Does Sup Forums agree with this? Should you lock your computer with a password your partner doesn't know?
This is from a senior executive at Google Cloud btw. He knows his stuff
Does Sup Forums agree with this? Should you lock your computer with a password your partner doesn't know?
This is from a senior executive at Google Cloud btw. He knows his stuff
Trust goes two way nigga
>picture of a girl
Who cares if they spy on you, that just means they really like you
I mean I agree on principle but if my partner started digging thru the deepest recesses of my hard drive, that would also be indicative of relationship problems
Sounds like he wants to get on his SO's computer and wants to bitch to the intertwitters about it.
Sorry if I got the terminology wrong, it's a trans woman
No, I'm in charge so only I get privacy.
What you worried about, your gf finding your loli porn? I would be ashamed too
> If your partner is really interested in getting your password, you should dump them
>Nuke York City
get the bleach
i kind of agree with this, which is probably one of the reasons i'm staying single.
i doubt that there are many girls that wouldn't think i'm insane after looking through my meme folder.
my Sup Forums folder is the only thing i'd not be comfortable sharing with a romantic partner, though. maybe after 30 years of marriage.
i wouldn't mind my partner looking through my porn folders or search history otherwise.
This abomination can't be source of useful relationship advices.
It's good infosec to only make information available on the need-to-know
But unless you and your partner are on the same values/politics levels (you'll be close, but rarely identical) you prob won't have 100% trust. Like, 99.9%
On a mechanical level, your partner can be socially engineered or blackmailed, etc, so they should be assessed in your threat model.
so a random mtf tranny got jelly cuz hormones are fucking her brain, and now she's bitching that her (his) bf doesn't let her gestapo his electronics?
why am I not surprised
>This is from a senior executive at Google Cloud btw. He knows his stuff
>random SRE
nice lying, fag
>your partner can be socially engineered or blackmailed, etc, so they should be assessed in your threat model.
anyone who doesn't realize this is retarded
whether you choose to take the risk is a separate question
security/convenience is usually a personal choice, though (potential manipulation of) prevailing societal norms on that front are fucking us up long-term
(S)he's a Level 5 SRE manager with hiring and firing power, not a low level grunt
>manager with hiring and firing power
Which means they don't know jack shit because they just make the peons do the actual work
>Should you lock your computer with a password your partner doesn't know?
I think it really depends on how you view your computer and what kind of stuff you have on it. Personally I view it as an extension of my mind. The things that I keep on it are things that I learned, want to learn or enjoy.
Therefore the question is more about how much you're willing to let your partner in. If you have very little secrets between you, there is no need for a password protection. On the other hand, if you're not that open with each other then you'll definitely want that password. But that begs the question: if you can't be open with your partner, why are you together in the first place?
>ever dropping opsec for anyone
Dump bitch, slacking in opsec means bad opsec, fuck her.
Trust is important in a relationship.
If there isn't trust, you don't have a real relationship.
I trust my gf (male) but I still don't let her have the password to my Sup Forums account
She makes our cloud work and wants full access to her partners computer, gee I wonder why.
Cloud is just somebody else's computer, and knowing google they use all the telemetry from the vm's they run for spying and ad revenue.
>On a mechanical level, your partner can be socially engineered or blackmailed, etc, so they should be assessed in your threat model.
This is correct
Your browsing data etc is a physical window into your brain. I wouldn't enter a relationship with anyone who can't respect privacy.
This is why I don't have a partner.
This don't make sense.
Imagine your partner need to use your computer just for a moment and by access your browser she see something that don't like (ex: explain in Sup Forums why Mami is the best girl).
people like her will be the end of google, so I hope they hire many more of these idiots.
Thats a good way of putting it.
isn't SRE a fancy customer service position where you forward any problems to the people that actually handle them?
And because you are a frogposter.
i would never trust another human that much. modern relationships are almost always short and women can cuck you anytime for any reason if they want.
No. I work in cyber security and this is just conflating two completely different issues. Trust issues with a partner has nothing to do with securing your data, passwords, etc. I lock my PC as a matter of course and I don't give out passwords as a matter of course, simple as that. Obviously if there was an emergency I'd tell my partner my password and later change it.
Also, modern devices are user-oriented, so each user is meant to have their own login details anyway. If my partner wants to use my laptop, she wants to use her own browser with her own settings, etc., not have to deal with my autistic setup.
Fuck off normalfag.
Funny thing is how i coded a keylog in autohotkey because this bitch was chatting too much in facebook
I found out she was fucking another guy, so i dumped her from my house and now shes sucking dick for a dirty small room...
