*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Any ideas on how to make python open up a window to allow you to solve the capatcha?

Trying to use requests to interact with a website.

What happens when AI robots start using the internet? Will they get excluded from websites that use reCAPATCHA because they aren't human?

Sounds very lifeist.

Look up selenium, allows python to control either chrome or firefox. You can automate clicking and typing in the browser but obviously you'll have to do the captcha manually.

I am aware of selenium. I prefer requests because it deals directly with the URL requests rather than having to wait for the browser to parse and load a bunch of unused content.

Requests is raw scraping though, it will get the html and ignore any JS or anything like that. I know what you mean I'd rather not use Selenium cause it's added bloat but for a captcha you don't have much choice. What site are you using it for?

coinexchange (wanting to get quick access to current exchange data)
They have a capatcha block for logging in.

I have managed to get around it by copying header data but I'd prefer to just be able to automate the authentication process.

Holy shit man working on a very similar thing at the moment using coinbase. Automating authentication is pretty difficult with captcha alone, I don't know if coinexchange has 2fa as well. Why do you want to login if you want the price data though? Do you want to use python to buy/sell as well?

>Do you want to use python to buy/sell as well?
Yeah I was thinking about doing that but other issues in my life are preventing me from doing what I really want.

Use 2captcha or anticaptcha. $1 for 1000 solves. Maybe 10 lines at most.

How did you get past using just headers?

>Ai robot
>too retarded to solve a fucking capcha

Copy the header data from the webbrowser after manually logging in. (get the header data using Command + Alt + I and looking at network transactions)

But isn't that illegal because it IS a robot?

If it isn't illegal to make people say "I am not a robot" and force them to perform classification of images, why is it illegal for robots to kill people that work for google?

There's a nojs recaptcha, it works with an iframe and some text field. You could load the iframe into a separate window (pywebkitgtk or something) and include the data with the backrequest.

Why coinexchange man? A bigger exchange like binance would probably be a lot easier to work with cause of their API - get keys for your application and you'll be able to request prices and make trades using the API commands.

And surely robots would be more inclined to follow orders than humans.

Because I couldn't get an account in those exchanges. coinexchange also has the best fee schedule. (and there are other advantages as well)

Aight bruddah it just makes it a lot more difficult if you can't use the APIs. Selenium is your only option really cause exchange sites tend to be JS heavy to provide the live price updates. If you just want prices you wouldn't need to pass the captcha, just get page source with selenium where they list the prices. To actually buy and sell you need to program it to simulate clicks and shit after passing the captcha manually, but any changes to their sites design can fuck up your bot.


People are willing to do complex tasks at $3 for 3 hours of work.

Their best pay:
$3 for 1000 reCAPATCHAs
12 seconds per capatcha

12 * 1000 / 60 / 60 = 3.33 hours.

daily reminder that you solve captchas for free

Binance is open again

>you solve captchas for free
Well I should probably just buy a pass or pay 2cap to do it for me then.

On their homepage they promote their service with a picture of a white guy holding a gun and pointing it at the capatcha workers.



>yeah and.?