First part of my build arrived

First part of my build arrived.
You jealous faggots?
Stay tuned.

Look at all these cool swag features.

I am now a pussy magnet.
i get all the bitches now.

Oh hey I have that.
I once tried to connect to grafix card to my computer but the cables where too short : (

two grafix cards***

>80+ Bronze
>not 80+ Titanium

are you saying my dick is not big enough?
1v1 me kid i rek u reee where u live?

>not diablotek
you got scammed OP

nah, seasonic master race

>not platinum 2000w
you fuckin poor or something gaylord? fight me

>not a sunbeam, suntech, hongsun, goldsun or luckysun
jesus christ you fell for the PSU meme

come at me faggot i bully goyim nerds all the time

>didnt get the better Seasonic 850FX instead
>jealous of anything

>cheap chink junk
enjoy burning your build down and your house too, then bitches won't love u anymore.

Should've gotten a 80+gold but at least it's a Seasonic.

stay salty faggot i have the biggest pussy magnet here

>he's still falling for it

is that the modern term for your metal dildo?

i'm just pretending so i can get more butthurt envy out of ya all

i prefer meiki onaholes over dildoes

Tomax is better fight me

Just got one of those myself, right before Thanksgiving. $49.99/free shipping, 15% off coupon and a $20 rebate direct from Seasonic. Solid PSU, great rep. Running an FX 8370 @4.7 GHZ + GTX 970 off it. $43 well-spent, and if the $20 rebate comes through it'll feel like it was nearly free.

System generally idles around 80-90 watts and I've barely got it over 400 when trying to brutalize it for burn in. A Crucial MX300 525 GB SSD plus a pair of 1 TB 2.5" WD Black notebook HDDs. Just sips power.

System (Win7, well leaned down) isn't intended for heavy gaming, so it does pretty much everything at the speed of click. Very happy boy with it. Planning to add a 2nd 256 GB SSD and make it a linux dual boot sometime by the end of the month. Best timeline of all worlds.

it was meh, classic maria ozawa is the most memorable experience i had

Venus Real soft is my jam desu, just jokes though Meiki make some nice onaholes.

it's a fucking group regulated you retard

do you know what that is
$50 wasted

Seasonic is garbage
Superflower is a million years better

I was pulling 65 watts from the wall using a "550 watt" Diablotek, it literally fucking exploded and spew fire out of the ass end. I autopsied the thing and it looked like a resistor had gone nuclear. A fucking resistor. It fucked up my mobo and GPU too.

they dont call it diablotek for nothin

>Not M
>Dares to call someone a faggot
Enjoy your build, fag.

>autism = the post

>google superflower
>nothing but mandarin
yea nah, fukin dropped m8

this guy gets it

lol I used chink PSUs for decades
Didn't know that some faggots online actually care about this shit?! You're just pathetic lmao real men don't need to rgb everything and we certainly don't care about silly fanboism and label cuckery

I forgot that SFC had competing commercial PSU's on Newegg and other standard retail sites, please, show us

I got the 430W version of the same PSU.
The PCIe cables are so fucking weird, they're tied into each other in some fuckall way so I can't use one 6-pin and fold away the other 2 pins and the other 6+2 on the same cable without the cable going into my GPU fan.
It's nice otherwise though.
Enjoy your build OP.

Low-end Seasonic PSU's have tighter/weirder cords for cable management due to the fact that resistors and filters are built-in to the cable to help ripple, and the gold and higher PSU's are the only ones with flexible cables due to the fact that they're good enough to have perfect ripple suppression built-in

If you're on a budget, splurge on an X-series gold, because all of the "recommended" PSU's I see thrown around here are rebranded CWT's when they aren't rebranded Seasonics, so why not buy from the source? And if you care about your hardware, any given platinum in the Prime series is perfect, the Prime's are nice because they have a 10 year warranty, but I doubt mine is going to die any time soon

Ok then

>Ultra ventilation

>Not Superflower
Enjoy your inferior build quality