Does TOR make you truly anonymous?

Does TOR make you truly anonymous?

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Nothing makes you truly anonymous.
And, even if it does, you should assume that it doesn't


With correct use yes, as far as we know it does. There are quite a few potential attacks though and there may be many more we don't know about.


t. CIA nigger

if youre not excluding nodes in NATO countries than the answer is no. if you want to be REALLY anonymous then enforce nodes that are in irrelevant or out of the way countries, or in non extradition countries like switzerland or the vatican (where the rich and powerful use TOR to trade child pornography and get away with it)

also use noscript otherwise youre a retarded nigger

short version - no
long version - hell no


if both your ISP and the exit node you're using is compromised (and chances are it is), nope


Wasn't TOR itself confirmed to be a FBI honeypot at this point?

Only according to brainlets who don't understand how tor works, or NSA shills.

No. The Playpen takedown did however confirm that exploits in Tor are so rare and so valuable that the FBI would rather see pedophiles walk free than reveal the exploit they used.

but NSA controls 95% of all exit points
you cannot escape

You don't have to use Tor to trade child pornography. It's done pretty openly on Japanese websites, no darkweb. I'd assume its similar in other Asian countries that value the sexuality of youth.



is this Playpen exploit dangerous ?

>value the sexuality of youth
t. paedophile

Yes, ketchup

If you use it correctly it could be difficult to trace you. You never know what kind of exploit someone out there could have though.

Like the 5200 pentagon employees


>be me
>scared of being found
>download tor
>open it
>finger prints burn off my fingers
>all body hair falls out of my head except for the follicles which embed themselves in my skull
>skin turns into a solid mass of stone
>throw up all my bodily fluids at once
>look in mirror
>a layer of skin has stretched over my face turning it into a smooth surface
>see old photo of me and my family in the hall
>I slowly begin to fade out of the photo

I'm going to be brute forcing an account

why use a shitty third party extension which could increase the possibility of getting exploited when you can just turn off javascript completely

But what happened to your DNA?

ok Mr Robot

l2p is far more anonymous tor is just hding ur ip behind layers but its still there

>Yes Goyim trust in (((us)))

You are truly anonymous among the other two dozen who are non 3LA nodes.
Also correlation is a powerful tool.

what about PGP based browsers?

>Does TOR make you truly anonymou

First 4 replys



'paedo' site

Pick one and only one.


No. Tor will, at the very least, make your traffic more obfuscated. Your ISP will be able to tell that you're using tor but won't necessarily know what you're doing while using it.

The only way to stay truly anonymous online is to never connect to it in the first place.