Anti gayming laptop BTFO

Now, dedicated GPU are overpriced because cryptoniggers, get a gaymen laptop with a GTX1060 or GX1070 on it desuuuuuuu.

Other urls found in this thread:

>yfw miningfag will use laptops

> because cryptoniggers

yeah sure, that's the reason. I bet you think RAM is expensive because of smartphones.

As painful as it is to admit, gaming laptop are actually almost on par with desktops when it comes to price/performance now.

yeah, once they can't get new desktop GPUs they will start buying gaming laptops.

Gaming laptop users have been ridiculed for almost 2 decades, its glad its finally our year to shine

A GTX1080M is like a GTX980
All CPU in laptops are also inferior to the regular desktop version.

Wrong, Gaming laptops use desktop components.

That's some big fucking assumptions.
Care to show us those facts you made up, because I'm already having multiple tabs open that shows the mobile versions running lower MHz, lower cuda count and lower wattage this limiting the overall performance of the hardware.

grow up or fuck off to Sup Forumseddit

They use desktop CPUs, I have the Lenovo Legion with the 1060, and the i7 7700 HQ, performance is on pair.

Pixel Rate: 82.03 GPixel/s
Texture Rate: 136.7 GTexel/s
FP performance 4,375 GFLOPS

Pixel Rate: 80.16 GPixel/s
Texture Rate: 133.6 GTexel/s
FP performance: 4,275 GFLOPS

Desktop version won on both GPU and CPU.

Just barely, users won't not any difference.

>this thread

>moving the goalpost

Uh, no that really depends.

This and

Not this gen.

Some user complained 1050Tis are at $230.


I'm saying they more or less match the cuda count now unlike last generations. The performance difference is probably due to laptops thermal throttling earlier.

>A GTX1080M is like a GTX980
what a hyperbole

no it isn't

a gtx 1080m is like a gtx 1080 only 5% behind. it's a far cry from being a 980.

In terms of cores and clocks the 1060s are the same. The performance difference is from laptops thermal throttling.

Where are the 8 core ryzen laptops with GTX 1080?

Too bad all gaymen laptops are literally for gaymen, and kids.
Eye cancer inducing pieces of shit made to impress 12 year olds.

Not my dell xps 15

considering you dont need keyboard or monitor or mic ( still would suggest getting mouse and headphones). its basically cheaper than gaming pc.
For example i just some e-shop in my country 1150euro laptop: i7-6700HQ, 16gb ram, 1tb hdd + 256ssd, desktop 1060 3gb. Fullhd ips anti-glave, steelseries lit keyboard.
Considering 1060 3gb now cost 300euros. You are looking at 300+250(cpu)+150(mobo)+200(ram)+80(psu)+80(case)=1060euros. Thats fucking pc without a fucking monitor and mouse and keyboard, headphones, mic, etc etc. Basically you will spend more than buying a gaming laptop now, only downside, gaming laptop monitors are still small

unfortunately a lot of gaymen laptops are setup to have single channel memory from the factory, and their cpus arent as good as the desktop ones. other than that they're pretty good for the price these days, especially if you need to take desktop tier performance with you.

Or instead you could buy a used gpu which is not profitable for mining like the 980 ti or 780 ti, and therefore has a reasonable price.

>thermal throttling
no, they run at slower clocks. my laptop's 1060 doesnt go above 73c. on the other hand, intel's piece of shit mobile chips run hot as fuck, but still they dont throttle at all.

lol you can just OC it you stupid fuck and it go about your imaginary 73C

Reminder that any Gaymen laptop with Nvidia Optimus(optimess/craptimus) is not a real Gaming laptop.

>using a 780ti
>current year

please be a joke

you know you could just disable intel hd graphics and use the nvidia gpu

I've had my fair share of used GPU's fail on me, never again.

No, you can't dumbass. The display is hardwired to the Intel graphics, disabling it disables the Nvidia graphics also.

Try it and show me otherwise.

I've only had an issue with one used GPU, and surprise surprise is was an EVGA GTX 670


It's the end of PC Building

So, Nvidia finally put multiplexing back into optimus? like they fucking should have kept it that way since its inception.

>Bought an Asus G46vw back when it was good, had optimus, couldn't disable Intel HD, games would only see the shitty onboard gfx, no fix to this day.

so yes, a bit biased, but that experience burned me on optimus for life.

What is the problem with that?

My earlier one had it. Lots of games will default to the intel gpu and will run like ass.

