
>Every single conspiracy theory about Google's cult, internal workings, bias, social engineering, censorship, turned out to be true
>It's actually worse than anyone thought
Well, what do you have to say for yourself?

If you're in Silicon Valley, why aren't you suing the companies you worked for along with James Damore RIGHT NOW?

You do know that California has very strict laws against this stuff, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>being this butthurt

You will be too when they go full Manson family.

Are you his Jewish lawyer?

Looks like his lawyer is a Hispanic woman.
She's also representing many other people in law suits of Silicon Valley, including women. If you were discriminated against, you should contact her.

>Every single conspiracy theory about Google's cult, internal workings, bias, social engineering, censorship, turned out to be true

How so?

Just Google (lol) all the documents about their internal practices presented for the lawsuit

He is a mysoginist and will get nothing.

I'm not suing because I'm almost certain the only outcome will be that beside being blacklisted (an illegal practice, but they don't care), is that they'll stall until I'm millions in debts and have to settle.

what an ugly kike

Why are you guys hating on this guy? Did you even read the document or are you just a bunch of shills?

They're paid shills.

Those are nu-males threatened by these revelations.

You're supposed to take the opposite position of everything a jewish person takes

>trusting a kike in a kike vs kike fight

same butthurt false flagging nu-males

>Kike claiming discrimination because he thinks he's white
Stupidest Jew on earth, why the hell didn't he claim antisemitism

>Roman nose
>Italian surname
t. 56%

But Stallman's a jew.

implying google isn't run by jews
damore is pretty white by amerimutt standards

Your not fooling anyone with dat nose, James

worshiping stallman is a meme

And he heavily insists on everyone using GNU software so use Linux and re-write your own tools without any jewery.

Evidence details:

Lawsuit details:

Stop using words you have no understanding of

>not claiming antisemitism
what a retard

that's even worse

Why doesn't he just apply for a job at Intel? That nose will land him a senior management position on the spot

> kikes
> xoogle
> jewtube
inet - media - controlled

>remove white men from company and discriminate against them as well as any meritocracy that put them there in the first place as opposed to their skin
>company starts failing
Zimbabwe learned this the best.

Google has too much money to feel it in the near future, but just like Blackberry the damage will begin to stack up over time in terms of finance.

The SJW shit is just a long-term cash grab banking on emotions and indoctrinated white guilt much like Germany used Jews as a scapegoat to create a hard ideological line between those motivated by hate and those who are the scapegoat for creating the motivation.
Much like the Nazis banking from taking over Jewish properties and taking away all their money, the "progressives" are applying the same tactics to white men. Ergo there is more focus on identity politics rather than fixing all the massive complaints focused on the software and the services Google has to offer like YouTube, even Google Fiber has dropped out of the screen substituted by "gender quota" and "ethnic diversification" as a spotlight. I just wonder how long it will last.

It's hilarious really
>person I don't like
>person I like

ok soy boy

It's almost like people naturally have a confirmation bias

Worse than anyone tought...

Sure, but nowhere near that level, and Sup Forumstards like to pretend they're the bearers of objective truth. No attempt at making them see the fact they have such a confirmation bias ever goes anywhere.

>work for one of the foremost tech companies with some of the most lavish amenities and employee priviledges, getting paid extremely handsomely even by the standards of Silicone Valley
>waaah I'm so oppressed it's like a gulag

I would be more sympathetic to this guy's case and the potentially legitimate issues he brought to light if he wasn't such a fucking drama queen about it.

he's at least white mixed retard

I wonder if moot has gotten into any shit

You didn't hear it from me, but moot has become a permanent fixture in the men's restroom. They've cemented him into the wall and people just come in and have their way with him. He seems pretty happy.

Money isn't everything, goldstein.

I worked for a small startups. Then we got bought up by microsoft. Amenities went to shit. Pay didn't change. However I was made to sign the microsoft work contract under false pretense and my job changed from something I loved to being what amounts to a computer janitor. Employee privileges didn't exist, it was in all ways worse than in the startup. We got free food as an exception (other parts of microsoft get a meal card and cheaper, but not free, food, if they want). Before, it was pretty good. After, we were literally served rotten and rancid food items. Healthcare plan became worse and more expensive. We were no longer allowed to go to events relevant to the profession whereas we were paid to go there before.

