Site is a blank page with javascript blocked

>site is a blank page with javascript blocked

>site is a blank page with javascript blocked

maybe your connection sucks

no my friend, the site works fine when I enable javascript

>so you know now, don't hear anything from neet that said disable javascript.

>Rip out part of a system
>System no longer works

What a surprise.

the point is that queers are ruining web development with AIDS-tier technologies

You sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about.

it wasn't a website worth visiting then

>development involving homophobes
>hurr durr it's queer
Javascript is shit precisely because it is straight.

vDOM is now AIDS tier technology? You should educate yourself on what vDOM is and why it was created.

>a site shows up ten seconds delayed because some fag blogger employed AMP that is blocked

back in my day we used PHP in novel ways to trick the user into thinking things were happening client-side. now faggots have it easy and they can just

and it's done

web development has always been aids.

>site is blank without flash installed
I found a website like this yesterday. Website of an industrial design studio

this, and so was web surfing


>enable js
>literally everything on the entire site tries to load in the background regardless of whether it's visible or not

>page is blank for about 5 seconds before everything finishes loading

>t. sour grapes

>site is blank with ublock enabled

>site is blank with js disabled
>enable it
>5 millions external website attempts to loads but is blocked
>site refuses to work without them enabled
>everything is just fucked

We'll never have our old websites with HTML and the emergence of simple CSS tricks to avoid the need for JS.

just keep it enabled then lmao

>no one will ever be motivated to create something for any reason other than money ever again

>running some random pajeet's javascript

>tfw my website works even without a GUI web browser