Fund the Linux Foundation

>fund the Linux Foundation.

>fund the Open Source Initiative:

>develop open source software:

Is Microsoft /our company/?

Other urls found in this thread:

>open sores

It's called submission.

That's the modern microsoft for you.
Embrace, extend, fill with ads and spyware, eventually extinguish.

Microsoft really had to change strategy to be competitive.
It's just a matter of time before Windows will be open sourced. Not even joking about this, Nutella even said they are working on it.

>nutella said
I know that Russinovich (azure cto) mentioned something like that but it was "it's possible" not "we are working on it".

This. Microsoft is an advertising/data brokering company now. Windows/office are just hooks for users.

If you knew anything about MS you'd see why this is not exactly good for Linux. They will use their sizable donations to influence where the Linux foundation will go. Embrace, extend, extinguish.

im switching to bsd


Windows runs Linux applications now.
We are currently at the first E.

tfw gnU don't care, GPL for life!

Microsoft literally can't extinguish Linux.

When will Microsoft fund TempleOS?

They already do. Many kernel developers cone from Microsoft

GNU/Windows is the future of desktop OS

Linux is forever stuck on primitive number crunching single task "supercomputers" and routers.

even Google is developing their own kernel so they can ditch the abomination that is Linux.

so, this means I gotta hop to BSD now ?

Hurd will set us free.

Tell me what is wrong with the Linux kernel without using buzzwords and non arguments

You can run Ubuntu and Suse alongside Win10 now. It's pretty cool man.

Deprecated monolithic design which was already outdated the day when the first line if Linux was written.
Even Hurd people knew micro is the future.

Google is developing their own kernel because the monolithic Linux kernel has a bunch of shit in it that's completely irrelevant to ARM based phones, tablets, and memebooks.



>funds Open source initiatives
>most of these faggots are willing to let corporations steal their shit without recognition using cuck licenses

>literally a slave labor force willingly developing around the globe

Gee I wonder why

its some kind of pr from the botnet operators.

This. Linux still can't fix the fucking caps lock delay bug after who knows how many years

There's no delay on it, it just turns off caps lock after release of the key instead of on press, try holding down the key for some time then let go

>/our company/?


Near my workplace there's a "Microsoft




>4 White guys
>1 woman
>3 Street shitters
>1 nip

Linux YES! :D

Which already went to complete shit adopting systemd



What are "street shitters"?

Their main product is a proprietary operating system that has become increasingly restrictive and added more spying features with each new release with the last few versions. They also claim that windows 10 will be the last version of windows, meaning they will most likely move towards business models that are worse for the user. Trying to make money off of open source after having realized that lost the war against it doesn't make them /our company/.

How long before GNU/NT?

That's basically what the WSL is.

No, I want to run Xubuntu on NT kernel.

People need to realize that Open Source is a development model and Linux has very little to do with free software culture.
It's about open development and Microsoft realized that it's the better model to make money nowadays. They're just a bit late, everyone jumped on the open source wagon after "the cathedral and the bazar".

>I may make jokes about Microsoft at times, but at the same time, I think the Microsoft hatred is a disease. I believe in open development, and that very much involves not just making the source open, but also not shutting other people and companies out. There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred.
> Linus



Sad but kek

Nah, it's like embrace and coexist. There's use for Windows, there's use for Linux. Linux is for enthusiasts and system developers, Windows is for srs engineering software or entertainment - everything else, basically. Microsoft is overrun by Pajeets, peace is their main strategy, they all go full Gandhi as soon as they can.

>muh tolerance
>muh ebil extremists
Since when is Linus a cuck

that's linus meeting with a microsoft dev team my dude

wtf i hate microsoft now

wtf i love pajeet now



Mandatory exclusion is just as bad as mandatory inclusion. Linus operates a perfect meritocracy.

>this guy signs Linus Torvalds' paychecks

What a time, my friends. What a time.

>Not even joking about this
Then you don't understand anything at all.
Windows as a service is closer to reality than some freetards in denial hopes.

Linux is for serious work, windows is for ???

This is what morons and underage posters actually believe

Linux is a kernel. Windows is malware.

Most software for small to mid sized businesses run on Windows -- point of sales systems, business finance / accounting / tax programs, general-use office programs, all the adobe crap for "creators", sales management software, autocad & solidworks, etc.

Linux is mainly used in servers (if at all) in smaller businesses. Enterprise environments see a lot of specialized applications for linux machines but still most of the day to day work is done on a Windows desktop with people accessing the linux machine remotely through Windows. The majority of people actually "using Linux" on a day to day basis are going to be sysadmins and other IT specialists who are working with servers. Only "enthusiasts" choose to use Linux for day to day general PC purposes.

One of my med student friends uses antergos. Granted, their dad does the maintenance and backups, but they still use it daily and really like it

I mean, I've been using Linux as my main desktop OS on all my laptops for about 7 years now but I'm not going to go around and try to get all of my friends and family to start using Linux. It'd be too much of a headache to have to constantly walk them through what to do when ___random_windows_program___ isn't available in Linux and how to find alternatives to the software they're used to using.

not much other reason.

I meant things like updates and backups. They've had no issues on the day-to-day

microsoft is pretty comfy desu. bash on windows needs serious improvement, but its a sign that they are listening. in particular ghc (haskell compiler) has some insane performance problems (bad enough I use a virtual machine to compile haskell) in bash on windows

Meanwhile Google does all this and gets a free pass.

MFW windows will become a distro based on Linux kernel

Google can fuck off with doing it, too

>implying linus wont tell them to fuck off
he already makes a lot so they cant bribe him. submitting to microsoft would hurt his ego and he has a big ego.
if the distros cuck out to microsoft, angry devs will just fork.

>the Linux Foundation
who the fuck gives a shit about the Linux Foundation? did you read their members list? it's a nice way for Linus to get a lot of money, nothing else. and AFAIU, they, as a foundation, don't contribute to the Linux kernel, or to the OS in general...

>the Open Source Initiative
so? who gives a shit about open source?

>develop open source software
so, like thousands of developers and companies

>not knowing how the Linux foundation works
Frankly, how much impact the foundation has on Linux aside, Microsoft can fuck off regardless of their intentions. They do not do something solely for the benefit of others, and they do not play for the short term unless they know they can come out with others losing a lot. These donations are for the long game, and I think it's with the intent to use their leverage to make Linux cave to their standards more or open standards less

>wtf I love linux now

>considered Linux users a bunch of communist thieves
what's up with this communism meme?

People scream and throw labels they don't like on things they don't understand. Combine that with the residual after effects of the cold war, and things people don't like get labeled communism

>Windows is for srs engineering

>George Dubya Bush is now a painter
>Steve "Sweaty Balls" Ballmer now loves Linux and practices yoga
What a world.