What is happening to programmers/programming?
What is happening to programmers/programming?
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consuming the wrong food
This, no exercise, little sunlight, excessive masturbation from loneliness releasing DHT to hair follicles contributing to baldness (if bad genetics: rip), etc.
Pike was always a weirdo.
Just a new generation.
You just described me
programming socks
google apparently
>excessive masturbation from loneliness releasing DHT to hair follicles contributing to baldness (if bad genetics: rip)
Care to explain how masturbation leads to increased production of DHT?
fucking leaf
>masturbation makes you blind/hairless meme
So what do you say, Mr. Smarty Pants, if you always finish sex with masturbation on a girl? Do you still go bald?
Maybe I stay inside all day and fap and my hair is fine
>wearing pink with faggot tinted glasses
i bet moot looks something like this too by now since it's probably the corporate uniform
psychological castration by feminist activists.
After going through "progressive training" for the 13th time you just stop caring about values or morals and submit to the overlords. A man can only take so much abuse before he gives up.
Welcome to 1984 user.
his hair is still there. all of it. it's just cut short..
>life filled eyes, the slightest glimmer of joy in those lips
>parva figura occuli
>dead eyes, face fixed in frown
>waste-of-space glasses, gay shit
Well Sup Forums, this is the monster we must all face. Thought the pay at google is good, i hope to never work there in my life.
given his twinky features, i bet he's reel popular with the gayglers in the goolag
he finally got to be the little girl he wanted to be so much *sniff*
I am 23, masturbate 5 times per day and have thicc hair
programmers turn into or get replaced by coders
programming is replaced by coding
Same thing that is happening to the rest of western society. It's called "progress", and you don't get to pick and choose what that means.
If you don't like progress, I understand Islam welcomes new converts.
Who cares, go work for an alpha company like Uber
cuckservatives from pol and slavic viral marketers raided our imageboard
they are shaving their heads and wearing different colored clothing
a few alt-right misogynist nazi shitlord racist LITERALLY HITLER threads got enough discussion to bring em out of the woodwork
yours truly included
>man wears more colorful clothing
>"programmers are being ruined!!!11!!"
imagine being this fragile and insecure
i'd fuck him in 1981 2bh.
it's the soy
t. soygoy
xenoestrogens in the water and food
>turn the freakin frogs gay
golly gee willikers, looks like you’ve taken a wrong turn!!!! looks like our army of busy little worker bees must have filed the page you were looking for in the wrong filing cabinet!!!! mayhaps you could try looking at one of our other many pages? ?? i am sure you would find something else you would like instead?? SO sorry you did not find what you were looking for!!