why aren't you using the superior german gnu/linux distribution?
Why aren't you using the superior german gnu/linux distribution?
Other urls found in this thread:
b-but i am. it's the perfect distro
>not windows
>still rare enough to be respected by gentoo fags
>sense of superiority over all ubuntu fags
>more exciting that debian fags
and firefox's file picker has thumbnail preview to BTFO all other distros
>not the masters of overengineering
it's the distro that comes with the slickest installing interface among the dozen i have tried so far.
because I fell for the arch meme and I refuse to get off the ride now that I'm already waist deep
seriously why should i switch what are the perks?
Tiny shitty repos for tiny shitty cocks.
Didn't use it, but what I heard sums up to:
>decent release cycle on Leap
>rolling release on Tumbleweed without all the DIY fucked-upness of Arch and with good testing
>really good KDE support
>community-supported, but based on a commercial distro
>did I mention YaST
When they fix its shitty font rendering. I will not add a weird third party repo from some guy to fix that.
Here's a cuter mascot.
Already using it senpai
I like it, it gets the job done, I don't care about ricing, and I was always able to find anything I wanted to download for it.
The complaints I have are really minor - programs that use a gtk file picker, and some shit related to the integrated camera in my memepad. Other than that, I'm really happy with it.
that's fucking dumb reasoning.
many many people use that repo
if it were malicious it would be reported by now
and anyway, you still get to choose which packages you add from that repo, and whether or not to allow automatic updates
so really you're just being a fuck to yourself
and not using a high-quality distro
due to your low-quality understanding
just install libfreetype6 from the m17n repo, mane
B-but I am!
Their KDE implementation is the best.
Because they use the word Abort instead of Cancel in the UI, EVERYWHERE.
Because it has shit font rendering by default
Because where's the codecs
Because the shitty network manager makes it so it takes almost 5 extra seconds of boot time compared to anything the fuck else
It's just not pleasant to use
My high school typing class used desktop PCs with this OS. It felt so smooth. Good times.
but I am!
I maybe would if it wasn't for ubuntu
Because you can't turn off cursor acceleration in the settings and it looks too much like wangblows 10
Stupid question
Can you still use .Deb packages on distributions like this? What do I do about applications that provide a .deb install file?
Cos I use a better one
>Can you still use .Deb packages on distributions like this?
no.for the case of openSUSE,it uses RPM package manager,which uses .rpm format,is different from .deb format.RPM package manager cannot process .deb packages.
>What do I do about applications that provide a .deb install file?
use some obscure script you found on github to change the format of package to .rpm(which is not recommended)
mint just works get over it arch users
because it crashed after the first sudo zypper up
why is brokenSUSE so popular these days? It's a shitter distro with stupid patterns packages which also loves to install some bullshit after every update. Also, it just lacks polish that other mainstream distros have (Fedora aside).
Why would anyone use it?
I don't need Yast and other compagnie-oriented service that SUSE gives.
Debian is good enough, plus it isn't cucked by a compagnie.
Is this what isis uses for their secret communication?
Manjaro is the better German OS
>kde default DE
manjaros is superior
>hates KDE
Literally the only de that isn't shit
no gnome > kde
there's no default DE, you choose the DE when you install the distro.
That's how a distro should handle DE, not with retarded DE-édition iso
gnome is fucking cancer. gnome 3.28 does not even support desktop icons.. wtf is that shit? every new release, more bogs and less functions. how can you actually fucking think that cancer gnome/gtk is better than the obviously better kde/qt
you can use alien to convert .deb packages to .rpm but you are better off getting a .rpm and most software thats not in the repo is available on opensuse obs
just go compile it yourself if you don't trust the repo dumbfuck
I hate their software installer but that's about it
My nigga.
Gnome probably developed by Microsoft in the shadows to be honest, they are trying to kill Linux desktop before even it's been born. And all the retarded distro maintainers are following it.
I prefer Ubuntu because you have snap, AppImage, PPAs and debian packages to choose any software you want.
Most guide are aimed to Ubuntu (but Arch wiki is superior to all). Also i3 runs ok in Ubuntu.
my only complain is that aptitude is a slow fucking piece of shit and zypper is superior and faster.
But I am.
I'm just not a fan of YaST, plain and simple :\
Thats true thats why Antergos is better than manjaro
Not wanna shill the 'delayed-Arch' But Manjaro has and Architect edition, much more choices than only the DE.
So according to your standards, manjaro is now far better than Antergos.
I don't care if a lot of dumb faggots use it, relying on software packaged by random guys in the internetz is stupid.
That's why I don't use any ppa or unofficial snap packages.
Or use a distro that doesn't have that problem ;)
Suse originally forked from Slackware.
That faggot goes around to cons promoting its use.
You are fucking stupid. I should have pointed or that gunome is the worst DE of all, including wangblows.
KDE is the only de that has proper scenegraph h/w acceleration
>>rolling release on Tumbleweed without all the DIY fucked-upness of Arch and with good testing
I use both and this is not true. Had more fuck-ups with Tumbleweed than Arch.
Though, I can't say one is generally superior to the other, they both have their strong and weak points.
This is why.
I've been a SUSE user on and off since '98.
I've been deterred from using recently because my experience has been:
BTRFS critical (device sdb2): corrupt node, bad key order: block=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, root=1, slot=5
Why would they choose to put Broken TRash File System as the default?
started using it to check out tumbleweed, and not because of the german bullshit you are spouting.
it's neat i guess, still don't really get yast or whatever, but it is fine for a machine i really only use for rtorrent
zypper = best package manager
but that's about it
really fucks my shit up when i ran out of free space. not only did it render all my data unreadable, but it blew out all my snapshots as well.
Because the last time I tried it, half the console applications weren't working.