I can't see how this can be...it's fake right?
How would they get both the key and address with this method?
I can't see how this can be...it's fake right?
How would they get both the key and address with this method?
They just list all possible private keys in order and with public-private key encryption, you can generate the public key using the private key. With the public key, it's then simple to look up the amount. I don't have any Ethereum so I can't verify that this is correct though.
Here is their own explanation: ethersecret.com
hashing is beautiful. It's easier to hit the lotto than finding a valid address with that method.
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f has 0.000002 ethers
brb buying lotto ticket
aka 0 dollars
I can't stop getting invalid json response.
*0.26 cents
how reasonable would it be to make a script that keeps scraping /random and looking for a entry that isnt a 0 ?
Say if its not 0 it it stores it in a text document and keeps going
maybe if im extremely lucky i might get some shekels,eh?
Or are the chances not even worth running this on my server and increasing the power bill by like a 3 dollars a month
youre more likely to win the lottery desu
but hey, maybe youll get lucky
there are 2^256 possible private key combinations, so even if every person on earth would have 1 etherium wallet, your chance of finding one in the order of 10^-70
yeah, i think you are right.
Even on the off chance i do hit a valid address with something in it ist very likely going to be a 12 year old kid that bought diamonds on a minecraft server and had 0.2 ether left in the wallet anyway
Mining is more profitable than enumerating private keys
Pro tip: put in your own private key to check your balance
Whats stopping them from looking at who has the most ether in their wallet, taking that address and searching for it in their private key list?
They dont have a list, the keys and addresses are generated on the fly because it's impossible to store them all. That said the keys and addresses are probably real. There exists a site like this for Bitcoin aswell.
Oh yeah, they don't actually even need to store the private key since they're simply enumerating and they can just calculate what privkey they need to have as the first one based on the page number...
Can you guys elaborate? This isn't correct right??
I just don't understand how tf they would be able to get the address that each key belongs to.....
The sun consuming earth in 6 billion year
Dude the address is generated from the key. And thats a one way function.
what a disgusting ayy lmao pyramid schemer, should've been sent to the gulag
Public keys are derived from private keys. Wallet addresses are public keys.
Private keys are essentially just random numbers. If you have generate enough random numbers, eventually you'll get a working private key that can authorize transactions on a block chain.
The amount of random numbers you'd have to generate are... gigantic. Even with future hardware, humanity won't have that amount of computing power for a looong time. Hundreds of years. And we keep increasing private key size to match, so this really isn't an issue.
I see... I guess after doing so much research it seems odd to me that public keys and correlated to the private key- why not just make them generate randomly and store them locally at each node?
Because some smartass sent them that much
>what is cryptography?
If I were to find a provate key with a good balance, how would I get the balance moved to my own wallet?
hahahahaha a retard
is there one of these for other coins
Holy shit lmao
I spent like 5 mins clicking on random, then I ended up on a page where one of the keys had 34.21453 Ether
Free money, thank you for linking this.
I bet the Ethers I stole were yours and you're buttmad about it.
I seriously wouldn't be surprised if the javascript has a call home function that whenever it finds an address with actual Ether in it in automatically swipes it and sweeps it.
no im calling you a shill because the website OP linked gives you a virus
How so? I checked page source, I don't see any malicious scripts.
>discussing with a colleague whether to buy a couple eth for 50 dollar each in 2017.
>ethereum suddenly spiking over 1000+ dollar this year
can someone explain me what the hell happened?
Its fake. BTC had a similar website
2017 saw massive speculation in cryptocurrency markets because investors are forced to search outside of normal investments to see high volatility... this is a side effect of all the money that the US and EU have printed. There's money flowing around everywhere now, and the market's fat on optimism. After 10 years of quantitative easing and money pumping, everybody's lost sight of fundamentals.
I made 1.4 million $CAD off Ethereum. I'm out now, thank God. It's an amazing technology, but right now it has no use outside of speculation (and creating new tokens for even more speculation) -- it's not worth $1300 / Ethereum.
We're at the height of a bubble, user. Not just a cryptocurrency bubble, but everything. Houses. Stocks. Bonds. Education. This is what financial insanity looks like.
dont forget unsustainable immigration causing prices to skyrocket for basic necessities like cars and homes
when will the bubble burst and what is a safe investment?
I have people at work trying to convince me this is something worth integrating. I just don't see the costs adding up, esp trying to run it on AWS.
Anyone here that has actually looked into this help confirm my bias that this is totally a fucking ponzy scheme. The "yellow paper", which didn't need to be yellow, says a lot of things, but doesn't sound like the economy is worthwhile
So we are finally at the end date of the current banking system, the big economical crash shockwave...I could imagine cryptocoin being a dire escape valve for market stabilisation. But as you say, it is already too late.
I don't see the value of letting people run arbitrary code in a distributed way. They also claim to detect infinite loops. I wasn't aware the halting problem was solved. They should get a nobel prize. I seriously can't see past their protocol as being anything of value. The exchange of money, maybe but not their sharing of data. I am very skeptical other people won't be able to unlock that data and will try to brute force it somewhat successfully.
also captcha lol
>schaden virgen
we're doing this for proof of existence shit
it was viable up until recently, speculators did a good job of making it completely useless
are these posts bots
it doesn't try to detect infinite loops, it just charges per opcode and demands a payment up front. you're refunded whatever you don't use.
lol no.
>using dumb internet users to fetch the prices
what exchange did you use to cash out? kraken is limited to only 100k per year, coinbase is banned in my state, and gemini disabled my account with no explanation.
This is becoming a large problem on this site. There are repeating posts that seem to interact with the users to spur conversation. Not sure who it could be, but every time I bring it up as well, someone immediately denies it. It is rigged.
>implying the coin is more valuable than the network
fucking jumpscared me, found an account with 0.00002 eth
you just gotta get lucky
>Page: 1 out of 4631683569492647816942839400347516314130799386625622561578303360316525185598
i am curious as to how one would make a script to refresh the tab and screencap every page that makes the beep sound.
Just dump all addresses that hold a balance with geth and compare it to a random private key + public key generator.
Just google.
Then adapt this:
To parse the addresses (make sure you have enough ram to hold all the public keys)
>(make sure you have enough ram to hold all the public keys)
I meant to hold all the shorter addresses.
Then obviously write the private/public/address and balance to a file for every match.
>wins crypto skiddie lottery
>0.001 ETH
>it is year 2154
>u are dead
>ETH is worth $0.04