Redpill me on this laptop Sup Forums

Redpill me on this laptop Sup Forums

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wait for A485

Its got a chiclet keyboard so it's shit.

Next gen has be announce.

Good laptop.
Bad Thinkpad.

It's pretty good, but not as amazing as some will say. I suggest this

not a fan of that thinkshutter thing desu

>have a T430
>love the keyboard
>Sup Forums tells me the classic keyboard is better
>i replace the keyboard
>it's shit

The typing feel is just not as good, the actuation point is weird and requires more force. I just can't type as fast as i could with the chiclet keyboard. Also ThinkLight on spacebar is objectively superior.

Never fall for Sup Forums memes

you know. there is a whole thread dedicated to thinkpads you fucking nigger monkey

Its a lenovo don't do it

You control the pointer with a nipple
It'll be the highlight of both your technological and sex life

I always hit home and end key wrong with the new chicklet keyboard

literal trash

The kids abused by pedophiles grow up to be sodomites. Homosexuality is literally a virus.

or you could read the /tpg/ sticky and "red pill" yourself
after that you can kys yourself

you're dumb /tpg/ just shills older thinkpads not modern one's gtfo

Why not? It's fucking awesome.

Get the Gen 6. You won't be disappointed.

no one in /tpg/ will talk about new thinkpads desu

That's excactly why you should read it

kys i don't want outdated hardware with cum crust on it