why people keep using wordpress for everything ? wordpress was meant to be for blogs, e-commerce website. but still people use for everything, forums, "social networks".. ETC
can't people just learn how to write php codes? or hire someone to do for them?
Fucking wp
>can't people just learn how to write codes
plugins, cheap skins, a step by step tutorials for anything
its basically a cms now. there are many better and simpler things if you just want a blog.
webdevs have always been retarded.
Case and point, they still use html and they use it badly.
Y'all need to go back to hand-coded .html
Plugins allow you to make a fully featured web app in a short time. Issue is that all the time you gain by building a minimum viable product is lost when you actually need to make custom code that needs to work with other devs' plugins.
>still use html
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what else are you gonna use
Because most websites are CRUD apps and WordPress is good at CRUD
yea lets just add like 50 plugins to make a social network out of wordpress while 70% of the code is useless and being loaded up on every request for nothing just to slow the website down
use frameworks and let them deal with the vue
eg, reactJS, AngularJS , VueJS.. etc
Macromedia Flash
i made my own blog by myself
simply index.php fetchs title from database
and 1 post.php file to see posts ,
i insert posts to database directly from pma, no dashboard
Nice, then you basically don't need to worry about SQL injection and shitty code
Whats the point when all the web pages can be generated now thanks to node and bootstrap. Almost every website looks the same.
> 2018
> still using php
Node is server side, it has nothing to do with how a page looks sukhdeep
those kinds of pages outsource the heavy parts to the user.
i bet you code python or .net ..
or maybe a node fag
exactly ,
should've used a static site generator
keep it fucking simple ?
Wordpress is a botnet