Tell me about a time you jewed the system Sup Forums.
Good deals, scams and other things you did to take advantage of a company.
Tell me about a time you jewed the system Sup Forums
Order a mechanical keyboard from US to Europe on eBay (worth 100 EUR, with ports/customs covered) . After two months, it gets here, then gets sent back for some reason. I asked for a refund and forgot about it. Three weeks later it shows up on my home.
tl;dr got a free Corsair k65 after two months of waiting
I liked that deal at best buy last year where their trade in system would spit out a $75 for any laptop you traded in, no matter how old
Got a celeron and a i-7 from a store, swapped the IHS cracked the pentium and returned the no more functional Frankenstein creature to be refunded
Works pays for school and supplies.
1. Buy books on Amazon.
2. Gets receipts.
3. Returns books
4. Profit
Ordering products from China with no tracking number on eBay will guarantee you a refund. Supposedly you are entitled to a refund after the window provided but since the package can not be tracked it's impossible for the seller to get proof that you got it. You just have to fill the site's form and it's usually something those sellers won't even inquire about.
>order digital ebook for class from amazon
>crack drm
You folk evil bunnies.
>be me 5 years ago
>find my brand new 980 left outside by amazon
>tell them I never received it
>end up being disappointed by poor SLI scaling and bugs
>the “stolen” one ends up dying 6 months later, system refused to boot with it in.
I used the extended warranty feature on my credit card to get refunded for the cost of my iphone after using it for two years when it developed a charging issue.
they let me keep the phone too.
>download FOSS program from github
>changed name and logo
>called it my own
>sold it for $.99 in the play store
I pirate a lot of movies and games
bought some ram on black friday
sold it to some pajeet at a 25% markup
I haven't bought a single piece of software in my life. And I block ads.
The great amazon/pepsi promotion of 2008.
No one is losing money if you were never paying anyway.
>buy second hand kindle off craigslist
>notice a backlight pinhole
>call amazon
>they can't process a return for some reason
>they send me a second kindle and tell me to keep the first one
Also any time I have an Amazon order show up even an hour late I call them and get a 20-50% refund.
i get a bunch of free shit at kmart/sears
Pajeet levels are off the charts
I've actually done this several times. I've made several throwaway Amazon accounts and buy several e-books for each one, download them locally, and refund them. I've kept track of how much money all this would have cost me, and it's over $1,000. I quit doing it recently though because I ironically don't read the e-books I buy. They're mostly just manga, but a few textbooks.
Uncapped my cable modem to a speed plan that was x15 more expensive, had a 30Mb/s connection for 3 years or so, until they made some changes in DOCSIS and I had to clone other modems, at which point I stopped paying the monthly fee and skipped straight to cloning the cable modem, which worked for a couple of years or a bit more.
How far up is it in the Jewish scale?
Does the amazon refund scam till works if the package comes froma first world country?
I wan't to by sicp but it cost so fuckung much
Could yo explain how to do it?
College fag here
how does one do this?
Use Calibre+plugin to crack DRM, refunds should be self explanatory.
T-thank you
I once bought a refurb memepad x200 but got a x201.
They weren't even selling x201.
I don't think it's possible anymore, at least in most places in the world. This happened 12+ years ago. DOCSIS firmware was vulnerable to tampering so you could do pretty much anything you wanted on the device, block updates, clone another modem, etc
I buy used computers from my Uni that retires them when they're 5 years old, and resell them on eBay for 3x what I paid for them.
How do you obtain these?
from the uni itself or your fellow peers?
i think this is still possible desu i remember like 5 or 6 years ago my dad had some mate who did this he used to live on the sofa he was known as dodgy dan since my dad had another mate called dan he just came to stay on the sofa for like a year but magically setup free wifi it wa on fibre too shit was mental
From the university. The bigger the school, the easier, cheaper, and better the computers will be. In the US, they each have a surplus department, some even list their products online.
>HP 8300 elite tower
>2012 computer
>no HDD for security reasons
>$52.40 after tax
I bought 8 of these btw
>sell on eBay for $189 + $20 shipping
>after fees total profit is $150
Locally I sell the same things as a " 1080p budget gaymen rigs" after I throw a 1050 Ti and more RAM in them for $500, but the 1050 Ti is like $200 now versus $150 when I started doing this so it's less profitable.
There, I have revealed to you my sekrits. For a more open and transparent world. Pls don't copy.
Oops sorry total profit is $137
>Neighbor gets a big box for delivery, signs but leaves at door.
>Me+m8 steal said box rather quick
That's how I got a new samsung fridge Sup Forums, you jealous or something?
nigger detected
That's not fucking over a company, you're fucking over your neighbor.
Companies aren't people.
consider killing yourself
I used to get my wireless internet data for 60% off through a loophole, the isp(telstra) overcharges the fuck out of everyone though so i doubt they weren't still making a profit but it was nice.
>company charges $10 per gigabyte but gives you credit that can be used on googleplay
>create an artist account on googleplay, upload some obscure microtonal album that i edited to not trigger an copyright
>there's a limit on the amount you can spend on each item so create like 4 eps all with unique cover art(google has to review anything you upload for quality standards)
>do this process every month so i can rebuy the albums
I wish newfags would leave.
I returned a hdd i fried saying it was defective.
He must have been quite the character, going by your brief description and nickname.
If you want to look into it, try searching for modem uncapping, there must be forums around and places where you can buy modded cablemodems or get a tv package from the company, and hook up your modem to the signal. You should check the laws involved because a lot of shit could've changed in the past decade, we used to run the modem out of an abandoned house, made a wireless network using cantennas, and used a VPN so no one would get caught that easily.
found the Sup Forumstard
Lenovo's battery recall program is a nice source of original Lenovo batteries for older ThinkPads. All it takes is a bit of searching on eBay for a photo of a battery that's covered by this recall program. They don't even require you to send the faulty battery back.
Also, I got a spare hard drive for my laptop, because the seller shipped it with one that was smaller than what I ordered.
I also got a higer resolution lcd panel for my smartphone once when I sent it for a warrany repair because the one I had had plenty of dead pixels.
he was a nice guy he taught me how to jailbreak my iphone 3gs when i was like 11 or something. What he was doing with the router was definately illegal desu. from what i remeber i believe he used to work for an isp installing routers so new how to set them up i'm not 100% sure on how he got it to work i remeber he logged into my unles neighbors wifi up the road and clone their routers mac adress or something like that so they were getting charged for our usage kek. He also setup some tv box with a satellite called a dream box or something and we got literally every tv channel for free aswell. I also remeber that he grew weed somewhere aswell kek. Him and my dad were up like 3 days straight one time doing speed (this is speed in the uk so not meth it's some other form of amphetamine) and he went and got a tattoo gun and gave my dadd some huge shitty tribal tatto
>Pls don't copy.
me and my army of pajeets are on it
What's to stop me from buy a broken component, a working one and then returning the broken one sometime later?
that's a lot of work for $10, but clever as fuck
mostly serial number tracking, but depends on the component
It saved me like +1k over the course of years.
I should add i used to live in a rural area with access only to wireless so i spent a shitload on data.
I was looking at an old gpu i have and aside from stickers which i could remove i'm not seeing anything identifying on the pcb.
no one noticed?
>Order 5 mouthfedora kits from the chinks (around 250$ value)
>be scared of import tax
>no tax happens because the chinks remembered to put origin country as Netherlands
>bonus: chinks system fucks up and they think they charged for unavailable items
>get 250$ gift certificate as apology
>get nice headphones
God bless user