That's my only complaint so far.

Pic related has a 7700HQ and a 1060 in it. If yoiu absolutely hate the gaymen aesthetic then this is viable.

t. mommy's credid card gaymur kiddie
This. I'd be literally embarrassed in being seen in public with these machines.

>what is dektop emplacement

>yfw gaming laptop is now cheaper than building your own.

>gaming laptop
>no way to connect to online multiplayer unless your using wifi

so basically you can only really use the thing in a hotel room other wise your stuck playing single player games and god knows few and far between decent single player games release these days

What is RJ-45?

>embarrassed in being seen in public
I would be embarrassed to be a pajeet no english dipshit in public with or without any laptop.

retard im talking about internet service

>go outside

Get out normie

>there are people in this thread who think that they can put a desktop gpu in a laptop

>that fist

jesus christ you're retarded


it was so good

Laptop ergonomics cannot not suck so still need desktop peripherals, and I know of no laptop with dual 27" monitors or which takes several 3.5" hdd internally.

It would make for a glorious Thinkpad though. Have the monitors unfold up and out, the keyboard unfold towards the user and a dock with 24 bays and separate dual CPU mobo as a server.

Winshit users are not welcum here

>downgrade to a GPU 1/2 as fast as what I already have

You live in 2013, both gpu match with -3 to -5%

>t. 2012

is there a reason they didn't put deskop gpus in laptops before?

>Kojimbo using a geforce as a phone and a cheese grater.

>being seen
*be seen
Are you satisfied, pedantic fuck?
>make a typo
>"lol pajeet"
Americans of gee are this retarded. Pajeet is not to blame for you being a obese neet that cannot talk to people without creeping them out.

Kill yourself my man.

lulz be quiet fagget. Plebs only speak when spoken to.

Yeah but in the end using laptop is pointless because if you only use it at home you will eventually want to plug it in to a proper 21:9 or 4k monitor and also use proper mouse and keyboard and why not buy a desktop instead.
This GPU price issue seems to be only NA related as well.

plug your extra 4K monitor

Just buy GPUs that come with waterblocks.

I'd be embarrassed too, if I got btfo'd on this board so many times.

the price will fly down when the new GPU get on the market?


Really cunt? The water cooling meme again?

>users won't not any difference.
They will, when the laptop starts to throttle from heat.

>better temps
Stay mad airfags.
Need to make a fox comic for you poor cucks.

Only if they are poor on mining

>implying that a high quality air cooler won't get the same if not better results without the risk of pumps failing or there being leaks

Stay mad I'm so cool because I water cooled my PC fag

lol you phlaming phaggot.



Get a job. Lose weight.

What part of "plebs only speak when spoken to" do you not understand?

You're not just a pleb. You're a mega pleb. The next question is, are you an ultra pleb?

>tfw almost upgraded RX 480 like 2 weeks ago but decided against it
>tfw looking at prices now

It's never gonna drop, is it?

what if graphics cards are expensive because of ram prices?
each card has something like 6-12 gb of ram on average and that shit aint cheap now

Just need to buy a separate monitor on top of keyboard + headset + mouse and treat the laptop as a small foam factor case.

it's because of the cryptoniggers


Just keep track of memecoin prices. Next big crash the prices will go back to normal.

Fucking this

Why do gaming laptops all have to look like shit with alienware styling and all the colors of the rainbow pulsing and illuminating a city block

First, Both the MBPr and the Surface Pro have amazing ergonomics for what they are.

Secondly There's already Thinkpads with dual screens, the W700ds. Though obviously not 27"

Pic related looks fine though. You can set the keyboard backlight to all white instead of RGB shit too.

nah, they are too unreliable for 24-7 GPU mining, as a "gaymer laptop owner", I can verify that. they work OK for gaming, but for mining? fuck no.

What ? I have been using an Optimus (GTX880M + Haswell) laptop for almost 3 years now. Literally never happens.

ONLY can happen if the game is unknown. I.e.: You make a 3D application.

Solution? BUCKLE UP, this gon b hard.
Right-click: Run with GPU: Nvidia

I can't believe sometimes we are on fucking Sup Forums. This is beyond ridiculous.

Optimus is godsend. Look at the new AMD Ryzen ASUS ROG. Has a battery life of FUCKING 55 minutes.

