The latest drama ~

Other urls found in this thread:,

>German translation
>proofreader is brown af

Didn't many cases show that traffic actually decreased after companies started using AMP, because users didn't even like the experience or that it actually got slower to load?

what are you talking about?

desu this. I actually avoid using news websites which use AMP because I can't properly share the links and because the top huge bar sucks on my phone and I read news mostly on my phone

>AMP is shit
Tell me something new

google needs to die already

pull requests

>phoneposter thread

this goes straight into my reaction folder. thank you user

>Italian descent
>brown af
He's not even living in Germany. kys Sup Forumsfag.

>contribute to project
>get discriminated
people like you are the reason for CODE_OF_CONDUCT.MD

Keep crying

Italians are certainly not white.

Feel free to pass this along to moot. Keep him in the loop for all I care. May as well do it early.

You're a misogynist and a terrible human. I will keep hounding you until one of us is banned. Fuck you.

>they totally are not going to notice my bait post, im a genius!

Man that got salty fast. Sorry if people don't like the cooperation that controls over 50% of the web and have a clear left-wing sjw agenda.

10 years ago, I would've never thought that one way for Google to die, could someday be political ideology

we got to the day were "yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin" and "ortane building" is taken seriously , basically we are on some kind of apocalypse now

If you are real you need to die too.

>if not then ebyn trole

no idea what amp is
no idea what he meant by german translation

amp is short for amplifier (, the German translation is apparently Verstärker

Oh yeah, fuck AMP, but i dont care About facebook centralising the content of every fucking website ever made in their walled garden.

>We acknowledge the problem of Web pages being slow to load, relative to alternative, proprietary technologies such as Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News. Publishers (especially in news media) have long faced difficult choices and poor incentives, leading to bad decisions and compromises, and ultimately to terrible user experiences.

Yet neither you nor Google nor Apple nor Facebook can see that the solution is right in front of your faces, because you're so deep in the web-dev world where everything revolves around adtech and the latest hip framework. Want to make your pages fast? Dump Javascript. All of it. Serve a static page. Web servers are mightily, imposingly, blazingly fast at doing that, even on superannuated hardware. You're arguing about the details of another abstraction layer when your problem is too many abstraction layers.

>but then we won't have videos, and comments sections, and...
good riddance to bad rubbish.

>but we need that 10MB of bullshit for our ad shekels!
Serve your own advertising instead of just plugging in a giant JS framework from each of two dozen ad companies. Or better yet, put up a paywall, if you think your content is so valuable. Or treat some of your articles as loss-leaders for your subscription content, or sell "early access" to them, a la LWN.

You're only so dependent on Google because you've chosen a business model - free content with loads of targeted advertising - where they're the dominant player. If you don't like being dependent on them, change your business model. Or close up shop, the Web will go on without you.

>buttmad American because he speaks only one language


Google will die in our life time. The same way other giants got forced into meaninglessness like IBM, Microsoft etc

>free and open web
>but ban Google from doing a thing with their servers with consenting publishers
Yeah, nah, fuck off. I hate Google as much as the next guy, but draconian regulation disguised as being beneficial will not help a free and open web. If you need google's lightning bolt blessing to get views, your content is probably garbage to begin with.

Seriously, how the fuck is this an issue? Static webpages with simplistic advertising is cheap as fuck to host. Just make a digital newspaper and charge a quarter to view the day of publication and free afterwards.