GNU/Linux minimalism

For suggestions on programs that aren't bloat refer to

Acceptable GNU/Linux distributions that aren't bloat


>Debian (NET ISO)

>Void (Hipster but works)

>Alpine (Pretty damn minimal)

Get recommendations to see if your system is bloat or not.

>Video/Music player
>Image viewer
>File Manager
>Text Editor
>Web Browser

What is software minimalism?

Beginners guide to GNU/Linux minimalism

1) Get comfortable with the terminal and learn terminal commands. Practice makes perfect.

2) Try one of the listed GNU/Linux distros inside a VM (Virtual Machine) before installing it on real hardware

3) Ask questions in the thread.

If you use Arch, Manjaro, Ubuntu, Mint , Antergos, Solus, Fedora or any other of the thousands of BLOAT GNU/Linux meme distros. Don't bother posting in this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

What are some cons with alpine?


That's it?

>install lfs
>configure it to boot directly into fullscreen uzbl
>don't install anything else
who /minimal/ here

low number of packages in the repos too (you're more than likely gonna find shit missing.)

Whats a popular program alpine is missing? They have firefox

How smart are you?
Also does lfs have good documentation?

Not him but lfs is all about documentation, literally.

simple documents™ ''viewer'' 9c1c0c138ecda87f5

What u tryna shill bby

Do you how long it takes to configure & install lfs?

open .doc .docx .odt .rtf with leafpad and .djvu with mupdf
>doesn't let me delit

Pure Arch is bloat? I don't think so...

Go back to r/unixporn

Arch has never been a minimalist distribution. Splitting packages is rare compared to other distributions, and dependencies aren't made optional whenever possible. Arch has *never* been minimalist... a Linux kernel with every module available and every feature enabled at least when there's no non-bloat related cost, feature-packed/complex GNU tools, nearly all optional features enabled across all the packages, etc.

>pacman is fast but not safe, it tends to break shit and config protection is implemented in a terrible way
>there is no official process to verify that a package is stable within the distro, in other distros a lot of packages are in a testing repo despite that specific package's developer claiming it to be stable on its own, because it might not be stable within the environment of a specific distro
>a lot of AUR packages pull from upstream, which means they could be very unstable
>(arch vs gentoo related) arch users complain about muh compile time when it comes to gentoo, while in fact they compile a lot of AUR packages themselves, namely the *-git packages that pull the source from a git repo
>but it gets even better: they only compile a handful of packages, and those not being libraries mostly, the self-compiled packages get linked against precompiled libraries from a different setup (e.g. different optimization levels), which can then cause even more instability because it's a clusterfuck of unequal shit
>arch uses (((systemd))) and switching to something else is hard
>apparently the vim package on arch pulls in X, so if you want to have a fancy terminal text editor on a headless server, you to install a shit ton of GUI stuff you'll never need nor use
>maintainer told the guy who complained to just symlink vi to vim (vi is inferior)

Looks nice, maybe I'll modify it to use pandoc to convert unsupported formats on WordGrinder. Did you knew WG can import and export to markdown, latex, troff, and odt? Also I am learning sc for spreadsheets.

Sorry I am stuck at the first pages atm.

but user that's a pro


nice argument

and yet it works better than anything out there

pacman may have been not safe before idk, it has been 'safe' for the past 3 4 yrs
and you over estimate the aur, nobody uses a gazillion packages from there or if the do they would read the script as helpers are generally discouraged
>a lot of AUR packages pull from upstream
ofc. ALL of them do, where would they pull from, ur anus :^) ?

btw switching to something else from systemdick is stupid simple and easy on arch

From the Void page on musl:
>Some programs (mostly graphical applications) will work incorrectly, or segfault when run under musl. This may be due to programs expecting some glibc-specific behavior.

Musl isn't finished yet. There's features it still needs to implement before it can become viable.

>musl doesn't implement gnu quirks
>therefore it's broken and unfinished
lol go away rms
and if you really need those programs to work then just link those programs against glibc, easy

>therefore it's broken and unfinished
it is.

au contraire, depending on GNUisms is broken. go away fsf shill

No, it's not broken. Your libc is clearly and obviously the broken one here.

>defending musl at all costs
Guess who the shill here is.

tell that to the libc developers of other unices who are following posix standard

Right, and at this point, all those other unices are literally who?

nice argument again


extremely minimal "shell" it's only 800 lines of code, but bash is 138227 lines.

