren't for the modest and honest man, this world would still be in the stone age. The ideals for what makes a good leader, are completely ass backwards.
Well you don't get a job by saying you can't do it.
The result being that if you say "But comrade commander, my troops cannot swim and this river is too wide", you get shot for being a defeatist. So you march the troops over anyway and 95% of them die just crossing the river.