(also, of course, if you just open Nvidia Control Panel and click "add new application", the latest .exe will pop up, so 99.9% it's your app that ran badly. Set it to use Discrete GPU, and it will always use that.

you can also just set the Nvidia to be the default one, and then most apps will open with that. but it's just stupid. in my 3 years, I had around 1 application that had this Intel-default problem. 1 (!). and thanks to Optimus, the GPU fan does not even turn on when I work/code/virtualize. it's just superb.)

> grape.jpg

I have an ASUS ROG, and it does not look any more extreme than a ThinkPad, or any regular 1000$ "normie laptop". Alienware looks childish I agree. But one brand is not the entire market.

The new ASUS ROG STRIX (thinner, lighter) models are especially damn sexy, even if you are gay or something.

If anything - Gamer laptops are hard to repair, disassemble, and don't ever look for waterproofing. They also last for years only, while a ThinkPad/Latitude/EliteBook will last a decade.
Does it bother me? Not really, because my ThinkPad with the P8600, fucking sucks in terms of performance. So, good thing it still runs, but like - what the hell can I even do with it, when webpages almost kill the machine?

- It can also run 0db.
- You can take it around, my ROG lasts ~3 hours when I take it on site for work.

And you get a display out of the box, so to say. I just bought a cheap 1080p UltraWide and I have a dual display setup.

One heads up though. Check 'notebookcheck', always before making a purchase. For example MSI laptops tend to be goddamn loud and run hot as heck. Same for ACER. ASUS ROG tends to do well on tests. STRIX is the thinner model, if you care about aesthetics so much.

DO NOT BUY AMD RYZEN ONES yet. The current ROG model is fucking awful. The new Intel CPU+AMD GPU thing looks neat, but we have no further info on it yet. I also wonder how they will cool that - most manufacturers including ASUS struggle to even direct the GPU heat out. Now that new chip has a 150W TDP IIRC...
6-core Intel mobile chips (so gaming as well) are very close, so hold on to your money. The next mainstream 6-core is on the corner (see Linus channel), so just wait a month or two.

+ can run 0dB.
+ can house 3 HDDs, you have RAID (I have 2 RAID0 SSD + 1x HDD inside bay)
+ can easily have 32 or even 64gb of RAM.
+ power efficient
+ portable (optimus fitted laptops can do 3-4 hours)
+ powerful (nowhere near a 5Ghz 7700K, but it's pretty decent)
+ can be OCd
... Cons...

- They are plastic. Not ThinkPad plastic. Cheap, fucking, chink plastic.
- Build quality leaves much to be desired. You need two bags of plastic pry tools to take them apart, and even then, it is very easy to damage something, even if you are very careful. The SATA cable for example is so shitty on mine, that it gets damaged by simply removal. Thankfully you can just find "x pin cable" on ebay, and that works.
- Parts are fucking expensive. A keyboard for mine costs ~120$. A Latitude backlit keyboard for 20$. (But, you can pick up a pair of fans for example for it, on eBay, for 10$. So some parts are really expensive, some are cheap.)
- Sometimes, you gotta repaste. Because they are not 'overengineered', and paste just gets old, you do have to take them apart. But do it rarely, and see above. It's a BITCH.

After having a ThinkPad before this ROG, I would never go back. The extra power, the more storage, the RAID, the dedicated GPU - it's just so much to give up - that you just can't go back if you are a power user. If you virtualize, code, compile, debug, it's god-send. Gaming is fine, but the GPU is also great for 3D. Modern GPUs (1000 series) work great with media apps, CAD, etc. it worth it?

I would say yes. They can be easily top-tier performance for 4 years, and current gen models can use external GPUs as well, in case you need one.

One other thing you can use:

I use SHADOW from time to time, because my ROG has a GTX880M and that ain't so powerful. But the Shadow comes with a 1080, so I just connect, and play remotely. Shit works fine. But I listed quite a few services.

>>TFW You buy 8 GPUs to mine crypto
>>TFW You make a whole lot of money
>>TFW Gay fags can't play their Chinese anime game at full res
>>TFW :)

Shits crashing right now ;)

>You make a whole lot of money

Someone is bad at math.

It 'crashes' every other day nignog.

My Dell xps l702x run 24/7 since 2012

No, not uptime, son. My ASUS ROG has been powered on pretty much 24-7 as well since purchase.
It's the load I mean. They cannot sustain 100% GPU load for that long. You cannot even help them to cool, like how would you build a miner rig from gamer laptops? Fitting them to any surface would suck ass. You get the idea.


Eurocom has a 780W PSU for laptops if need be.