>tfw finally got access to gigabit internet at home
They've finished laying down the fiber in my shithole rural neighborhood.I finally get to upgrade from 250mbps internet to gigabit speeds.
>tfw finally got access to gigabit internet at home
They've finished laying down the fiber in my shithole rural neighborhood.I finally get to upgrade from 250mbps internet to gigabit speeds.
Pick one
It's a semi-rural college town here in Western Massachusetts. Yeah, it's not as if im out in the sticks in the absolute middle of Georgia, but I'm glad that I've had access to 250 mbps for a while, and that I have gigabit service as of now without having to live in the suburbs/city
Aus fag? My town was one of the first to get nbn but I don’t know if it’s all that great ~3mb download
Tfw 16mbit down and the ISP has shit back haul.
I need to move.
You spelled thank you president Trump wrong
>~3mb download
I'm not even bragging, but I literally had these speeds in 2001.
Where in Australia do you live exactly?
>St Louis
You should have access to multiple ISPs offering gigabit service in such a massive urban center.
A place called Armidale, in between Sydney and Melbourne. Only reason we got it early was because of our university. It’s not fair
>tfw fibre for the past 10-12 years
>even parents in the remotest bumfuck of the country have had fibre for about 6 years now
>data limit for a connection is a strange, foreign concept
>25 monopoly eurodollars for the thing
Life sure is nice in this post-communist apocalyptic wasteland
>$175 to get a fiber on my local isp
Kill me now.
>tfw finally got 40gbit connection to uni servers
Finally I can maximize my shitposting on these leftover facebook servers
Thank you swedistan
>fiber since 2005
What backward shithole do you live in? Most first world countries have been rolling out fiber since the fucking late 70s. Granted, as a Canadian I shouldn't be talking too much shit about internet infrastructure but our Southern neighbours as us have had fiber in the big and medium sized cities since the 70s.
I get 25/5 literally as high as my 'NBN' will go
Man i got like 460kb/s max on adsl+, in Australia.
Still no NBN here, but even then i hear we have the shittest nbn been rolled out and everyone is complaining. Same speedsas cable and it gets slow as fuck around 4-5 when everyone gets home from work
So not even excited.
You know that things are bad when someone like me in Brazil actually feels sorry for the Australians ITT. How are you people still stuck using DSL speeds in this day and age?
What's the use if you don't even have www yet?
In practice, I'm guessing people used 56kb/s dial up modems up until the late 90s.
I was lucky enough to get decent NBN.
Isp is "laying" cables for "fiber" which is actually a VSDL2 capped at 100mbps with severe performance loss because of cabinet distance, but refuses to sell contracts.
They are so much of an asshole that they divided cluserts of cityes to upgrade over periods of time, mine is late of about a year to due date and halfway finished, next two clusters are settled, not started but already on year late
Next next they have no idea
Sitting at 7mbps right now, it's been like this since 2006 bit an upgrade would be lovely
Can't even get 100/40? Man that's rough
It's rude as fuck mate. Hold off as long as you can on getting it.
>I finally get to upgrade from 250mbps
>tfw 4mbps
What router are you using?
Gigabit needs a decent amount of power.
>complaining about 250mbps connection
>obvious bait
>people still reply
>the absolute state of Sup Forums
Why am I not impressed?
tfw 6mbps telstra... likely to get NBN mid-late 2019...
these two words should not be used to describe the same home
Do you live where I think you live
Namely, in a special place in southern Europe
Coffs here, we were among the first in Aus to get NBN rolled out. Had a pretty good seamless experience to be honest, FTTH and 100/25, (well about 95/35 as of this moment but thats aussie internet for ya). Seems like I've got a unicorn connection though, everyone else I talk to seems to have a shitload of trouble NBN.
Same here but in BFE Texas. Downloading steam games I have never exceeded 510kb/s. When I connect my cell to the wifi it immediately drops to about 3-400kb/s.