It's over Intel is finished

>AMD expects CPU launches through 2020 to far exceed the typical 7-percent to 8-percent performance increases we've seen of late.

Kick the kikes when they're down.

Also remember that most of AMD's CPU marketing for the last year was constantly sandbagging their product on purpose.
Unlike the shitshow that is Vega, fucking RTG

Other urls found in this thread:

You realize that once Intel patches this in hardware, performance will go up again?

Who cares? Once intel fixes that bug their next gen will be 37% faster, AMD can't compete.

In 2020/1?

How are they going to do that?
Whats planed for Zen3

>How are they going to do that?
Process improvements + architecture improvements? How else.

They will already do that with Ryzen 2.
Unless they do something radical we are looking Ryzen 3 to be R2+

Of course they fucking will, Intel is on Core til at least 2021 and there's no performance to wring out of Core.
Meanwhile AMD has a brand new architecture with plenty of juice to squeeze out from, it won't be the insane Nehalem > Sandy increase we've seen before but I at least expect a few Haswell-tier updates from AMD til 2020

Ryzen 2 != Zen 2

Ryzen 2 = Zen+
Ryzen 3 = Zen2
Ryzen 4 = Zen3

As far as we know Zen+ only gets an process improvement, but since the core is new there's bound to be low hanging fruit fixable without massive reshuffling of the logic.
Zen2 has both a large process change and architecture change.
Zen3 seems to be a repeat of a Zen2 but at a smaller scale (7nm+)

>far exceed
>no y-axis

AMD, not even once.

> Age of stagnation
New tech with 200%+ performance increase when?

Get a time machine back to the mid 90's

>Zen3 seems to be a repeat of a Zen2 but at a smaller scale (7nm+)

Why don't they call it Zen2+ for consistency

Don't wanna sound like a hater but I can be the only one glad intel is currently getting fucked because they were litteraly not trying for the past 3 to 4 years


The blue line could be anything. If it's 15% performance per year then that's better than expected but if it's an *intel 15%* the it's fucking nothing and we got everything we're getting with ryzen1 this year.

The fuck I know? Because there's also a change to the architecture as well? These are just codenames, consumers don't see them, they see the marketing name (Ryzen)

Can you read

>baseline is 8% performance per year (Intel)
>AMD claims they'll trounce that
It can be 15 or 20%, either way it's far better than what we were getting.

>t. brainlet

Meant to reply to

Sorry I didn't make it very clear. They're claiming 8% improvement per year, but where are they getting that from? We see a reported 15% from intel everyyear and it's really 4% apart from coffeelake's early release. The point I'm trying and failing to make is that even if there were hard numbers on the graph, what are they based off?

Unless they really do mean CAGR in a financial/investment sense but then why would that be at a CES presentation.

>marketing slides
when would you kids ever learn

>claims of % points per year
>no Y-axis
>straight blue line with orange flag
>no Y-axis
>orange flag is supposed to be how much higher gains it has over the blue line
>no Y-axis

Into the trash it goes.

>but where are they getting that from?
Sandybridge to Skylake, each generation had a slight IPC and clockspeed improvement, netting close to 10% improvement per year.

They're not wrong, the chart is irrelevant, the text is more important.


I cant tell you how many times i had read these charts from amd and they turn out to be bullshit. (15% in this one process) is likely how this is justified

>projected 40%
>actually got 52%

What a pack of liars.


Nigga yeah, i can agree vega are the fucking best even an intel user like me wants one, but for 2020 intel already has new shit that can fight AmD, the deal is right now when the nuclear shitshow is happening not tomorrow when everything's gone already

>even amd knows they're already stalled after zen

Wow, seems like your CPU is not the only one going through a meltdown.

spooks will infiltrate amd and the same thing will happen to them
wash rinse repeat

Source needed

Ryzen launch slides

>source is amd
I meant a real source. A 3rd party substantiating these claims

But AMD is ran by a crazy Taiwanese boxer mom and a bunch of white guys in CPU R&D collaborating with former IBM oven makers..
They're immune.