Feels good mang
>literal SJWs have hiring/firing power at jewgle
what he said
this should be SOP
>people like her will be the end of google
This wonderful thing. Now I support lgbt rights.
Dumb frogposter.
considering it's a full-on sjw judging by the behavior exhibited in expecting intellectual honesty here would be a waste, given how those people operate
I mean, I guess I could tell her. But I don't think she would be able to remember a 30+ character password that I change monthly and there's no way in hell I'd let her write it down.
your computer is like the bathroom. there's a handful of reasons why you might want someone to watch you use it, but if anyone ever starts verbally questioning your opinions on the matter they need to fucking go.
to be more blunt: i don't care if you grab something in the bathroom while i'm having a shower if we both agree beforehand that it's okay, but if you start demanding to come in you are being kicked the fuck out of my life.
why are women such dumb whores? it's one thing if they were just dumb, but if you're being supported by someone why would you fuck around and risk losing that support?
>give me access to your bank account, if you don't there's something wrong with our relationship
Get fucked harlots
as cringy as the PUA crowd is, they've got this one right
bitches be trying to get away with as much as they can. anti-PUA angle: shit's the case for both sexes tbf
give em an inch and they'll take a mile
as said, this is one place where cunts think they can trample you, but the right to privacy needs to be protected
>some fucked-in-the-mind faggot thinking he knows shit
There's indeed the issue of trust, the idea that your partner won't fuck around with your shit. This is applicable to anything, not just computers. If your partner just randomly fucks with your shit, kick em out.
The flipside is you trying to manage your home network. You don't want someone with too little knowledge to have enough access to the network and your systems to be able to fuck things up big time. That's not an issue of trust; more an issue of protecting your shit from uninformed network users, and protecting network users from themselves. That's simply being realistic. The idea that Susie-Q has no access to my RAID configuration or my DNS server's records seems like a good thing to me.
Many companies have clauses in their contracts which forbid the disclosure of passwords to work-issued hardware. Perhaps somebody can bait this specimen into admitting they willingly breach NDA?
But I agree.
>implying a female could even use my autistic tiling window manager
Nah, he's trying to influence young simple minded people to do what he thinks is right. Don't forget everybody has secrets, I'll just lock down my machine with a password I'll never tell anyone so I won't have to risk dealing with my files fucked
>drop out of college
>become trans
>get hired by google
>finish college with good salary
they'd just get a beta orbiter to do it for them
>Does Sup Forums agree with this?
How to make a female programmer:
>take male programmer
>put on HRT
>chop off dick
>make hole where dick was
>line hole with dick remains
There, the closest compromise to "female programmer", the highest sum of "femaleness" and "programmerness".
>women in tech brag day
because they can easily find someone else that is retarded enough to support them.
and many web services say in their tos that sharing passwords/accounts with others is against it but people still do it.
Things you could do with physical access to my PC:
>empty my bank accounts
>find my incest porn
Reason enough
>trying to explain 30+ years worth of memes and reaction images
I think you're insane and I'm not even a girl.
Why is every SRE at Google either a woman or trans?
>"...and right around this era, dearie, is where frogposting and wojakposting really took off, despite the constant nagging of oldfags..."
Mami was garbage
>Obviously if there was an emergency I'd tell my partner my password and later change it.
Pic related
>Why is every SRE at Google either a woman or a man?
Are we being raided? What's with all these wannabe subtle pro-LGBTQAGP anti-security shilling? Gay.
A fucking duck!
Also Mami is the best girl.
Its a shit test.
Of course you say no.
came here to say this
I lock my phone and computer and don't allow my gf to look through it. I also don't look through my gf's phone or computer. If she wants to cheat she will. You looking their phone isn't going to stop them and you should feel stupid doing nonsense such as audits.
>if she wants to cheat she will
Not if you have something to say/do about it!
nop i dont trust my shit to ANYONE, not even family or friends
my PC (the name says it all) is mine alone, no1 has the right to touch it without my permission or supervision
>This is from a senior executive at Google Cloud btw. He knows his stuff
The red violent one was the best girl.
what a manlet
bitter virgins shouldnt be able to judge relationship advice
No-one is fully open with their partner, that'd be madness
I put BIOS password on lappy that I took to uni. Home PC doesn't have shit for password (though, I don't save account info or leave accounts logged in). So if anyone wants to use my computer at hone for whatever, they could very easily and shouldn't be able to accidentally land into any of my accounts
But then I'd have to use private browsing mode for my hentai.