My point is that the big tech companies often have worse amenities and don't really pay more than startups, which are a dime a dozen. That guy's no drama queen in that regard. Considering that if you work for a big companies:
- your pay isn't more than elsewhere
- you have near-0 upward mobility
- you do menial work all day every day
- amenities aren't better than startups
- you are not only not allowed to speak your mind, it is demanded of you to pretend you have a specific out-of-work ideology, and it's often asked that you act upon it, both at work and outside work
It's a pretty abrasive environment.
If you add to that politics-friendly bosses, it can be nerve-wrecking. The kind of environment that creates physical symptoms to develop.

If you've never experienced these things you might think it's all pussytalk, but it's really not.


Literally any thread involving a jew gets brigaded by Sup Forums

Some leaked emails state that moot "changed his ways" or some shit. If someone has the pic it would be nice. It goes something like "It's OK to hire people who changed their ways (like +christopher poole) but we don't want diversity of ideology, we want ideology of people".

If they have a Jewish name then they have a Jewish name. What do you want Sup Forums to do about it? Not point it out?

Companies should be allowed to fire people due to political affiliation. Would YOU tolerate a commie SJW cuck BLM shill on your company? It works both ways.

We are all /pol, learn to live with it.

Reminder that the same crony capitalist families that propped up Nazism also propped up communism and are now also propping up sjws

yep and soyboys think working for google is some special thing. this whole james damore thing and the lawsuit will make google look a lot less attractive as an employer

paid shills and transsexuals doing the work for free.
fuck google. disable adblock, google insurance in your area, click on ads, enable adblock. do it it weekly and destroy the trust. someone needs to setup and site so people can take a part easily. fuck that cult.

Thanks reddit

Many of them have german, non-jewish names. Even more have no jewish name but Sup Forums goes looking 10 generations back, as well as the children, the bosses, the marriages, the friends, etc. until they find a jew somewhere, e.g. if the 3rd aunt of the boss's daughter's cousin converted then clearly the person in question is a jew.
In other words they look as far back as possible to find a jew, but never continue up the chain to find what's behind, nor stop early enough to have a logical chain. A good example of that is that they still think twitter is jew-controlled even though the majority holder is an arab oil prince.


you're imagining things
it's more like
>who wrote this insane article... looks jewish... german name living in new york... hmm coincidence... look at their wikipedia article... grew up in jewish family hmmmmmm....

Nothing is going to happen. People have been willing to put up with a lot more bullshit than this guy "suffered" at work.

That happens too but maybe 40% of the time only. This part is worth pointing out, but my problem is with the other 60%.


This place is getting astroturfed ever since the retarded media claimed Sup Forums won Trump the election.


moot was always a bit left leaning to begin with. He was 15 when this started....


My local police department had a big menorah up during Christmas.

>also propped up communism and are now also propping up sjws
Communism is sjw-ism, which is also why we evicted, burned, trashed, banned, or unrecognizably twisted Communism in Eastern Europe and Asia after we learned that the opposite of Nazism is no worse. The problem is that it took 60 years and millions of lives slowly lost over that time to learn that lesson because Communists are too good at making excuses and tactics of postponement.
Nazism kills you quickly while Communism kills you slowly.
In the end we opted for mixing socialism, capitalism, nationalism, taking bits from everything and scrapping the rest.
The new problem is that we are inexperienced with Capitalism unlike our experiences with Nazism and Communism, so it will take time to properly figure that out as well.

moot has always been open about voting democrat

he wasnt really left, but if you think he was, then that just shows you how far left google really is, because theyre essentially saying he was a right wing bigot just for allowing freedom on Sup Forums, but he changed his ways and joined their cult later. probably because he didnt want to be ostracized while noticing this cult was taking over silicon valley.

>conspiracy theory
righto mate pull the other one

I'm an eastern european and I agree with that message.
fuck america for spreading marxism again. and fuck your social justice.