Feel free to visit your tech news site of choice and read their archive, the Ryzen launch wasn't exactly quiet.

stay in your retarded little world intel fanboy
enjoy your security flaws due to intel sucking the NSA's cock

fuck this, i just want the new apu

except its true
look up the data yourself you lazy nigger

Just go look at Anand's gpu bench and divide scores by frequency you brainlet

Good to see you just take them at their word and advertise for them for free. I want to see single core cinebench for excavator vs ryzen
>gpu bench to show cpu ipc gains

You know what I mean. All the information is on Anand's bench database.

>I want to see single core cinebench for excavator vs ryzen
You know what you want. You know how to find it. What's stopping you?

What's the point of being a cynic if you're utterly incapable of backing it up?

>I want to see single core cinebench for excavator vs ryzen
The x4 845 scores around 90 in r15 single core.

Post your source or just stop replying i tried searching for it and got 3 pages of "ryzen 40%" articles


That wouod be 60 - 65%

It's one benchmark, IPC is different depending on software.

yeah like maybe in 2020. their issue is an architecture design flaw with speculative out of order processing. amd simply got lucky for not having such an aggressive design like intel. if intel wants to keep their performance lead its going to require downplaying their aggressive out of order design and tweaking other things to make up for the performance loss of using a less aggressive out of order design. that doesn't happen overnight. its also probably why intel put on hold some of their processor releases for 2018. like additional coffee lake x for x299 and the rumored higher end coffee lake parts for z370 mainstream. intel's next release won't be till cannon / tigerlake and with those down the pipeline intel will probably just end up doing some minor tweaks with out of order. will be slower than what they were aiming for.

overall the next two years will go good for amd. lets hope they don't fuck it up.

Was meltdown just a ploy by Intel to allow them to advertise a huge performance boost in the next gen?

JUST Wait™

Why do cucklords shill for Intel? As a consumer I'm pleased with strong competition.

860k has 4ghz turbo, r3 1200 has 3.4ghz turbo. Ryzen 1200 scores about 48% better in cinebench single threaded against a gpu clocked 18% higher at turbo. 1.48x1.18= 1.57. Excavator is about 5% better than steamroller (860k) clock for clock. 1.57/1.05=~1.54

Stop being incompetent.
Cynicism without fact is just paranoia.

Make me faggot

I am just going to take your word for it because that format is aids

Make me make you cakeboi

Realistically, be completely honest with me.

How much can we expect from new Ryzens in April?
Post the reason WHY you think performance will increase.

Fight me pussy

So 7% faster than the last advertised price? Nice try, Incel.

10-15% clockspeed from process( 9T/10.5T )
5-10% improvement from IPC (layout change, improved turbo alogos, less power throttling at XFR speeds, lower mem latency, improved caches, less pipeline stalls/bubbles)
Anywhere from 5-20% from improved memory support (I heard 4000MHz), this most benefits minimum FPS in gaymes.

All in all I expect a total uplift of 20-25%

>Once intel fixes that bug
>just wait™

Meet me at Baka MPlayer in 40 minutes if you want an ass whoopin'

This is a replay of 20years ago when cucktel got caught with their pants down and AMD penetrated them at full force. I will forever be grateful for AMD saving us from Intel's disaster in the making.

yeah then intel turned around with their bigger cock and ass, face, ear raped amd for ten straight years non stop. amd only manages to rape intel for a few years while intel manages to brutally amd for decade or two.

So many Pajeets on this site. SAGE!

Chompers up to Orleans was pretty much straight brutalization towards Intel, that's 1999 to 2006.
Only then did Intel really fight back, Barcelona was a dud but Thuban and Deneb were good chips.

Bulldozer was a different thing entirely, thankfully AMD stopped giving a fuck about it a year after Zanbezi.

you can't patch a architecture design flaw so easily, you will have to wait for 2 years for the first processors to be released without out this security goatse

>All in all I expect a total uplift of 20-25%

Oh man are you in for a dissapointment

Might wanna explain why you think that?
Nothing I mentioned sounds unfeasible.