Ha, this is nice but I am one of the guys who wouldnt use a shell unless it has good scripting capabilities and can do programming, at least enough to be used in the construction of a package manager.

yeah it wont have anything like that at all. it's way too reductionist.

I'm using musl right now, works great!

Please explain me why I should care about minimalism.

Why nobody talks about sourcemage?

Makes old computers work fast and new computers look pretty :^)

Isn't dash the most minimal ?

Is this the /tism/ general?

Only the enlightened ones know the answer to that

You aren't there yet. I'd suggest you practice using the terminal as a file manager first.

No. How is it?


Linux became too easy to use so you have to come up with new ways of feeling superior. I've seen this before, turn back before it's too late.

Debian testing
>Video/Music player
mpd w/ ncmpcpp
>Image viewer
>File Manager
>Text Editor
>Web Browser

Been thinking about ditching Debian for some systemd-free option, Devuan's too outdated. But I've come across Antix and it does look quite promising. Would anyone of you have any experience at all with Antix by any chance?


what the fuck are you on

why arch on a headless server though?

How is gentoo not minimal cunt? It's soo fucking flexible.

Been using Gentoo as my first distro on my personal computer, but on my work machine with an i5 2500 and a mechanical drive, I installed Ubuntu with i3wm thinking compiling everything would take too much time.
But now I realize it was a mistake, startup is slow, can't even disable some of the gnome services. So now I'm thinking about installing Debian NET Install.
What would be a better way to migrate it ? also I don't have much experience of using grub as I directly boot my kernel with rEFInd on my gentoo install.

>What would be a better way to migrate it ? also I don't have much experience of using grub as I directly boot my kernel with rEFInd on my gentoo install.

What do mean by migrate? Just do a clean install of debian (net iso). Also gnome is bloat

>What do mean by migrate?
Of course it means a clean install, but I'm asking how does the debian installer handle existing root/boot partitions and existing grub installation ? Do I have to manually remove grub for debian installer to install it again or it'll do the thing on its own.

>> arch works better than anything out there
>> works better than Gentoo

Please stop it. Even Arch knows it's not 'better' than Gentoo.

Nope. It's pretty easy, there is an option that automatically creates a root and swap partition. And debian automatically configures grub and everything.

I don't manually partition my hard drive.

That's the problem. As it does thing automatically, how do I know if it'll use existing boot partition created by Ubuntu installer or will create 2 separate boot partitions with grub installed in it ?

I'm not sure but i think it will reinstall grub just to make sure the system doesn't have any problems.

thanks, will give it a try

Oh and read up on this if you don't want really old packages.

>So now I'm thinking about installing Debian NET Install.
>first try then buy
for example 1710 works crappy
1604 works normal
you never know
>inb4 not debian
i just don't feel like writing /again/
bottom line, there are live images, USE them

obviously i was generalising
we all know gentoo works if you make it work or you have nothing else to do with your time

>Video/Music player
>Image viewer
>File manager
>Text editor
>Web browser

Gonna be swapping browsers once ESR is dead. Used to use Openbox but changed to herbstluftwm because it's similar to i3 but way easier to configure.

Well hey, so is Arch.

Go back to r/unixporn

Arch has never been a minimalist distribution. Splitting packages is rare compared to other distributions, and dependencies aren't made optional whenever possible. Arch has *never* been minimalist... a Linux kernel with every module available and every feature enabled at least when there's no non-bloat related cost, feature-packed/complex GNU tools, nearly all optional features enabled across all the packages, etc.

>pacman is fast but not safe, it tends to break shit and config protection is implemented in a terrible way
>there is no official process to verify that a package is stable within the distro, in other distros a lot of packages are in a testing repo despite that specific package's developer claiming it to be stable on its own, because it might not be stable within the environment of a specific distro
>a lot of AUR packages pull from upstream, which means they could be very unstable
>(arch vs gentoo related) arch users complain about muh compile time when it comes to gentoo, while in fact they compile a lot of AUR packages themselves, namely the *-git packages that pull the source from a git repo
>but it gets even better: they only compile a handful of packages, and those not being libraries mostly, the self-compiled packages get linked against precompiled libraries from a different setup (e.g. different optimization levels), which can then cause even more instability because it's a clusterfuck of unequal shit
>arch uses (((systemd))) and switching to something else is hard
>apparently the vim package on arch pulls in X, so if you want to have a fancy terminal text editor on a headless server, you to install a shit ton of GUI stuff you'll never need nor use
>maintainer told the guy who complained to just symlink vi to vim (vi is inferior)

Arch is never leaving Sup Forums, kiddo.