Sup Forums and it's autistic users could destroy google if we only wanted to.

start spreading mistrust against the advertisers and the stock will suffer. we could arrange massive click fraud that is being done manually and good luck google detecting it.

Go back to the potato field vladik


I work at a startup and the political climate here is as Orwellian as that at Google. One of my colleagues came up with the idea of adopting a CoC for one of our Free Software projects. I argued for something sensible instead of some enumeration all possible ways to discriminate someone (except for being a white male ofc.) and he honest to god gave my this white male privilege talk and how going to the police is not the best was to handle sexual harassment or rape. It's incredible. He has a Phd and a 5 y.o white (!) son and still believes in this divisive, racist and sexist ideology. It's heart breaking and I'm seriously thinking about quitting after less than half a year.

>Communism is sjw-ism
Yes Stalin was very concerned with trans rights and microaggressions .

Companies do what they want you fucking communist piece of shits

>you are not only not allowed to speak your mind, it is demanded of you to pretend you have a specific out-of-work ideology, and it's often asked that you act upon it

god do i know this fucking feel

Not literally since technology at the time didn't make the insignificantly almost non-existent trans populations so apparent to the world like the Internet is making them today, and since technology at the time didn't make the amount and specter of superficial contact possible to define microaggressions like the Internet does today.
However Communism is precisely at the core an ideology of tackling moral and social "problems" that follow technological progress and materialism, so Stalin would have cared at the time if we mirrored the past and present.

However here's the hitch: You know the Stalin from the days after he started implementing Communism and learning from practice how shit it is to the point of starting to twist it himself, not from when he was merely an armchair Communist.

>However Communism is precisely at the core an ideology of tackling moral and social "problems"

Communism literally only cares about how things are made and who makes them. Morality to commies is just a way to justify the economic order for those who benefit from it. This cultural marxism bullshit is just meaningless drivel.

Holy shit, only read the lawsuit if you want to rage

>Not a Jewish lawyer.

HR is not jewish even though management is. Jews look identical to whites. It makes no sense to believe jews are behind this, while simultaneously believing they are masters of cronyism.





>a khazar ""jew"" complaining about gulag
the ironing

Jewgle is shit, but what did you expect?

Jews of every european nation changed their names after the holocaust dude...
That's like history 101.
They also did it after the jewish explusion from russia in 20-30s.



>hurr let's focus on hillary-tier identity politics because i think he's a jew

>Sup Forums who is more anti Google than Sup Forums, is "brigading" (literally a Reddit term) a thread and shilling FOR Google against James, when Sup Forums supports him?

You are the one shilling, Reddit.

Who gives a shit?

totally false. traditional communists used to literally call their victims and dissenters racists just as they do now, divide men vs women, race 1 vs race 2, rich vs poor, EXACTLY as they do now. just because they dont teach you their own history in school and obsess about Hitler doesnt mean it didnt happen, bud.

these communists were then chased out of Europe, landed in American universities, and now they include shit like gender identity, homos vs. heteros, and all other manner of insanity


billionaires and their corporations are too powerful to stop

Thats just simply not true, this autistic "being gay is best dtraight should die" mentality was born in usa and forced on WE

Daily reminder: James Damore is a Jew.

Why do people keep ignoring that?

Identity politics are a recent development. Soviets were nazi allies before they weren't and promoted several pogroms. Marx himself didn't give a shit about morals beyond a way of explaining what superstructures are.

>exactly what i just said
>its not true!
you retarded?

>tell sister that she wrote pipette wrong and corrected her by saying P I P E T T E
>a day later got a google ad to buy pipettes
>mfw my phone was listening
>tfw Sup Forums was right about BOTNET

Pretty sure the ad was not coincident. I'm not even chemist or something and I barely know anything except highschool chemistry.

>literslly a reddit term
I wouldnt know, reddit

White-knighting won't get you laid either

You said that in Soviet Union communists were saying that being gay and cutting your dick off is good and shit, its false. You fucking idiot

No commisar called deserters and nazi pows "racists"

t. shill
it doesn't even matter if he's a jew. google getting BTFO is what matters

the proper Sup Forums term is raiding fucking obvious shill