>Have had a shitcan PC for years
>Finally left NEEThood and got a job
>Have enough money to upgrade my PC finally
>Every GPU and their mother is out of stock
It's not fair, Sup Forums.
It's not fair.
Have had a shitcan PC for years
Go to hell
I want to cum inside Aqua.
You only need a 1050 ti for 1080p gaming.
Anime weebsite.
Not a bad card and can be fine until you have enough saved for one.
or just go straight for a 1080.
imagine a world where idiots don't use their GPU for rendering graphics, but contributing to the devaluation of us currency and wasting energy for imaginary internet brownie points
i feel you user
i feel you.
buy a gaming laptop
If you want to game at 60fps on medium to low settings
And all CPUs that do branch prediction and speculative execution are fundamentally flawed and need to be changed in hardware.
Maybe you should get some normie hobbies.
Founders edition 1070ti is still in stock, also the cheapest.
I was kind of hesitant because of the blower cooling but it's never gone over 75c at 100%
Shouldn't be buying a GPU right now anyways, fuck the miners and fuck the retailers.
Best case scenario right now is you can get a low-end (relative quality) non reference 6GB 1060 for ~$300 when it's worth $250 at most. Forget 8GB 570s and 580s. 1070s for $450, fuck outta here.
everything is overpriced to hell, 1080s are overpriced to hell
>reference Nvidia
No. It's not so much an issue with branch prediction as it is with keeping cache memory secure.
She's Mai Waifu do not steal
just buy a 1080 Ti
>ultimate triple fan water cooled rgb pro gaymen 1337 FTW card for only $100 more
No thanks
>500 maplebucks
Stop crying. I wish I had to pay just that little for my shit.
And let's not get into CPU prices, a 1950x here is around 1600 thousand american dollars or 5k or so of our currency.
Anime WeebSite.
>nipple showing in the bottom left panel
my dick