Now that I actually checked K7 was AMD's longest running arch, full 6 years, K8 was only 4 years, and Zen seems to be only 4 years as well.

Meanwhile Core(Nehalem) was 2008, and will probably be there until 2021.
13 fucking year.s

This is just speculation and marketing propaganda. Where are the new processors and real benchmarks?

Even they're not that stupid. However, they will still try to make the best out of the situation by playing up the "huge" difference in performance when they eventually patch it.
>such innovative
>very GFlops
>wow intel
The goyim will fall for it all over again.

Some people think Core has its roots in Pentium M, making the arch much older.


AMD is the way.
Amada-chan is our new Queen

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*

Spit on Non-Belivah. Spit on Intel.
*Spit* *Spit* *Spit* *Spit*

Intel kikes are so used to no performance improvements for 7 years that they literally cannot fathom someone else posting decent improvements, all the more amplified after finding out a lot of that pathetic performance over the years is basically a dud because Intel thought it would be interesting to gimp security for it.

Literal brainwashing.
I'll just remind you that AMD improved Bulldozer significantly since it's first iteration in 3-4 years with basically 10 people working on it and all resources moved to Zen, why do you think they won't put all their effort into a new, actually good core?

>post source
>op posts source
>waaaah your source is bullshit
>ok post a counter source
>no u
Doesn't work like that champ. A claim was made and backed by a source. Your turn to post a source to refute it.

There's resemblance, but I'd rather put a clean line with Nehalem, since it's the first design without FSB and with a IMC, both enormous changes.

Fuck up nigger amd making claims about their own performance isnt trustworthy. Someone already posted a real source so fuck off

>waah waah waaah I'm a little bitch
Either support your rebuttal or fuck off.

Icelake will be different, just you wait.

Remember how Skylake had 15% higher IPC?

Fuck up indeed.

>just you wait™

Yes, that is the whole point of having competition.
By 2020-2021 intel will come up with a new architecture and probably top the zen, then AMD does something better than zen and the shit keep swapping like that.

With AMD doing nothing, intel do nothing other than what apple demands from em of course, that in the case was to increase the performance of the igpu, so they could sell macbooks without a dedicated videochip.

Do You know the way?
AMD is the Way.

Intel is not the Way. Spit on Intel.
*Spit* *Spit* *Spit* *Spit* *Spit*

Amada-chan is our new Queen

*Cluck* *Cluck* *Cluck* *Cluck* *Cluck*

get the fuck out stupid autistic piece of knuckles ugandian shit poster

>newfagging this hard
First time you saw someone fix a post?

Not debating you faggot

wtf I love zuck goggles now

>complaining about a knuckleposter on a Congolese echidna forum

That's a thing that is only funny where it come from.
It just don't translate very well to text.

Intel will just revert to lying, cheating, abuse of monopoly power and dirty tricks to keep AMD down. Never buy Intel.

Talk about getting fat.

Cucks are yung stupid bois who while having nothing to do with producing the CPUs around which their incel lives revolve have a strong emotional identification with the hardware they purchase, just like Apple owners!


The chart indicates a 10% increase per year for AMD, clearly "far exceed" is an overstatement.

I don't want to be in a world with a monopolistic AMD either.
If anything, we need another company on the x86 space.

The chinks will pick up the slack.

>what is patent licensing
x86 is basically closed forever. Only VIA could theoretically do something.

Regardless, even amd only get ~5%. if it can get 5ghz clockspeed. intel still fuked

x86 is only still around because Intel wont stop beating a dead horse. If AMD doesn't keep going, they lose the x86-64 rights and Intel wins.
If all the money and time wasted on x86 in the last decade was put into ARM instead, we'd have top of the range 4GHz+ CPUs running at full capacity on a fucking stock cooler, no problem.