Which one is more efficient?
[ "$arg" == "-f" ] || [ "$arg" == "--file" ]
[[ $arg =~ ^-(f|-file)$ ]]
Which one is more efficient?
[ "$arg" == "-f" ] || [ "$arg" == "--file" ]
[[ $arg =~ ^-(f|-file)$ ]]
The first one cause it's easier to read
Shell script is slow as shit already. It doesn't matter.
Use python, perl, ruby etc for speed.
If you need to worry about efficiency, you shouldn't be using a shell script in the first place.
>you can use python and ruby for faster script
this sentence says a lot about how slow shell is
Run them a million times each and time it. My guess though is that the first one is more efficient because it's really just a couple subtractions
Second one looks cooler though
Well I'm not going to use C for this
The first one because it doesn't require bash so you can use a lighter interpreter which will start up faster. You ships be using case in anyway.
>Use python [...] for speed.
in pretty much any other context this phrase would have been a heresy.
Using case for two conditions would be writing more than necessary
Not true. case $arg in -f|--file) thing;; esac
Esac? That looks ugly as sin.
premature optimization is for retards
You take that back motherfucker
>optimize shellscripts
>They can't read RexExp
I'll do anything to save interpretation time.
Then use C.
What about
[[ $argument =~ ^--?f(île)?$ ]]
This actually allows --f but should we care
--f should not be allowed