>go back to r/unixporn
>Implying using anything other than Gentoo makes you a lesser person
>Implying Arch wasn't a Sup Forums thing well before reddit got on board with ricer shit
You're confused, kid. Go home. Stop posting.

Just pointing out that Arch doesn't belong in a minimalism thread, did you even read what I posted?
It's even pointed out in the OP.
Use it all you want, but Arch is not minimal.

>Arch is not minimal
Then tell me why I've been running it for 4 years, still have >850 packages, and everything works always? I've installed many many things from the AUR and I've never had a problem. If you're not a complete retard you can run Arch, and have it be minimal. Stop trying so hard, autist.
Also, 'minimal' is a relative term. Minimal to some people is not the same as minimal to other people.

> >850
I meant

Low package count doesn't necessarily mean minimal, which is pecially true with Arch. If you had read my post you'd know that Arch doesn't split packages like every other major distribution does, so your 600 package Arch system would actually be somewhere well over a 1000 packages on any other distro.

Yeah and the fucking iso image is like 500 something mb.

Low RAM usage, low package count for base install, uses only vanilla packages. Sorry homo, it’s minimal. Even the install process is minimal

Fuck you I use Arch
>Video/Music player
mpv, cmus
>Image viewer
>File Manager
ranger, and very rarely xfe
>Text Editor
>Web Browser
Ever since Mozilla decided to stake the reputation of their entire brand on the ability to shill a fucking TV show I've been trying out qutebrowser. Been liking it a lot honestly.

I don't really care if I meet your standards of minimalism. I use what I use and it's minimal to me. I have a low package count and very low resource footprint. I'm not complaining.

Only tried the core install once and it lacked tab completion and arrow cursor navigation
Still I think it I try it again I might like it

How does qute browser fair as your main? Does you be work? I might do the MPV route but Idk how I would be able to change the resolution

I assume you mean Youtube? It works straight outta box without any problems or tricks. It's a great browser.

>os arch
>shell bash
fucking bloat

Arch unitonically works much better than all those meme distros. You can keep spamming that outdated email, I don't care.

Youtube works with qutebrowser?? I haven't used qute browser in almost an year and a half

Daily reminder that systemd is free software.


how is this relevant?

And a bloated botnet

And cancer is natural.

Debian is the definition of stable. Just ask anyone.

>Debian (NET ISO)
Ubuntu also offers a minimal net iso. Doesn't pretty much every distro? I find it funny how Archfags can brag about their install process, but never bother to do the same with another distro besides maybe Gentoo. Ubuntu/Debian is far more minimal than Arch when installed similarly.

Just pointing out that comments like these are retarded.
systemd is shit from a technical point of view, but the botnet complaints are ridiculous. I myself don't even use systemd.

>archfags brag about installation
If anything, I see fags constantly shitting on it because of its installation process.

This 100%.
There's a reason Arch .iso is 500+ MB, that's bloat.

Because gentoofags don't want to admit having fallen for a meme.
If you're going source-based, at least do it right and use Source Mage.

It uses google dns by default
google= botnet

They brag about being able to learn the basic requirements of a system, and being able to run a barebones system without bloat. But even the Arch devs agree that Arch is bloated compared to Debian, as well as admitting to adopting systemd out of dev convenience rather than any benefit to the end user. See:

No it doesn't. The line is commented.
Thanks for pointing out you don't read source code.

Are you STILL linking that outdated email that has ALREADY been posted ITT?
Facts speak otherwise.

lmao what facts?

Why would I ever forget it? And what facts?

Calling history outdated is ignorant

Is claiming WWI has ended "outdated"?

Great argument, friendo. Bloat on Arch hasn't ended though.

YouTube has always worked with qutebrowser (even 1.5 years ago) as long as you have the necessary codecs installed.

I want minimal but I don't want to spend too much time in conf file. Just want Firefox and Mpv to perfectly work. What shoud I go for?

Debian net iso. A minimal, low maintenance distribution and it just_werks™.

...which will autistically complain about missing firmware unless you use the nonfree ISO. A net install is out of the question.

I really had no problem with firmware. What do you mean exactly?